3 results for Fibiger,+Dorothy+L

3 results for Fibiger,+Dorothy+L

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    Author / Creator:Franchin, Alessandro ; Fibiger, Dorothy L ; Goldberger, Lexie ; McDuffie, Erin E ; Moravek, Alexander ; Womack, Caroline C ; Crosman, Erik T ; Docherty, Kenneth S ; Dube, William P ; Hoch, Sebastian W ; Lee, Ben H ; Long, Russell ; Murphy, Jennifer G ; Thornton, Joel A ; Brown, Steven S ; Baasandorj, Munkhbayar ; Middlebrook, Ann M
    Publisher:Katlenburg-Lindau: Copernicus GmbH
    Journal title:Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2018-12, Vol.18 (23), p.17259-17276
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:McDuffie, Erin E ; Womack, Caroline C ; Fibiger, Dorothy L ; Dube, William P ; Franchin, Alessandro ; Middlebrook, Ann M ; Goldberger, Lexie ; Lee, Ben H ; Thornton, Joel A ; Moravek, Alexander ; Murphy, Jennifer G ; Baasandorj, Munkhbayar ; Brown, Steven S
    Publisher:Katlenburg-Lindau: Copernicus GmbH
    Journal title:Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2019-07, Vol.19 (14), p.9287-9308
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    Author / Creator:Moravek, Alexander ; Murphy, Jennifer G ; Hrdina, Amy ; Lin, John C ; Pennell, Christopher ; Franchin, Alessandro ; Middlebrook, Ann M ; Fibiger, Dorothy L ; Womack, Caroline C ; McDuffie, Erin E ; Martin, Randal ; Moore, Kori ; Baasandorj, Munkhbayar ; Brown, Steven S
    Publisher:Katlenburg-Lindau: Copernicus GmbH
    Journal title:Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2019-12, Vol.19 (24), p.15691-15709
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