6,520 results for Glucocorticoids+-+therapeutic+use

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    Author / Creator:Tsinopoulos, I ; Tranos, P ; Topouzis, F ; Hundal, K ; Brazitikos, P
    Journal title:Eye (London), 2004-02, Vol.18 (2), p.203; discussion 203-204
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    Author / Creator:Feagan, Brian G ; Rutgeerts, Paul ; Sands, Bruce E ; Hanauer, Stephen ; Colombel, Jean-Frédéric ; Sandborn, William J ; Van Assche, Gert ; Axler, Jeffrey ; Kim, Hyo-Jong ; Danese, Silvio ; Fox, Irving ; Milch, Catherine ; Sankoh, Serap ; Wyant, Tim ; Xu, Jing ; Parikh, Asit
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2013-08, Vol.369 (8), p.699-710
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    Author / Creator:Sandborn, William J ; Feagan, Brian G ; Rutgeerts, Paul ; Hanauer, Stephen ; Colombel, Jean-Frédéric ; Sands, Bruce E ; Lukas, Milan ; Fedorak, Richard N ; Lee, Scott ; Bressler, Brian ; Fox, Irving ; Rosario, Maria ; Sankoh, Serap ; Xu, Jing ; Stephens, Kristin ; Milch, Catherine ; Parikh, Asit
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2013-08, Vol.369 (8), p.711-721
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    Author / Creator:Horby, Peter ; Lim, Wei Shen ; Emberson, Jonathan R ; Mafham, Marion ; Bell, Jennifer L ; Linsell, Louise ; Staplin, Natalie ; Brightling, Christopher ; Ustianowski, Andrew ; Elmahi, Einas ; Prudon, Benjamin ; Green, Christopher ; Felton, Timothy ; Chadwick, David ; Rege, Kanchan ; Fegan, Christopher ; Chappell, Lucy C ; Faust, Saul N ; Jaki, Thomas ; Jeffery, Katie ; Montgomery, Alan ; Rowan, Kathryn ; Juszczak, Edmund ; Baillie, J Kenneth ; Haynes, Richard ; Landray, Martin J
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-02, Vol.384 (8), p.693-704
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    Author / Creator:Fanouriakis, Antonis ; Kostopoulou, Myrto ; Alunno, Alessia ; Aringer, Martin ; Bajema, Ingeborg ; Boletis, John N ; Cervera, Ricard ; Doria, Andrea ; Gordon, Caroline ; Govoni, Marcello ; Houssiau, Frédéric ; Jayne, David ; Kouloumas, Marios ; Kuhn, Annegret ; Larsen, Janni L ; Lerstrøm, Kirsten ; Moroni, Gabriella ; Mosca, Marta ; Schneider, Matthias ; Smolen, Josef S ; Svenungsson, Elisabet ; Tesar, Vladimir ; Tincani, Angela ; Troldborg, Anne ; van Vollenhoven, Ronald ; Wenzel, Jörg ; Bertsias, George ; Boumpas, Dimitrios T
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2019-06, Vol.78 (6), p.736-745
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    Author / Creator:van der Heijde, Désirée ; Ramiro, Sofia ; Landewé, Robert ; Baraliakos, Xenofon ; Van den Bosch, Filip ; Sepriano, Alexandre ; Regel, Andrea ; Ciurea, Adrian ; Dagfinrud, Hanne ; Dougados, Maxime ; van Gaalen, Floris ; Géher, Pál ; van der Horst-Bruinsma, Irene ; Inman, Robert D ; Jongkees, Merryn ; Kiltz, Uta ; Kvien, Tore K ; Machado, Pedro M ; Marzo-Ortega, Helena ; Molto, Anna ; Navarro-Compàn, Victoria ; Ozgocmen, Salih ; Pimentel-Santos, Fernando M ; Reveille, John ; Rudwaleit, Martin ; Sieper, Jochen ; Sampaio-Barros, Percival ; Wiek, Dieter ; Braun, Jürgen
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Limited
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2017-06, Vol.76 (6), p.978-991
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    Author / Creator:Smith, Terry J ; Hegedüs, Laszlo
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2016-10, Vol.375 (16), p.1552-1565
