17 results for Gerety,+Sebastian+S

17 results for Gerety,+Sebastian+S

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    Author / Creator:Martin, Hilary C ; Jones, Wendy D ; McIntyre, Rebecca ; Sanchez-Andrade, Gabriela ; Sanderson, Mark ; Stephenson, James D ; Jones, Carla P ; Handsaker, Juliet ; Gallone, Giuseppe ; Bruntraeger, Michaela ; McRae, Jeremy F ; Prigmore, Elena ; Short, Patrick ; Niemi, Mari ; Kaplanis, Joanna ; Radford, Elizabeth J ; Akawi, Nadia ; Balasubramanian, Meena ; Dean, John ; Horton, Rachel ; Hulbert, Alice ; Johnson, Diana S ; Johnson, Katie ; Kumar, Dhavendra ; Lynch, Sally Ann ; Mehta, Sarju G ; Morton, Jenny ; Parker, Michael J ; Splitt, Miranda ; Turnpenny, Peter D ; Vasudevan, Pradeep C ; Wright, Michael ; Bassett, Andrew ; Gerety, Sebastian S ; Wright, Caroline F ; FitzPatrick, David R ; Firth, Helen V ; Hurles, Matthew E ; Barrett, Jeffrey C
    Publisher:United States: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
    Journal title:Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 2018-12, Vol.362 (6419), p.1161-1164
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    Author / Creator:Radford, Elizabeth J. ; Tan, Hong-Kee ; Andersson, Malin H. L. ; Stephenson, James D. ; Gardner, Eugene J. ; Ironfield, Holly ; Waters, Andrew J. ; Gitterman, Daniel ; Lindsay, Sarah ; Abascal, Federico ; Martincorena, Iñigo ; Kolesnik-Taylor, Anna ; Ng-Cordell, Elise ; Firth, Helen V. ; Baker, Kate ; Perry, John R. B. ; Adams, David J. ; Gerety, Sebastian S. ; Hurles, Matthew E.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2023-12, Vol.14 (1), p.7702-7702, Article 7702
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    Author / Creator:Gardner, Eugene J. ; Prigmore, Elena ; Gallone, Giuseppe ; Danecek, Petr ; Samocha, Kaitlin E. ; Handsaker, Juliet ; Gerety, Sebastian S. ; Ironfield, Holly ; Short, Patrick J. ; Sifrim, Alejandro ; Singh, Tarjinder ; Chandler, Kate E. ; Clement, Emma ; Lachlan, Katherine L. ; Prescott, Katrina ; Rosser, Elisabeth ; FitzPatrick, David R. ; Firth, Helen V. ; Hurles, Matthew E.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2019-10, Vol.10 (1), p.4630-10, Article 4630
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    Author / Creator:Huang, Yunfeng ; Bodnar, Dora ; Chen, Chia-Yen ; Sanchez-Andrade, Gabriela ; Sanderson, Mark ; Shi, Jun ; Meilleur, Katherine G. ; Hurles, Matthew E. ; Gerety, Sebastian S. ; Tsai, Ellen A. ; Runz, Heiko
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2023-06, Vol.14 (1), p.3449-8, Article 3449
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    Author / Creator:Jacob, John ; Ribes, Vanessa ; Moore, Steven ; Constable, Sean C ; Sasai, Noriaki ; Gerety, Sebastian S ; Martin, Darren J ; Sergeant, Chris P ; Wilkinson, David G ; Briscoe, James
    Publisher:England: The Company of Biologists Ltd
    Journal title:Disease models & mechanisms, 2014-01, Vol.7 (1), p.107-117
