9 results for Gushiken,+Lucas+Fernando+Sérgio

9 results for Gushiken,+Lucas+Fernando+Sérgio

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    Author / Creator:de Azevedo Maia, Gabriela Lemos ; Rozza, A. L. ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena ; Martinez, Emanuel Ricardo Monteiro ; Nóbrega, Rafael Henrique ; Hussni, Carlos Alberto ; Hussni, Maria Fernanda ; de Souza, Eduardo Oliveira ; Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Vieira, Ana Júlia ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Jackson, C. J.
    Publisher:Cairo, Egypt: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
    Journal title:Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2019-01, Vol.2019 (2019), p.1-20
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    Author / Creator:Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Bastos, Jairo Kenupp ; Jackson, Christopher John ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Life (Basel, Switzerland), 2021-07, Vol.11 (7), p.665
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    Author / Creator:Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Hussni, Maria Fernanda ; Gonzaga, Murilo Tireli ; Ribeiro, Victor Pena ; de Souza, Patrícia Fernanda ; Campos, Jacqueline Costa Lima ; Massaro, Taís Nader Chrysostomo ; Hussni, Carlos Alberto ; Takahira, Regina Kiomi ; Marcato, Priscyla Daniely ; Bastos, Jairo Kenupp ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena
    Publisher:United States: Hindawi
    Journal title:Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2022, Vol.2022, p.9004014-21
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    Author / Creator:Pereira Beserra, Fernando ; Sérgio Gushiken, Lucas Fernando ; Vieira, Ana Júlia ; Augusto Bérgamo, Danilo ; Luísa Bérgamo, Patrícia ; Oliveira de Souza, Mariana ; Alberto Hussni, Carlos ; Kiomi Takahira, Regina ; Henrique Nóbrega, Rafael ; Monteiro Martinez, Emanuel Ricardo ; John Jackson, Christopher ; Lemos de Azevedo Maia, Gabriela ; Leite Rozza, Ariane ; Helena Pellizzon, Cláudia
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:International journal of molecular sciences, 2020-07, Vol.21 (14), p.4952
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    Author / Creator:Conceição, Mariana ; Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Aldana-Mejía, Jennyfer Andrea ; Tanimoto, Matheus Hikaru ; Ferreira, Marcos Vital de Sá ; Alves, Andreia Cristina Miranda ; Miyashita, Marina Naomi ; Bastos, Jairo Kenupp ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Antioxidants, 2022-11, Vol.11 (11), p.2188
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    Author / Creator:Silva, Jonas Joaquim Mangabeira da ; Nóbrega, Rafael Henrique ; Martinez, Emanuel Ricardo Monteiro ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena ; Lemos, Marivane ; Padovani, Carlos Roberto ; Vieira, Ana Júlia ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Rozza, A. L. ; Bastos, Jairo Kennup ; Hussni, Carlos Alberto ; Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Polizello Junior, Maurilio
    Publisher:Cairo, Egypt: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
    Journal title:Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, 2017-01, Vol.2017 (2017), p.1-16
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Jackson, C. J. ; de Azevedo Maia, Gabriela Lemos ; Rozza, A. L. ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena ; Nóbrega, Rafael Henrique ; Takahira, Regina Kiomi ; Hussni, Carlos Alberto ; Hussni, Maria Fernanda ; de Souza, Eduardo Oliveira ; Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Vieira, Ana Júlia ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Martinez, Emanuel Ricardo Monteiro
    Publisher:Cairo, Egypt: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
    Journal title:Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2020-01, Vol.2020 (2020), p.1-1
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    ReportsFull Text

    Author / Creator:Conceição, Mariana ; Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Aldana-Mejía, Jennyfer Andrea ; Tanimoto, Matheus Hikaru ; Ferreira, Marcos Vital de Sá ; Alves, Andreia Cristina Miranda ; Miyashita, Marina Naomi ; Bastos, Jairo Kenupp ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena
    Publisher:MDPI AG
    Journal title:Antioxidants, 2022, Vol.11 (11)
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    Author / Creator:Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sergio ; Hussni, Carlos Alberto ; Bastos, Jairo Kenupp ; Rozza, Ariane Leite ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Vieira, Ana Julia ; Padovani, Carlos Roberto ; Lemos, Marivane ; Polizello, Maurilio, Jr ; da Silva, onas Joaquim Mangabeira ; Nobrega, Rafael Henrique ; Martinez, Emanuel Ricardo Monteiro ; Pellizzon, Claudia Helena
    Publisher:John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Evidence - Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017, Vol.2017
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