2 results for Faicchia,+D

2 results for Faicchia,+D

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    Author / Creator:Matassa, D S ; Amoroso, M R ; Lu, H ; Avolio, R ; Arzeni, D ; Procaccini, C ; Faicchia, D ; Maddalena, F ; Simeon, V ; Agliarulo, I ; Zanini, E ; Mazzoccoli, C ; Recchi, C ; Stronach, E ; Marone, G ; Gabra, H ; Matarese, G ; Landriscina, M ; Esposito, F
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Cell death and differentiation, 2016-09, Vol.23 (9), p.1542-1554
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Matassa, D S ; Amoroso, M R ; Lu, H ; Avolio, R ; Arzeni, D ; Procaccini, C ; Faicchia, D ; Maddalena, F ; Simeon, V ; Agliarulo, I ; Zanini, E ; Mazzoccoli, C ; Recchi, C ; Stronach, E ; Marone, G ; Gabra, H ; Matarese, G ; Landriscina, M ; Esposito, F
    Journal title:Cell death and differentiation, 2016-05, Vol.23 (9), p.1542-1554
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