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    Author / Creator:Akawi, Nadia ; McRae, Jeremy ; Ansari, Morad ; Balasubramanian, Meena ; Blyth, Moira ; Brady, Angela F ; Clayton, Stephen ; Cole, Trevor ; Deshpande, Charu ; Fitzgerald, Tomas W ; Foulds, Nicola ; Francis, Richard ; Gabriel, George ; Gerety, Sebastian S ; Goodship, Judith ; Hobson, Emma ; Jones, Wendy D ; Joss, Shelagh ; King, Daniel ; Klena, Nikolai ; Kumar, Ajith ; Lees, Melissa ; Lelliott, Chris ; Lord, Jenny ; McMullan, Dominic ; O'Regan, Mary ; Osio, Deborah ; Piombo, Virginia ; Prigmore, Elena ; Rajan, Diana ; Rosser, Elisabeth ; Sifrim, Alejandro ; Smith, Audrey ; Swaminathan, Ganesh J ; Turnpenny, Peter ; Whitworth, James ; Wright, Caroline F ; Firth, Helen V ; Barrett, Jeffrey C ; Lo, Cecilia W ; FitzPatrick, David R ; Hurles, Matthew E
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2015-11, Vol.47 (11), p.1363-1369
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    Author / Creator:Wünnemann, Florian ; Ta-Shma, Asaf ; Preuss, Christoph ; Leclerc, Severine ; van Vliet, Patrick Piet ; Oneglia, Andrea ; Thibeault, Maryse ; Nordquist, Emily ; Lincoln, Joy ; Scharfenberg, Franka ; Becker-Pauly, Christoph ; Hofmann, Philipp ; Hoff, Kirstin ; Audain, Enrique ; Kramer, Hans-Heiner ; Makalowski, Wojciech ; Nir, Amiram ; Gerety, Sebastian S. ; Hurles, Matthew ; Comes, Johanna ; Fournier, Anne ; Osinska, Hanna ; Robins, Jeffrey ; Pucéat, Michel ; Elpeleg, Orly ; Hitz, Marc-Phillip ; Andelfinger, Gregor
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2020-01, Vol.52 (1), p.40-47
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    Author / Creator:Singh, Tarjinder ; Kurki, Mitja I ; Curtis, David ; Purcell, Shaun M ; Crooks, Lucy ; McRae, Jeremy ; Suvisaari, Jaana ; Chheda, Himanshu ; Blackwood, Douglas ; Breen, Gerome ; Pietiläinen, Olli ; Gerety, Sebastian S ; Ayub, Muhammad ; Blyth, Moira ; Cole, Trevor ; Collier, David ; Coomber, Eve L ; Craddock, Nick ; Daly, Mark J ; Danesh, John ; DiForti, Marta ; Foster, Alison ; Freimer, Nelson B ; Geschwind, Daniel ; Johnstone, Mandy ; Joss, Shelagh ; Kirov, Georg ; Körkkö, Jarmo ; Kuismin, Outi ; Holmans, Peter ; Hultman, Christina M ; Iyegbe, Conrad ; Lönnqvist, Jouko ; Männikkö, Minna ; McCarroll, Steve A ; McGuffin, Peter ; McIntosh, Andrew M ; McQuillin, Andrew ; Moilanen, Jukka S ; Moore, Carmel ; Murray, Robin M ; Newbury-Ecob, Ruth ; Ouwehand, Willem ; Paunio, Tiina ; Prigmore, Elena ; Rees, Elliott ; Roberts, David ; Sambrook, Jennifer ; Sklar, Pamela ; Clair, David St ; Veijola, Juha ; Walters, James T R ; Williams, Hywel ; Sullivan, Patrick F ; Hurles, Matthew E ; O'Donovan, Michael C ; Palotie, Aarno ; Owen, Michael J ; Barrett, Jeffrey C
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature neuroscience, 2016-04, Vol.19 (4), p.571-577
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    Author / Creator:Chen, Chia-Yen ; Tian, Ruoyu ; Ge, Tian ; Lam, Max ; Sanchez-Andrade, Gabriela ; Singh, Tarjinder ; Urpa, Lea ; Liu, Jimmy Z. ; Sanderson, Mark ; Rowley, Christine ; Ironfield, Holly ; Fang, Terry ; Daly, Mark ; Palotie, Aarno ; Tsai, Ellen A. ; Huang, Hailiang ; Hurles, Matthew E. ; Gerety, Sebastian S. ; Lencz, Todd ; Runz, Heiko
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2023-06, Vol.55 (6), p.927-938
