3 results for Hamers,+Raph+L,+Dr

3 results for Hamers,+Raph+L,+Dr

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    Author / Creator:Inzaule, Seth C, MSc ; Ondoa, Pascale, MD ; Peter, Trevor, MPH PhD ; Mugyenyi, Peter N, Prof ; Stevens, Wendy S, Prof ; de Wit, Tobias F Rinke, Prof ; Hamers, Raph L, Dr
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2016-11, Vol.16 (11), p.e267-e275
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    Author / Creator:Hamers, Raph L, Dr ; Wallis, Carole L, PhD ; Kityo, Cissy, MD ; Siwale, Margaret, MRCP ; Mandaliya, Kishor, MBChB ; Conradie, Francesca, MD ; Botes, Mariette E, MD ; Wellington, Maureen, MBChB ; Osibogun, Akin, Prof ; Sigaloff, Kim C E, MD ; Nankya, Immaculate, PhD ; Schuurman, Rob, PhD ; Wit, Ferdinand W, MD ; Stevens, Wendy S, Prof ; van Vugt, Michèle, MD ; de Wit, Tobias F Rinke, Prof
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2011-10, Vol.11 (10), p.750-759
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    Author / Creator:Hamers, Raph L, Dr ; Schuurman, Rob, PhD ; Sigaloff, Kim CE, MD ; Wallis, Carole L, PhD ; Kityo, Cissy, MD ; Siwale, Margaret, MRCP ; Mandaliya, Kishor, MBChB ; Ive, Prudence, MD ; Botes, Mariette E, MD ; Wellington, Maureen, MBChB ; Osibogun, Akin, Prof ; Wit, Ferdinand W, MD ; van Vugt, Michèle, MD ; Stevens, Wendy S, Prof ; de Wit, Tobias F Rinke, Prof
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2012-04, Vol.12 (4), p.307-317
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