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限度 / 欧阳昱著.
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限度 / 欧阳昱著.
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與孩子在家一起閱讀 / NSW Department of education and training.
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二度漂流 / 欧#J&昱著.
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MEMO 2016 : "三联生活周刊"的观察与态度 / 生活 · 读书 · 新知三联书店编.
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我会用筷子啦! = I can use chopsticks now! / 杜月伟 著 ; 余治莹 译 ; 刘金鹏 绘.
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语感启蒙 : 经典英文儿歌图画书. 第一辑, 导读手册 : 点读版 / 孙瑞玲 主编.
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冬天的山野 : 讀《江雪》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Winter mountain : a story inspired by the poem "Snowy River" /by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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沙漠之旅 : 讀〈涼州詞〉= Desert tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Song of Liangzhou' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).
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语感启蒙 : 经典英文儿歌图画书. 第三辑, 导读手册 : 点读版 / 孙瑞玲 主编.
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夏天的農場 : 讀《憫農詩》 / 圖・文 黃郁軒 = Summer farm : a story inspired by the poem "Toiling farmers" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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希腊神仙们的小档案 : 手绘插图读本 / [日] 杉全美帆子著 ; 于晓箐 译.
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蔣介石的親情, 愛情與友情 / 王奇生等著 ; 呂芳上策劃.導讀.
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孤独是生命的礼物 = Loneliness is the gift of life / 余光中, 林清玄, 白先勇等/著 ; 隐地/主编.
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我們的星星 : 讀《哥舒歌》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our stars : a story inspired by the poem "the song of Ge shu" / by Huang, Yu-hsuan.
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我們的太陽 : 讀《登鸛雀樓》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our sun : a story inspired by the poem "Climbing the stork tower" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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夜遊之旅 : 讀〈楓橋夜泊〉= Night tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Moored for the night by Maple bridge' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).
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我們的太空 : 讀《夜宿山寺》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our space : a story inspired by the poem "Night lodging at a mountain temple" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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泛舟之旅 : 讀<早發白帝城> = Boat tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Sailing down early from Baidi City' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).