3 results for Garcia-Almiñana,+Daniel

3 results for Garcia-Almiñana,+Daniel

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    Author / Creator:Livadiotti, Sabrina ; Crisp, Nicholas H ; Roberts, Peter C E ; Worrall, Stephen D ; Oiko, Vitor T A ; Edmondson, Steve ; Haigh, Sarah J ; Huyton, Claire ; Smith, Katharine L ; Sinpetru, Luciana A ; Holmes, Brandon E A ; Becedas, Jonathan ; Domínguez, Rosa María ; Cañas, Valentín ; Christensen, Simon ; Mølgaard, Anders ; Nielsen, Jens ; Bisgaard, Morten ; Yung-An, Chan ; Herdrich, Georg H ; Romano, Francesco ; Fasoulas, Stefanos ; Traub, Constantin ; Garcia-Almiñana, Daniel ; Rodriguez-Donaire, Silvia ; Sureda, Miquel ; Kataria, Dhiren ; Badia Belkouchi ; Conte, Alexis ; Jose Santiago Perez ; Villain, Rachel ; Outlaw, Ron
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2020-11
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    Author / Creator:Sinpetru, Luciana ; Crisp, Nicholas H ; Roberts, Peter C E ; Sulliotti-Linner, Valeria ; Hanessian, Virginia ; Herdrich, Georg H ; Romano, Francesco ; Garcia-Alminana, Daniel ; Rodriguez-Donaire, Silvia ; Seminari, Simon
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2022-02
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    Author / Creator:Crisp, N H ; Roberts, P C E ; Smith, K L ; Oiko, V T A ; Sulliotti-Linner, V ; Hanessian, V ; Herdrich, G H ; García-Almiñana, Daniel ; Kataria, D ; Seminari, S
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2021-08
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