1,490 results for Guo,+Ling-Ling

1,490 results for Guo,+Ling-Ling

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    Publisher:Sŏul [No publisher identified], [1972?].
    Call Numbers:T0401510
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    Mei wei jian kang de xian guo zhi = Fresh juices for a ...

    美味健康的鲜果汁 = Fresh juices for a healthy life / 川野妙子著 ; 灵思泉译.

    Mei wei jian kang de xian guo zhi = Fresh juices for a healthy life / Chuanye Miaozi zhu ; Ling Siquan yi.

    Author / Creator:Kawano, Taeko. | 川野妙子
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo hua bao chu ban she, 2007. | 北京 : 中国画报出版社, 2007.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/641.8/KAW
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    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    過得好,因為我值得 : 用心靈的支點舉起全世界.

    Guo de hao, yin wei wo zhi de : yong xin ling de zhi dian ju qi quan shi jie.

    Author / Creator:Wu, Ruoquan author. | 吳若權
    Publisher:[Taiwan] Haodoo.net.
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    Qincheng guo shi : Zhong gong di yi jian yu shi hua = Q...

    秦城國史 : 中共第一監獄史話 = Qincheng prision : a history of the Chinese Communist Party's most notorious prison / 袁凌 著

    Qincheng guo shi : Zhong gong di yi jian yu shi hua = Qincheng prision : a history of the Chinese Communist Party's most notorious prison / Yuan Ling zhu.

    Author / Creator:Yuan, Ling, 1973- author. | 袁凌, 1973- author
    Publisher:Xianggang : Xin shi ji chu ban she, 2016. | 香港 新世紀出版社, 2016.
    Call Numbers:CHI/365.4/YUA
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    美國東南與中國華東的丘墩文化 / 凌純聲.

    Meiguo dong nan yu Zhongguo hua dong de qiu dun wen hua / Ling Chunsheng.

    Author / Creator:Ling, Chunsheng. | 凌純聲
    Publisher:Taiwan Nangang : Zhong yang yan jiu yuan min zu xue yan jiu suo, Minguo 57 [1968] | 臺灣南港 : 中央硏究院民族學硏究所, 民國57 [1968]
    Date:Minguo 57 [1968]
    Call Numbers:N913.031/23
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    Sheng shi : Zhongguo, er ling yi san nian / Chen Guanzh...

    盛世 : 中國, 二〇一三年 / 陳冠中 ; 王德威主編.

    Sheng shi : Zhongguo, er ling yi san nian / Chen Guanzhong ; Wang Dewei zhu bian.

    Author / Creator:Chen, Guanzhong. | 陳冠中
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Mai tian chu ban : Cheng bang wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2010. | 台北市 : 麥田出版 : 城邦文化事業股份有限公司, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01209
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    Gen sui yi wei shao nü chuan guo cheng shi = Come as y...

    跟随一位少女穿过城市 = Come as you are / 胡凌云著.

    Gen sui yi wei shao nü chuan guo cheng shi = Come as you are / Hu Lingyun zhu.

    Author / Creator:Hu, Lingyun. | 胡凌云
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2010. | 上海 : 上海人民出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01296
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    萬國地球圖 : 全 / 嶺田楓江著 ; 橋本玉蘭模 ; 村上吾雄書.

    Bankoku chikyū zu : zen / Mineta Fūkō cho ; Hashimoto Gyokuran mo ; Murakami Goyū sho.

    Author / Creator:Mineta, Fūkō, 1818-1883, cartographer. | 嶺田楓江, 1818-1883, cartographer
    Publisher:[Japan] : Kikuchi-shi zōhan, [1853?] | [Japan] : 菊地氏藏版, [1853?]
    Call Numbers:M4 100/1853/1
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    Reflections of the soul : Chinese contemporary ink wash painting = 心灵的景象 : 中国当代水墨人物画展 / [compiled by NAMOC].

    Reflections of the soul : Chinese contemporary ink wash painting = Xin ling de jing xiang : Zhongguo dang dai shui mo ren wu hua zhan / [compiled by NAMOC].

    Publisher:[Beijing] : National Art Museum of China ; [Geelong, Vic.] : Geelong Gallery, 2011.
    Call Numbers:NQ759.95107/2
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    中國遠古與太平印度兩洋的帆筏・戈船・方舟和樓船的硏究 / 凌純聲著.

    Zhongguo yuan gu yu Taiping Yindu liang yang de fan fa, ge chuan, fang zhou he lou chuan de yan jiu / Ling Chunsheng [zhu].

