3 results for DiFrancesco,+Jacopo+Cosimo

3 results for DiFrancesco,+Jacopo+Cosimo

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    Author / Creator:Tremolizzo, Lucio ; Selvatico, Daniele ; Pozzi, Federico Emanuele ; Cereda, Diletta ; DiFrancesco, Jacopo Cosimo ; Fumagalli, Lorenzo ; Ferrarese, Carlo ; Appollonio, Ildebrando
    Publisher:Cham: Springer International Publishing
    Journal title:Neurological sciences, 2022-10, Vol.43 (10), p.6039-6045
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    Author / Creator:Tinti, Lorenzo ; Beretta, Simone ; Coppo, Anna ; Bianchi, Elisa ; Zanchi, Clara ; Carone, Davide ; Stabile, Andrea ; Padovano, Giada ; Sulmina, Endrit ; Greco, Gianluca ; Diamanti, Susanna ; DiFrancesco, Jacopo Cosimo ; Bogliun, Graziella ; Foti, Giuseppe ; Ferrarese, Carlo ; Beghi, Ettore ; Avalli, Leonello
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group LTD
    Journal title:Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry, 2021-07, Vol.92 (7), p.793-794
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    Author / Creator:Giussani, Giorgia ; Bianchi, Elisa ; Carlando, Edoardo ; DiFrancesco, Jacopo Cosimo ; Tabaee Damavandi, Payam ; Pasini, Francesco ; Pederzoli, Giulia ; Filipponi, Stefania ; Gaiani, Alessandra ; Massacesi, Luca ; Rosati, Eleonora ; Giovannelli, Ginevra ; Cantisani, Teresa Anna ; Cecconi, Michela ; Papetti, Rossella ; Brioschi, Monica ; Aruta, Francesco ; Agostoni, Elio Clemente ; Paladin, Francesco ; Dainese, Filippo ; Longoni, Marco ; Yerma, Bartolini ; Gasparini, Sara ; Aguglia, Umberto ; Ferlazzo, Edoardo ; Cantello, Roberto ; Strigaro, Gionata ; Maschio, Marta ; Benincasa, Dario ; La Neve, Angela ; Falcicchio, Giovanni ; Giordano, Alfonso ; Buttarelli, Lara ; Enia, Gabriele ; Leone, Maurizio ; Ferrarese, Carlo ; Beghi, Ettore ; Beretta, Simone
    Publisher:United States
    Journal title:Epilepsia open, 2025-02
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