15 results for George,+Suji

15 results for George,+Suji

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    Author / Creator:George, Suji ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Sapkal, Gajanan N
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Biological research, 2019-08, Vol.52 (1), p.47-8, Article 47
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    Author / Creator:Bharadwaj, Sumit D ; Sahay, Rima R ; Yadav, Pragya D ; Dhanawade, Sara ; Basu, Atanu ; Meena, Virendra K ; George, Suji ; Damle, Rekha ; Sapkal, Gajanan N
    Publisher:United States: U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases
    Journal title:Emerging infectious diseases, 2018-10, Vol.24 (10), p.1923-1925
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    Author / Creator:Murhekar, Manoj ; Verma, Sanjay ; Singh, Kuldeep ; Bavdekar, Ashish ; Benakappa, Naveen ; Santhanam, Sridhar ; Sapkal, Gajanan ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Singh, Mini P ; Nag, Vijaya Lakshmi ; Naik, Sadanand ; Ashok, Munivenkatappa ; Abraham, Asha Mary ; Shanmugasundaram, Devika ; Sabarinathan, R ; Verghese, Valsan Philip ; George, Suji ; Sachdeva, Ravinder Kaur ; Kolekar, Jyoti ; Manasa, S ; Ram, Jagat ; Gupta, Madhu ; Rohit, Manoj K ; Kumar, Praveen ; Gupta, Parul Chawla ; Ratho, R K ; Munjal, Sanjay Kumar ; Nehra, Urvashi ; Khera, Daisy ; Gupta, Neeraj ; Kaushal, Nidhi ; Singh, Pratibha ; Gadepalli, Ravisekhar ; Vaid, Neelam ; Kadam, Sandeep ; Shah, Sanjay ; Mahantesh, S ; Gowda, Vykuntaraju K ; Haldar, Pradeep ; Aggarwal, M K ; Gupta, Nivedita
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 2020-02, Vol.14 (2), p.e0007982-e0007982
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    Author / Creator:Muliyil, Divya Elizabeth ; Singh, Pratibha ; Jois, Srinivas Krishna ; Otiv, Suhas ; Suri, Vanita ; Varma, Vishakha ; Abraham, Asha Mary ; Raut, Chandrakant ; Gupta, Minakshi ; Singh, Mini P. ; Viswanathan, Rajalakshmi ; Naik, Sadanand ; Nag, Vijaylakshmi ; Benakappa, Asha ; Bavdekar, Ashish ; Sapkal, Gajanan ; Singh, Kuldeep ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Verma, Sanjay ; Santhanam, Sridhar ; Mishra, Sudhir ; Bhatnagar, Ambar ; Prasad, G.R.V. ; Kolekar, Jyoti ; Raj, Naga ; Sabarinathan, R. ; Sachdeva, Ravinder Kaur ; George, Suji ; Chaudhary, Shyama ; Verghese, Valsan Philip ; Jagtap, Vishal ; Bharadwaj, Manasa ; Murhekar, Manoj
    Publisher:Netherlands: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Vaccine, 2018-12, Vol.36 (52), p.7909-7912
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    Author / Creator:Ali, Syed ; Jain, Manish ; Biswas, Debasis ; Awasthi, Shally ; George, Suji ; Murhekar, Manoj V ; Bonu, Rajeswari ; Sabarinathan, R ; Kiruthika, G ; Tripathi, Shalini ; Jain, Amita ; Patel, Bhupeshwari ; Agarwal, Anjoo ; Priyasree, J ; Narang, Rahul ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Shanmugasundaram, Devika ; Jain, Shuchi ; Pushpalatha, K ; Madhuri, Sudha ; Geetha, S ; Kaduskar, Ojas ; Dwibedi, Bhagirathi ; Jena, Saubhagya Kumar ; Singh, Himabindu ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Sapakal, Gajanan ; Malik, Shikha
    Publisher:Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 2021-07, Vol.15 (7)
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    Author / Creator:Shanmugasundaram, Devika ; Awasthi, Shally ; Dwibedi, Bhagirathi ; Geetha, S. ; Jain, Manish ; Malik, Shikha ; Patel, Bhupeshwari ; Singh, Himabindu ; Tripathi, Shalini ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Agarwal, Anjoo ; Bonu, Rajeswari ; Jain, Shuchi ; Jena, Saubhagya Kumar ; Priyasree, J. ; Pushpalatha, K ; Ali, Syed ; Biswas, Debasis ; Jain, Amita ; Narang, Rahul ; Madhuri, Sudha ; George, Suji ; Kaduskar, Ojas ; Kiruthika, G. ; Sabarinathan, R. ; Sapakal, Gajanan ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Murhekar, Manoj V.