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    Author / Creator:Neaverson, Alexandra ; Andersson, Malin Hl ; Arshad, Osama A ; Foulser, Luke ; Goodwin-Trotman, Mary ; Hunter, Adam ; Newman, Ben ; Patel, Minal ; Roth, Charlotte ; Thwaites, Tristan ; Kilpinen, Helena ; Hurles, Matthew E ; Day, Andrew ; Gerety, Sebastian S
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2022-08
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    Author / Creator:Levitin, Maria O ; Rawlins, Lettie E ; Sanchez-Andrade, Gabriela ; Arshad, Osama A ; Collins, Stephan C ; Sawiak, Stephen J ; Iffland, Phillip H ; Andersson, Malin Hl ; Bupp, Caleb ; Cambridge, Emma L ; Coomber, Eve L ; Ellis, Ian ; Herkert, Johanna C ; Ironfield, Holly ; Logan Jory ; Kretz, Perrine F ; Kant, Sarina G ; Neaverson, Alexandra ; Nibbeling, Esther ; Rowley, Christine ; Relton, Emily ; Sanderson, Mark ; Scott, Ethan M ; Stewart, Helen ; Shuen, Andrew Y ; Schreiber, John ; Tuck, Liz ; Tonks, James ; Terkelsen, Thorkild ; Conny Van Ravenswaaij-Arts ; Vasudevan, Pradeep ; Wenger, Olivia ; Wright, Michael ; Day, Andrew ; Hunter, Adam ; Patel, Minal ; Lelliott, Christopher J ; Crino, Peter B ; Yalcin, Binnaz ; Crosby, Andrew ; Baple, Emma L ; Logan, Darren W ; Hurles, Matthew E ; Gerety, Sebastian S
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2022-07
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    Author / Creator:Barbon, Luca ; Offord, Victoria ; Radford, Elizabeth J ; Butler, Adam P ; Gerety, Sebastian S ; Adams, David J ; Hurles, Matthew E ; Tan, Hong Kee ; Waters, Andrew J
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2021-01
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    Author / Creator:Lord, Jenny ; Gallone, Giuseppe ; Short, Patrick J ; Mcrae, Jeremy F ; Ironfield, Holly ; Wynn, Elizabeth H ; Gerety, Sebastian S ; Liu, He ; Kerr, Bronwyn ; Johnson, Diana S ; Mccann, Emma ; Kinning, Esther ; Flinter, Frances ; Temple, I Karen ; Clayton-Smith, Jill ; Mcentagart, Meriel ; Lynch, Sally Ann ; Joss, Shelagh ; Douzgou, Sofia ; Tabib Dabir ; Clowes, Virginia ; Mcconnell, Vivienne P M ; Lam, Wayne ; Wright, Caroline F ; Fitzpatrick, David R ; Firth, Helen V ; Barrett, Jeffrey C ; Hurles, Matthew E ; On Behalf Of The Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2018-08
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    Author / Creator:Hudson, Thomas J. ; Stein, Lincoln D. ; Gerety, Sebastian S. ; Ma, Junli ; Castle, Andrew B. ; Silva, James ; Slonim, Donna K. ; Baptista, Rafael ; Kruglyak, Leonid ; Xu, Shu-Hua ; Hu, Xintong ; Angela M. E. Colbert ; Rosenberg, Carl ; Reeve-Daly, Mary Pat ; Rozen, Steve ; Hui, Lester ; Wu, Xiaoyun ; Vestergaard, Christina ; Wilson, Kimberly M. ; Bae, Jane S. ; Maitra, Shanak ; Ganiatsas, Soula ; Evans, Cheryl A. ; DeAngelis, Margaret M. ; Ingalls, Kimberly A. ; Nahf, Robert W. ; Horton, Lloyd T. ; Anderson, Michele Oskin ; Collymore, Alville J. ; Ye, Wenjuan ; Kouyoumjian, Vardouhie ; Zemsteva, Irena S. ; Tam, James ; Devine, Richard ; Courtney, Dorothy F. ; Renaud, Michelle Turner ; Nguyen, Huy ; O'Connor, Tara J. ; Fizames, Cécile ; Fauré, Sabine ; Gyapay, Gabor ; Dib, Colette ; Morissette, Jean ; Orlin, James B. ; Birren, Bruce W. ; Goodman, Nathan ; Weissenbach, Jean ; Hawkins, Trevor L. ; Foote, Simon ; Page, David C. ; Lander, Eric S.
