2 results for Dienes,+Brittney

2 results for Dienes,+Brittney

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Makishima, Hideki ; Yoshizato, Tetsuichi ; Yoshida, Kenichi ; Sekeres, Mikkael A ; Radivoyevitch, Tomas ; Suzuki, Hiromichi ; Przychodzen, Bartlomiej ; Nagata, Yasunobu ; Meggendorfer, Manja ; Sanada, Masashi ; Okuno, Yusuke ; Hirsch, Cassandra ; Kuzmanovic, Teodora ; Sato, Yusuke ; Sato-Otsubo, Aiko ; LaFramboise, Thomas ; Hosono, Naoko ; Shiraishi, Yuichi ; Chiba, Kenichi ; Haferlach, Claudia ; Kern, Wolfgang ; Tanaka, Hiroko ; Shiozawa, Yusuke ; Gómez-Seguí, Inés ; Husseinzadeh, Holleh D ; Thota, Swapna ; Guinta, Kathryn M ; Dienes, Brittney ; Nakamaki, Tsuyoshi ; Miyawaki, Shuichi ; Saunthararajah, Yogen ; Chiba, Shigeru ; Miyano, Satoru ; Shih, Lee-Yung ; Haferlach, Torsten ; Ogawa, Seishi ; Maciejewski, Jaroslaw P
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2017-02, Vol.49 (2), p.204-212
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    ReportsFull Text

    Author / Creator:Makishima, Hideki ; Yoshizato, Tetsuichi ; Yoshida, Kenichi ; Sekeres, Mikkael A ; Radivoyevitch, Tomas ; Suzuki, Hiromichi ; Przychodzen, Bartlomiej ; Nagata, Yasunobu ; Meggendorfer, Manja ; Sanada, Masashi ; Okuno, Yusuke ; Hirsch, Cassandra ; Kuzmanovic, Teodora ; Sato, Yusuke ; Sato-Otsubo, Aiko ; LaFramboise, Thomas ; Hosono, Naoko ; Shiraishi, Yuichi ; Chiba, Kenichi ; Haferlach, Claudia ; Kern, Wolfgang ; Tanaka, Hiroko ; Shiozawa, Yusuke ; Gómez-Seguí, Inés ; Husseinzadeh, Holleh D ; Thota, Swapna ; Guinta, Kathryn M ; Dienes, Brittney ; Nakamaki, Tsuyoshi ; Miyawaki, Shuichi ; Saunthararajah, Yogen ; Chiba, Shigeru ; Miyano, Satoru ; Shih, Lee-Yung ; Haferlach, Torsten ; Ogawa, Seishi ; Maciejewski, Jaroslaw P
    Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
    Journal title:Nature Genetics, 2017, Vol.49 (2), p.204
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