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    Author / Creator:Russell, Clark D ; Millar, Jonathan E ; Baillie, J Kenneth
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2020-02, Vol.395 (10223), p.473-475
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    Author / Creator:Fanouriakis, Antonis ; Kostopoulou, Myrto ; Andersen, Jeanette ; Aringer, Martin ; Arnaud, Laurent ; Bae, Sang-Cheol ; Boletis, John ; Bruce, Ian N ; Cervera, Ricard ; Doria, Andrea ; Dörner, Thomas ; Furie, Richard A ; Gladman, Dafna D ; Houssiau, Frederic A ; Inês, Luís Sousa ; Jayne, David ; Kouloumas, Marios ; Kovács, László ; Mok, Chi Chiu ; Morand, Eric F ; Moroni, Gabriella ; Mosca, Marta ; Mucke, Johanna ; Mukhtyar, Chetan B ; Nagy, György ; Navarra, Sandra ; Parodis, Ioannis ; Pego-Reigosa, José M ; Petri, Michelle ; Pons-Estel, Bernardo A ; Schneider, Matthias ; Smolen, Josef S ; Svenungsson, Elisabet ; Tanaka, Yoshiya ; Tektonidou, Maria G ; Teng, YK Onno ; Tincani, Angela ; Vital, Edward M ; van Vollenhoven, Ronald F ; Wincup, Chris ; Bertsias, George ; Boumpas, Dimitrios T
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2024-01, Vol.83 (1), p.15-29
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    Author / Creator:Akiyama, Shintaro ; Hamdeh, Shadi ; Micic, Dejan ; Sakuraba, Atsushi
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Limited
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2021-03, Vol.80 (3), p.384-391
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    Author / Creator:Nagy, György ; Roodenrijs, Nadia MT ; Welsing, Paco MJ ; Kedves, Melinda ; Hamar, Attila ; van der Goes, Marlies C ; Kent, Alison ; Bakkers, Margot ; Blaas, Etienne ; Senolt, Ladislav ; Szekanecz, Zoltan ; Choy, Ernest ; Dougados, Maxime ; Jacobs, Johannes WG ; Geenen, Rinie ; Bijlsma, Hans WJ ; Zink, Angela ; Aletaha, Daniel ; Schoneveld, Leonard ; van Riel, Piet ; Gutermann, Loriane ; Prior, Yeliz ; Nikiphorou, Elena ; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco ; Schett, Georg ; Hyrich, Kimme L ; Mueller-Ladner, Ulf ; Buch, Maya H ; McInnes, Iain B ; van der Heijde, Désirée ; van Laar, Jacob M
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2021-01, Vol.80 (1), p.31-35
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    Author / Creator:Morand, Eric F ; Furie, Richard ; Tanaka, Yoshiya ; Bruce, Ian N ; Askanase, Anca D ; Richez, Christophe ; Bae, Sang-Cheol ; Brohawn, Philip Z ; Pineda, Lilia ; Berglind, Anna ; Tummala, Raj
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2020-01, Vol.382 (3), p.211-221
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    Author / Creator:Hatemi, Gulen ; Christensen, Robin ; Bang, Dongsik ; Bodaghi, Bahram ; Celik, Aykut Ferhat ; Fortune, Farida ; Gaudric, Julien ; Gul, Ahmet ; Kötter, Ina ; Leccese, Pietro ; Mahr, Alfred ; Moots, Robert ; Ozguler, Yesim ; Richter, Jutta ; Saadoun, David ; Salvarani, Carlo ; Scuderi, Francesco ; Sfikakis, Petros P ; Siva, Aksel ; Stanford, Miles ; Tugal-Tutkun, Ilknur ; West, Richard ; Yurdakul, Sebahattin ; Olivieri, Ignazio ; Yazici, Hasan
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2018-06, Vol.77 (6), p.808-818
