1 results for Falcon,+Beverly,+PhD

1 results for Falcon,+Beverly,+PhD

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Kerr, Rachel S, Dr ; Love, Sharon, BSc ; Segelov, Eva, FRACP ; Johnstone, Elaine, PhD ; Falcon, Beverly, PhD ; Hewett, Peter, FRACS ; Weaver, Andrew, MD ; Church, David, MRCP ; Scudder, Claire, MSc ; Pearson, Sarah, BSc ; Julier, Patrick, MSc ; Pezzella, Francesco, Prof ; Tomlinson, Ian, Prof ; Domingo, Enric, PhD ; Kerr, David J, FRCP
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2016-11, Vol.17 (11), p.1543-1557
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