7 results for Gunu,+Richard

7 results for Gunu,+Richard

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    Author / Creator:Jacobs, Ian J, Prof ; Menon, Usha, Prof ; Ryan, Andy, PhD ; Gentry-Maharaj, Aleksandra, PhD ; Burnell, Matthew, PhD ; Kalsi, Jatinderpal K, PhD ; Amso, Nazar N, Prof ; Apostolidou, Sophia, PhD ; Benjamin, Elizabeth, FRCPath ; Cruickshank, Derek, FRCOG ; Crump, Danielle N, BSN ; Davies, Susan K, RGN ; Dawnay, Anne, PhD ; Dobbs, Stephen, FRCOG ; Fletcher, Gwendolen, DCR(R) ; Ford, Jeremy, MSc ; Godfrey, Keith, FRCOG ; Gunu, Richard, MSc ; Habib, Mariam, PhD ; Hallett, Rachel, PhD ; Herod, Jonathan, MRCOG ; Jenkins, Howard, FRCOG ; Karpinskyj, Chloe, BSc ; Leeson, Simon, FRCOG ; Lewis, Sara J, MSc ; Liston, William R ; Lopes, Alberto, FRCOG ; Mould, Tim, FRCOG ; Murdoch, John, FRCOG ; Oram, David, FRCOG ; Rabideau, Dustin J, MSc ; Reynolds, Karina, FRCOG ; Scott, Ian, FRCOG ; Seif, Mourad W, FRCOG ; Sharma, Aarti, PhD ; Singh, Naveena, FRCPath ; Taylor, Julie, MSc ; Warburton, Fiona, MSc ; Widschwendter, Martin, Prof ; Williamson, Karin, FRCOG ; Woolas, Robert, MD ; Fallowfield, Lesley, Prof ; McGuire, Alistair J, Prof ; Campbell, Stuart, Prof ; Parmar, Mahesh, Prof ; Skates, Steven J, PhD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-03, Vol.387 (10022), p.945-956
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    Author / Creator:Whitwell, Harry J. ; Worthington, Jenny ; Blyuss, Oleg ; Gentry-Maharaj, Aleksandra ; Ryan, Andy ; Gunu, Richard ; Kalsi, Jatinderpal ; Menon, Usha ; Jacobs, Ian ; Zaikin, Alexey ; Timms, John F.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:British journal of cancer, 2020-03, Vol.122 (6), p.847-856
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    Author / Creator:Bryan, Stacey J ; Lee, Jen ; Gunu, Richard ; Jones, Allison ; Olaitan, Adeola ; Rosenthal, Adam N ; Cutts, Ros J ; Garcia-Murillas, Isaac ; Turner, Nick ; Lalondrelle, Susan ; Bhide, Shreerang A
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Cancers, 2023-05, Vol.15 (9), p.2590
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    Author / Creator:Bentley, Gillian R. ; Núñez-de la Mora, Alejandra ; Freed, Michele C. ; Begum, Khurshida ; Muttukrishna, Shanthi ; Sharmeen, Taniya ; Murphy, Lorna ; Chatterton, Robert T. ; Chowdhury, Osul ; Gunu, Richard ; Sievert, Lynnette Leidy
    Publisher:New York: Springer US
    Journal title:Human nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.), 2023-03, Vol.34 (1), p.1-24
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    Author / Creator:Gentry-Maharaj, Aleksandra ; Blyuss, Oleg ; Ryan, Andy ; Burnell, Matthew ; Karpinskyj, Chloe ; Gunu, Richard ; Kalsi, Jatinderpal K ; Dawnay, Anne ; Marino, Ines P ; Manchanda, Ranjit ; Lu, Karen ; Yang, Wei-Lei ; Timms, John F ; Parmar, Max ; Skates, Steven J ; Bast, Jr, Robert C ; Jacobs, Ian J ; Zaikin, Alexey ; Menon, Usha
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Cancers, 2020-07, Vol.12 (7), p.1931
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    Author / Creator:Smith, Nicholas ; Sievert, Lynnette Leidy ; Muttukrishna, Shanthi ; Begum, Khurshida ; Murphy, Lorna ; Sharmeen, Taniya ; Gunu, Richard ; Chowdhury, Osul ; Bentley, Gillian R
    Publisher:England: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:Evolution, medicine, and public health, 2021-01, Vol.9 (1), p.164-173
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    ReportsFull Text

    Author / Creator:Bryan, Stacey J ; Lee, Jen ; Gunu, Richard ; Jones, Allison ; Olaitan, Adeola ; Rosenthal, Adam N ; Cutts, Ros J ; Garcia-Murillas, Isaac ; Turner, Nick ; Lalondrelle, Susan ; Bhide, Shreerang A
    Publisher:MDPI AG
    Journal title:Cancers, 2023, Vol.15 (9)
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