    Publisher:San Francisco: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 2021-07, Vol.15 (7), p.e0009608-e0009608
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    Author / Creator:Manasa, S ; Gadepalli, Ravisekhar ; Gowda, Vykuntaraju K ; Verghese, Valsan Philip ; Sachdeva, Ravinder Kaur ; Naik, Sadanand ; Nag, Vijaya Lakshmi ; Gupta, Neeraj ; Aggarwal, M. K ; George, Suji ; Kaushal, Nidhi ; Ashok, Munivenkatappa ; Bavdekar, Ashish ; Sabarinathan, R ; Ram, Jagat ; Ratho, R. K ; Singh, Kuldeep ; Benakappa, Naveen ; Shah, Sanjay ; Kolekar, Jyoti ; Rohit, Manoj K ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Singh, Mini P ; Verma, Sanjay ; Nehra, Urvashi ; Haldar, Pradeep ; Munjal, Sanjay Kumar ; Vaid, Neelam ; Sapkal, Gajanan ; Murhekar, Manoj ; Shanmugasundaram, Devika ; Singh, Pratibha ; Kumar, Praveen ; Gupta, Parul Chawla ; Kadam, Sandeep ; Mahantesh, S ; Gupta, Madhu ; Santhanam, Sridhar ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Khera, Daisy ; Abraham, Asha Mary
    Publisher:Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 2020-02, Vol.14 (2)
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    Author / Creator:SUJI, George ; SIVAKAMI, S
    Publisher:Dordrecht: Springer
    Journal title:Biogerontology (Dordrecht), 2004-01, Vol.5 (6), p.365-373
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    Author / Creator:George, Suji
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2020-12
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    Author / Creator:Murhekar, Manoj ; Bavdekar, Ashish ; Benakappa, Asha ; Santhanam, Sridhar ; Singh, Kuldeep ; Verma, Sanjay ; Sapkal, Gajanan N. ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Verghese, Valsan Philip ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Abraham, Asha Mary ; Choudhary, Shyama ; Deshpande, Gururajrao N. ; George, Suji ; Goyal, Garima ; Gupta, Parul Chawla ; Jhamb, Ishani ; John, Deepa ; Philip, Swetha ; Kadam, Sandeep ; Sachdeva, Ravinder Kaur ; Kumar, Praveen ; Lepcha, Anjali ; Mahantesh, S. ; Manasa, S. ; Nehra, Urvashi ; Munjal, Sanjay Kumar ; Nag, Vijaya Lakshmi ; Naik, Sadanand ; Raj, Naga ; Ram, Jagat ; Ratho, R.K. ; Raut, C.G. ; Rohit, Manoj Kumar ; Sabarinathan, R. ; Shah, Sanjay ; Singh, Pratibha ; Singh, Mini P. ; Tiwari, Ashish ; Vaid, Neelam
    Publisher:United States: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Journal title:MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 2018-09, Vol.67 (36), p.1012-1016
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    Author / Creator:Suji, George ; Khedkar, Santosh A. ; Singh, Sreelekha K. ; Kishore, Nand ; Coutinho, Evans C. ; Bhor, Vikrant M. ; Sivakami, S.
    Publisher:Boston: Springer US
    Journal title:The Protein Journal, 2008-06, Vol.27 (4), p.205-214
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    Author / Creator:George, Suji ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Sapkal, Gajanan N
    Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Biological Research, 2019, Vol.52 (1)
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    Author / Creator:Shanmugasundaram, Devika ; Awasthi, Shally ; Dwibedi, Bhagirathi ; Geetha, S ; Jain, Manish ; Malik, Shikha ; Patel, Bhupeshwari ; Singh, Himabindu ; Tripathi, Shalini ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Agarwal, Anjoo ; Bonu, Rajeswari ; Jain, Shuchi ; Jena, Saubhagya Kumar ; Priyasree, J ; Pushpalatha, K ; Ali, Syed ; Biswas, Debasis ; Jain, Amita ; Narang, Rahul ; Madhuri, Sudha ; George, Suji ; Kaduskar, Ojas ; Kiruthika, G ; Sabarinathan, R ; Sapakal, Gajanan ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Murhekar, Manoj V
    Publisher:Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2021, Vol.15 (7)
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    Author / Creator:Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; George, Suji ; Murhekar, Manoj V ; Abraham, Asha Mary ; Singh, Mini P ; Jadhav, Santoshkumar ; Nag, Vijayalakshmi ; Naik, Sadanand ; Raut, Chandrashekhar G ; Munivenkatappa, Ashok ; Gupta, Minakshi ; Jagtap, Vishal ; Kaduskar, Ojas ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Sapkal, Gajanan N
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2018-04
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    Author / Creator:Murhekar, Manoj ; Bavdekar, Ashish ; Benakappa, Asha ; Santhanam, Sridhar ; Singh, Kuldeep ; Verma, Sanjay ; Sapkal, Gajanan N ; Gupta, Nivedita ; Verghese, Valsan Philip ; Viswanathan, Rajlakshmi ; Abraham, Asha Mary ; Choudhary, Shyama ; Deshpande, Gururajrao N ; George, Suji ; Goyal, Garima ; Gupta, Parul Chawla ; Jhamb, Ishani ; John, Deepa ; Philip, Swetha ; Kadam, Sandeep ; Sachdeva, Ravinder Kaur ; Kumar, Praveen ; Lepcha, Anjali ; Mahantesh, S ; Manasa, S ; Nehra, Urvashi ; Munjal, Sanjay Kumar ; Nag, Vijaya Lakshmi ; Naik, Sadanand ; Raj, Naga ; Ram, Jagat ; Ratho, R K ; Raut, C G ; Rohit, Manoj Kumar ; Sabarinathan, R ; Shah, Sanjay ; Singh, Pratibha ; Singh, Mini P ; Tiwari, Ashish ; Vaid, Neelam
    Publisher:Atlanta: U.S. Center for Disease Control
    Journal title:MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2018, Vol.67 (36), p.1012-1016
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