7 results for González-Medina,+Diego

7 results for González-Medina,+Diego

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    Author / Creator:Zhou, Maigeng, Prof ; Wang, Haidong, PhD ; Zhu, Jun, Prof ; Chen, Wanqing, Prof ; Wang, Linhong, Prof ; Liu, Shiwei, PhD ; Li, Yichong, MPH ; Wang, Lijun, Prof ; Liu, Yunning, MSc ; Yin, Peng, PhD ; Liu, Jiangmei, MD ; Yu, Shicheng, Prof ; Tan, Feng, Prof ; Barber, Ryan M, BS ; Coates, Matthew M, BS ; Dicker, Daniel, BS ; Fraser, Maya, BA ; González-Medina, Diego, BA ; Hamavid, Hannah, BA ; Hao, Yuantao, Prof ; Hu, Guoqing, Prof ; Jiang, Guohong, MD ; Kan, Haidong, Prof ; Lopez, Alan D, Prof ; Phillips, Michael R, Prof ; She, Jun, MD ; Vos, Theo, Prof ; Wan, Xia, PhD ; Xu, Gelin, Prof ; Yan, Lijing L, Prof ; Yu, Chuanhua, Prof ; Zhao, Yong, Prof ; Zheng, Yingfeng, MD ; Zou, Xiaonong, Prof ; Naghavi, Mohsen, Prof ; Wang, Yu, Prof ; Murray, Christopher J L, Prof ; Yang, Gonghuan, Prof ; Liang, Xiaofeng, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-01, Vol.387 (10015), p.251-272
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    Author / Creator:Phillips, David E, BS ; Gonzalez-Medina, Diego, BA ; Atkinson, Charles, BS ; Lopez, Alan D, Prof ; Lozano, Rafael, MD ; Murray, Christopher JL, DPhil ; Naghavi, Mohsen, MD
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2013-06, Vol.381 (S2), p.S112-S112
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    Author / Creator:Leach-Kemon, Katherine, MPH ; Lopez, Alan D, Prof ; Lozano, Rafael, Prof ; Naghavi, Mohsen, PhD ; Vos, Theo, Prof ; Speyer, Peter, MBA ; McLain, Abigail, MA ; Dicker, Daniel, BS ; Gonzalez-Medina, Diego, BA ; Levitz, Carly E, BA ; Murray, Christopher JL, Prof
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2013-06, Vol.381 (S2), p.S82-S82
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    Author / Creator:L. Williams, Joan ; Gonzalez-Medina, Diego J. ; Vu Le, Quan
    Publisher:Prague Development Center
    Journal title:Medical and health science journal, 2011-07, Vol.7, p.2-14
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    Author / Creator:Mokdad, Ali H, Prof ; Jaber, Sara, MD ; Aziz, Muna I Abdel, PhD ; AlBuhairan, Fadia, MD ; AlGhaithi, Abduljabbar, MD ; AlHamad, Nawal M, PhD ; Al-Hooti, Suad N, PhD ; Al-Jasari, Adel, MD ; AlMazroa, Mohammad A, MD ; AlQasmi, Ahmed Mohamed, MD ; Alsowaidi, Shirina, MD ; Asad, Majed, MD ; Atkinson, Charles, BS ; Badawi, Alaa, PhD ; Bakfalouni, Talal, MD ; Barkia, AbdelAziz, PhD ; Biryukov, Stan, BS ; El Bcheraoui, Charbel, PhD ; Daoud, Farah, BS ; Forouzanfar, Mohammad Hossein, MD ; Gonzalez-Medina, Diego, BA ; Hamadeh, Randah R, Prof ; Hsairi, Mohamed, MD ; Hussein, Seifeddin Saleh, MD ; Karam, Nadim, MD ; Khalifa, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan, MD ; Khoja, Tawfik A M, Prof ; Lami, Faris, MD ; Leach-Kemon, Katherine, MPH ; Memish, Ziad A, Prof ; Mokdad, Ali A, MD ; Naghavi, Mohsen, PhD ; Nasher, Jamal, MD ; Qasem, M Bassam Hijawi, MD ; Shuaib, Mohammad, MD ; Thani, Al Anoud M Al, MD ; Thani, Mohamed H Al, MD ; Zamakhshary, Mohammed, MD ; Lopez, Alan D, Prof ; Murray, Christopher J L, Prof
    Publisher:Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2014-01, Vol.383 (9914), p.309-320
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    Author / Creator:Phillips, David E ; Lozano, Rafael ; Naghavi, Mohsen ; Atkinson, Charles ; Gonzalez-Medina, Diego ; Mikkelsen, Lene ; Murray, Christopher Jl ; Lopez, Alan D
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Population health metrics, 2014-05, Vol.12 (1), p.14-14, Article 14
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    Author / Creator:Williams, Joan ; Gonzalez-Medina, Diego ; Le, Quan
    Publisher:Prague Development Center
    Journal title:Medical and Health Science Journal, 2011, Vol.7, p.2
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