    Publisher:Washington, DC: American Society for the Advancement of Science
    Journal title:Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 1995-12, Vol.270 (5244), p.1945-1954
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    Author / Creator:Gardner, Eugene J ; Prigmore, Elena ; Gallone, Giuseppe ; Short, Patrick J ; Sifrim, Alejandro ; Singh, Tarjinder ; Chandler, Kate E ; Clement, Emma ; Lachlan, Katherine L ; Prescott, Katrina ; Rosser, Elisabeth ; Fitzpatrick, David R ; Firth, Helen V ; Hurles, Matthew E ; Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2018-11
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    Author / Creator:Singh, Tarjinder ; Kurki, Mitja I ; Curtis, David ; Purcell, Shaun M ; Crooks, Lucy ; Mcrae, Jeremy ; Suvisaari, Jaana ; Chheda, Himanshu ; Blackwood, Douglas ; Breen, Gerome ; Pietilainen, Olli ; Gerety, Sebastian S ; Ayub, Muhammad ; Blyth, Moira ; Cole, Trevor ; Collier, David ; Coomber, Eve L ; Craddock, Nick ; Daly, Mark J ; Danesh, John ; Diforti, Marta ; Foster, Alison ; Freimer, Nelson B ; Geschwind, Daniel ; Johnstone, Mandy ; Joss, Shelagh ; Kirov, Georg ; Korkko, Jarmo ; Kuismin, Outi ; Holmans, Peter ; Hultman, Christina M ; Iyegbe, Conrad ; Lonnqvist, Jouko ; Mannikko, Minna ; Mccarroll, Steve A ; Mcguffin, Peter ; Mcintosh, Andrew M ; Mcquillin, Andrew ; Moilanen, Jukka S ; Moore, Carmel ; Murray, Robin M ; Newbury-Ecob, Ruth ; Ouwehand, Willem ; Paunio, Tiina ; Prigmore, Elena ; Rees, Elliott ; Roberts, David ; Sambrook, Jennifer ; Sklar, Pamela ; David St Clair ; Veijola, Juha ; Walters, James T R ; Williams, Hywel ; Swedish Schizophrenia Study ; Study, Interval ; Study, Ddd ; Uk10k Consortium ; Sullivan, Patrick F ; Hurles, Matthew E ; O'donovan, Michael C ; Palotie, Aarno ; Owen, Michael J ; Barrett, Jeffrey C
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2016-01
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    Author / Creator:Wright, Caroline F, Dr ; Fitzgerald, Tomas W, MS ; Jones, Wendy D, MBBS ; Clayton, Stephen, MRes ; McRae, Jeremy F, PhD ; van Kogelenberg, Margriet, PhD ; King, Daniel A, MD ; Ambridge, Kirsty, BSc ; Barrett, Daniel M, BSc ; Bayzetinova, Tanya, BSc ; Bevan, A Paul, PhD ; Bragin, Eugene, MSc ; Chatzimichali, Eleni A, PhD ; Gribble, Susan, PhD ; Jones, Philip, MSc ; Krishnappa, Netravathi, MSc ; Mason, Laura E, BSc ; Miller, Ray, PhD ; Morley, Katherine I, PhD ; Parthiban, Vijaya, PhD ; Prigmore, Elena, PhD ; Rajan, Diana, MSc ; Sifrim, Alejandro, PhD ; Swaminathan, G Jawahar, PhD ; Tivey, Adrian R, MSc ; Middleton, Anna, PhD ; Parker, Michael, Prof ; Carter, Nigel P, PhD ; Barrett, Jeffrey C, PhD ; Hurles, Matthew E, PhD ; FitzPatrick, David R, Prof ; Firth, Helen V, DM
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2015-04, Vol.385 (9975), p.1305-1314
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