    Author / Creator:Ling, Chunsheng. | 凌純聲
    Publisher:Taibei : Zhong yang yan jiu yuan min zu xue yan jiu suo, Minguo 59 [1970] | 臺北 : 中央硏究院民族學硏究所, 民國59 [1970]Nankang, Taipei : Institute of Ethnology, 1970.
    Date:Minguo 59 [1970]
    Call Numbers:TQ028197
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    Kuang ye de sheng yin : yi ge Meiguo fu ren zai Aozhou ...

    曠野的聲音 : 一個美國婦人在澳洲沙漠心靈之旅 = Mutant message down under / 瑪洛.摩根著 ; 李永平譯.

    Kuang ye de sheng yin : yi ge Meiguo fu ren zai Aozhou sha mo xin ling zhi lü = Mutant message down under / Maluo Mogen zhu ; Li Yongping yi.

    Author / Creator:Morgan, Marlo.
    Publisher:Beijing : Jiu zhou chu ban she, 2006. | 北京市 : 九州出版社, 2006.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:813.54/762
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    Erenoa Rūzuberuto : jinken no tame ni kokuren de katsu...

    エレノア・ルーズベルト : 人権のために国連で活躍した大統領夫人 / よしまさこ漫画 ; 和田奈津子シナリオ ; 相良憲昭監修・解說.

    Erenoa Rūzuberuto : jinken no tame ni kokuren de katsuyaku shita daitōryō fujin / Yoshi Masako manga ; Wada Natsuko shinario ; Sagara Noriaki kanshū kaisetsu .

    Publisher:Tōkyō : Shūeisha, 2013. | 東京 : 集英社, 2013.
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/323/ERE
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    Ji da mang ren de fang xiang liao fa : Yi wei dao liao ...

    給大忙人的芳香療法 : 以味道療癒身心,平日保健,生病時也可以舒服過! / 朱俐陵, 王人仁著.

    Ji da mang ren de fang xiang liao fa : Yi wei dao liao yu shen xin, ping ri bao jian, sheng bing shi ye ke yi shu fu guo ! / Zhu Liling, Wang Renren zhu.

    Author / Creator:Zhu, Liling. | 朱俐陵
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Yang pei wen hua guan, 2011. | 新北市 : 養沛文化館, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/615.3/ZHU
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    Kuang ye de sheng yin : yi ge Meiguo fu ren zai Aozhou ...

    曠野的聲音 : 一個美國婦人在澳洲沙漠的心靈之旅 = Mutant message down under / 瑪洛·摩根(Marlo Morgan)著; 李永平譯.

    Kuang ye de sheng yin : yi ge Meiguo fu ren zai Aozhou sha mo de xin ling zhi lü = Mutant message down under / Maluo Mogen (Marlo Morgan) zhu ; Li Yongping yi.

    Author / Creator:Morgan, Marlo. author.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi Zhi ku gu fen you xian gong si, 2011. | 臺北市 智庫股份有限公司, 2011.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/2012
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    Bosshard in China : documenting social change in the 19...

    Bosshard in China : documenting social change in the 1930s / authors, Florian Knothe, Peter Pfrunder ; co-editors, UMAG, Fotostiftung Schweiz ; curators, Christopher Mattison, Florian Knothe ; translator and editorial assistant, Kikki Lam, Guo Yufei ; designer, Stephy Tsui = 博薩特在中國 : 記錄一九三零年代的社會變遷 / 作者, 羅諾德, 彼得·普夫倫德 ; 聯合編輯, 香港大學美術博物館, 瑞士攝影基金會 ; 策展人, 馬德松, 羅諾德 ; 譯者及編輯助理, 林嘉琪, 郭雨菲 ; 設計師, 徐曉雯.

    Bosshard in China : documenting social change in the 1930s / authors, Florian Knothe, Peter Pfrunder ; co-editors, UMAG, Fotostiftung Schweiz ; curators, Christopher Mattison, Florian Knothe ; transla...

    Author / Creator:Bosshard, Walter, 1892-1975, photographer.
    Publisher:Hong Kong : University Museum and Art Gallery, 2018.
    Call Numbers:GQ 2019/0144
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    Ling li / Ingrid Law zhu ; Xu Haiping yi.

    灵力 / [美]英格丽德·劳 著 ; 徐海幈 译.

    Ling li / Ingrid Law zhu ; Xu Haiping yi.

    Author / Creator:Law, Ingrid, author.
    Publisher:Tianjin : Bai hua wen yi chu ban she, 2018. | 天津 : 百花文艺出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00689
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