1 results for Diab,+Ayman,+MPH

1 results for Diab,+Ayman,+MPH

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Haagmans, Bart L, PhD ; Al Dhahiry, Said H S, PhD ; Reusken, Chantal B E M, PhD ; Raj, V Stalin, PhD ; Galiano, Monica, PhD ; Myers, Richard, PhD ; Godeke, Gert-Jan, BSc ; Jonges, Marcel, MSc ; Farag, Elmoubasher, MPH ; Diab, Ayman, MPH ; Ghobashy, Hazem, PhD ; Alhajri, Farhoud, BSc ; Al-Thani, Mohamed, ABCM ; Al-Marri, Salih A, ABFM ; Al Romaihi, Hamad E, ABCM ; Al Khal, Abdullatif, PhD ; Bermingham, Alison, PhD ; Osterhaus, Albert D M E, Prof ; AlHajri, Mohd M, Dr ; Koopmans, Marion P G, Prof
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2014-02, Vol.14 (2), p.140-145
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