2,188 results for Du,+Hua

2,188 results for Du,+Hua

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    Gen gu du de ren shuo shuo hua / Li Qingsong zhu.

    跟孤独的人说说话 / 李轻松 著.

    Gen gu du de ren shuo shuo hua / Li Qingsong zhu.

    Author / Creator:Li, Qingsong, author. | 李轻松, author
    Publisher:Beijing : Xian dai chu ban she, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02198
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    Tong hua du bu gan zhe me xie : Zheng Yuanjie yan jiang...

    童话都不敢这么写 : 郑渊洁演讲集 / 郑渊洁著.

    Tong hua du bu gan zhe me xie : Zheng Yuanjie yan jiang ji / Zheng Yuanjie zhu.

    Author / Creator:Zheng, Yuanjie, author. | 郑渊洁., author
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Zhi shi chan quan chu ban she, 2018. | 北京市 : 知识产权出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/895.1/ZHE
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    Government publication - level undetermined | Journals

    全國讀寫及計算能力評估計劃 : 家長和撫養人須知 / NSW Department of Education and Communities.

    Quan guo du xie ji ji suan neng li pin gu ji hua : jia zhang he fu yang ren xu zhi / NSW Department of Education and Communities.

    Author / Creator:New South Wales. Department of Education and Communities. author.
    Publisher:[Sydney N.S.W.] Department of Education and Communities, [2012].
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    Publisher:[Melbourne] [Office of School Education, Department of Education and Training], [2002]
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    Freely accesible: Publisher site.
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    Yu gan qi meng : jing dian ying wen er ge tu hua shu. D...

    语感启蒙 : 经典英文儿歌图画书. 第一辑, 导读手册 : 点读版 / 孙瑞玲 主编.

    Yu gan qi meng : jing dian ying wen er ge tu hua shu. Di yi ji, Dao du shou ce : dian du ban / Sun Ruiling zhu bian.

    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00541
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    Yu gan qi meng : jing dian ying wen er ge tu hua shu. D...

    语感启蒙 : 经典英文儿歌图画书. 第三辑, 导读手册 : 点读版 / 孙瑞玲 主编.

    Yu gan qi meng : jing dian ying wen er ge tu hua shu. Di san ji, Dao du shou ce : dian du ban / Sun Ruiling zhu bian.

    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2015. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00520
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    Jiang Jieshi de qin qing, ai qing yu you qing / Wang Qi...

    蔣介石的親情, 愛情與友情 / 王奇生等著 ; 呂芳上策劃.導讀.

    Jiang Jieshi de qin qing, ai qing yu you qing / Wang Qisheng deng zhu ; Lü Fangshang ce hua, dao du.

    Author / Creator:Wang, Qisheng.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Shi bao wen hua, 2011. | 臺北市 : 時報文化, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/951/WAN
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    Zhonghua Song ci 300 shou song du [sound recording] / B...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    中华宋词300首诵读 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有限公司制作.

    Zhonghua Song ci 300 shou song du [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-]. | 北京 : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-].
    Edition:CD ban. | CD版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01747
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    Zhonghua Tang shi san bai shou song du [sound recording...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    中华唐诗三百首诵读 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有限公司制作.

    Zhonghua Tang shi san bai shou song du [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-] | 北京 : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-]
    Edition:CD ban. | CD版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01748
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    Lang yan Beiping [sound recording] / [Du Liang zhu] ; B...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    狼烟北平 [录音资料] / [都梁著] ; 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有 公司制作.

    Lang yan Beiping [sound recording] / [Du Liang zhu] ; Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Author / Creator:Du, Liang. | 都梁
    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [2008?] | 北京 : 北京科海电子出版社, [2008?]
    Call Numbers:CHI/00379
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    Da gong du jia kan wan zhe ben jiu chu fa : Ao Zhou pia...

    打工度假看完這本就出發 : 澳洲篇 = Working holidays in Australia / 捷徑文化語言企編小組編著.

    Da gong du jia kan wan zhe ben jiu chu fa : Ao Zhou pian = Working holidays in Australia / Jie jing wen hua yu yan qi bian xiao zu bian zhu.

    Author / Creator:Jie jing wen hua yu yan qi bian xiao zu. | 捷徑文化語言企編小組
    Publisher:Xianggang : Jie jing wen hua chu ban shi ye you xian gong si, 2012. | 香港 : 捷徑文化出版事業有限公司, 2012.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1494
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    Liang jian [sound recording] / [Du Liang zhu ; Hao Zhi ...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    亮剑 [sound recording] / [都梁著 ; 郝志演播 ; 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有限公司制作].

    Liang jian [sound recording] / [Du Liang zhu ; Hao Zhi yan bo ; Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo].

    Author / Creator:Du, Liang. | 都梁
    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi, 2008.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01749 , CHI/00380
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    Hu die meng = Rebecca / [Ying] Dafuni Dumuli'ai zhu ; F...

    蝴蝶梦 = Rebecca / [英]达芙妮 杜穆里埃著 ; 方华文译.

    Hu die meng = Rebecca / [Ying] Dafuni Dumuli'ai zhu ; Fang Huawen yi.

    Author / Creator:Du Maurier, Daphne, 1907-1989. author.
    Publisher:Shijiazhuang : Hua Shan wen yi chu ban she, 2016. | 石家庄 花山文艺出版社 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版
    Call Numbers:CHI/02064
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