3 results for Danzer,+Lorenz

3 results for Danzer,+Lorenz

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    Author / Creator:Förster, Katharina, PhD ; Danzer, Lorenz ; Redlich, Ronny, PhD, PhD ; Opel, Nils, MD ; Grotegerd, Dominik, PhD ; Leehr, Elisabeth J., PhD ; Dohm, Katharina, PhD ; Enneking, Verena, MSc ; Meinert, Susanne, MSc ; Goltermann, Janik, MSc ; Lemke, Hannah, MSc ; Waltemate, Lena, MSc ; Thiel, Katharina, MSc ; Behnert, Katja ; Brosch, Katharina, MSc ; Stein, Frederike, MA ; Meller, Tina, PhD ; Ringwald, Kai, MSc ; Schmitt, Simon, MSc ; Steinsträter, Olaf, PhD ; Jansen, Andreas, PhD ; Krug, Axel, PhD ; Nenadic, Igor, MD ; Kircher, Tilo, MD ; Hahn, Tim, PhD ; Kugel, Harald, PhD ; Heindel, Walter, MD ; Repple, Jonathan, MD ; Dannlowski, Udo, MD, PhD
    Publisher:Canada: CMA Joule Inc
    Journal title:Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience, 2021-05, Vol.46 (3), p.E328-E336
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    Author / Creator:Forster, Katharina ; Danzer, Lorenz ; Redlich, Ronny ; Opel, Nils ; Grotegerd, Dominik ; Leehr, Elisabeth J ; Dohm, Katharina ; Enneking, Verena ; Meinert, Susanne ; Goltermann, Janik ; Lemke, Hannah ; Waltemate, Lena ; Thiel, Katharina ; Behnert, Katja ; Brosch, Katharina ; Stein, Frederike ; Meller, Tina ; Ringwald, Kai ; Schmitt, Simon ; Steinstrater, Olaf ; Jansen, Andreas ; Krug, Axel ; Nenadic, Igor ; Kircher, Tilo ; Hahn, Tim ; Kugel, Harald ; Heindel, Walter ; Repple, Jonathan ; Dannlowski, Udo
    Publisher:CMA Joule Inc
    Journal title:Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 2021, Vol.46 (3), p.E328
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    Author / Creator:Forster, Katharina ; Danzer, Lorenz ; Redlich, Ronny ; Opel, Nils ; Grotegerd, Dominik ; Leehr, Elisabeth J ; Dohm, Katharina ; Enneking, Verena ; Meinert, Susanne ; Goltermann, Janik ; Lemke, Hannah ; Waltemate, Lena ; Thiel, Katharina ; Behnert, Katja ; Brosch, Katharina ; Stein, Frederike ; Meller, Tina ; Ringwald, Kai ; Schmitt, Simon ; Steinstrater, Olaf ; Jansen, Andreas ; Krug, Axel ; Nenadic, Igor ; Kircher, Tilo ; Hahn, Tim ; Kugel, Harald ; Heindel, Walter ; Repple, Jonathan ; Dannlowski, Udo
    Publisher:CMA Joule Inc
    Journal title:Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 2021, Vol.46 (3), p.E328
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