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    Author / Creator:Hellmich, Bernhard ; Agueda, Ana ; Monti, Sara ; Buttgereit, Frank ; de Boysson, Hubert ; Brouwer, Elisabeth ; Cassie, Rebecca ; Cid, Maria C ; Dasgupta, Bhaskar ; Dejaco, Christian ; Hatemi, Gulen ; Hollinger, Nicole ; Mahr, Alfred ; Mollan, Susan P ; Mukhtyar, Chetan ; Ponte, Cristina ; Salvarani, Carlo ; Sivakumar, Rajappa ; Tian, Xinping ; Tomasson, Gunnar ; Turesson, Carl ; Schmidt, Wolfgang ; Villiger, Peter M ; Watts, Richard ; Young, Chris ; Luqmani, Raashid Ahmed
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2020-01, Vol.79 (1), p.19-30
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    Author / Creator:Feldstein, Leora R ; Rose, Erica B ; Horwitz, Steven M ; Collins, Jennifer P ; Newhams, Margaret M ; Son, Mary Beth F ; Newburger, Jane W ; Kleinman, Lawrence C ; Heidemann, Sabrina M ; Martin, Amarilis A ; Singh, Aalok R ; Li, Simon ; Tarquinio, Keiko M ; Jaggi, Preeti ; Oster, Matthew E ; Zackai, Sheemon P ; Gillen, Jennifer ; Ratner, Adam J ; Walsh, Rowan F ; Fitzgerald, Julie C ; Keenaghan, Michael A ; Alharash, Hussam ; Doymaz, Sule ; Clouser, Katharine N ; Giuliano, John S ; Gupta, Anjali ; Parker, Robert M ; Maddux, Aline B ; Havalad, Vinod ; Ramsingh, Stacy ; Bukulmez, Hulya ; Bradford, Tamara T ; Smith, Lincoln S ; Tenforde, Mark W ; Carroll, Christopher L ; Riggs, Becky J ; Gertz, Shira J ; Daube, Ariel ; Lansell, Amanda ; Coronado Munoz, Alvaro ; Hobbs, Charlotte V ; Marohn, Kimberly L ; Halasa, Natasha B ; Patel, Manish M ; Randolph, Adrienne G
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2020-07, Vol.383 (4), p.334-346
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    Author / Creator:Bhatraju, Pavan K ; Ghassemieh, Bijan J ; Nichols, Michelle ; Kim, Richard ; Jerome, Keith R ; Nalla, Arun K ; Greninger, Alexander L ; Pipavath, Sudhakar ; Wurfel, Mark M ; Evans, Laura ; Kritek, Patricia A ; West, T. Eoin ; Luks, Andrew ; Gerbino, Anthony ; Dale, Chris R ; Goldman, Jason D ; O’Mahony, Shane ; Mikacenic, Carmen
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2020-05, Vol.382 (21), p.2012-2022
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    Author / Creator:Speiser, Phyllis W ; Arlt, Wiebke ; Auchus, Richard J ; Baskin, Laurence S ; Conway, Gerard S ; Merke, Deborah P ; Meyer-Bahlburg, Heino F L ; Miller, Walter L ; Murad, M Hassan ; Oberfield, Sharon E ; White, Perrin C
    Publisher:United States: Copyright Oxford University Press
    Journal title:The journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2018-11, Vol.103 (11), p.4043-4088
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    Author / Creator:Lundgren, Jens D ; Grund, Birgit ; Barkauskas, Christina E ; Holland, Thomas L ; Gottlieb, Robert L ; Sandkovsky, Uriel ; Brown, Samuel M ; Knowlton, Kirk U ; Self, Wesley H ; Files, D Clark ; Jain, Mamta K ; Benfield, Thomas ; Bowdish, Michael E ; Leshnower, Bradley G ; Baker, Jason V ; Jensen, Jens-Ulrik ; Gardner, Edward M ; Ginde, Adit A ; Harris, Estelle S ; Johansen, Isik S ; Markowitz, Norman ; Matthay, Michael A ; Østergaard, Lars ; Chang, Christina C ; Davey, Victoria J ; Goodman, Anna ; Higgs, Elizabeth S ; Murray, Daniel D ; Murray, Thomas A ; Paredes, Roger ; Parmar, Mahesh K B ; Phillips, Andrew N ; Reilly, Cavan ; Sharma, Shweta ; Dewar, Robin L ; Teitelbaum, Marc ; Wentworth, Deborah ; Cao, Huyen ; Klekotka, Paul ; Babiker, Abdel G ; Gelijns, Annetine C ; Kan, Virginia L ; Polizzotto, Mark N ; Thompson, B Taylor ; Lane, H Clifford ; Neaton, James D
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-03, Vol.384 (10), p.905-914
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