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1 results for Hearn,+Lian.+Tales+of+the+Otori.+Chinese+;+bk.+2.

1 results for Hearn,+Lian.+Tales+of+the+Otori.+Chinese+;+bk.+2.

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    Zhen zhong cao / Lian He'en = Lian Hearn [zhu] ; Yu You...

    枕中草 / 蓮 赫恩 = Lian Hearn [著] ; 于宥均 譯.

    Zhen zhong cao / Lian He'en = Lian Hearn [zhu] ; Yu Youjun yi.

    Author / Creator:Hearn, Lian. author.
    Publisher:Taibei Jian duan, 2006.
    Edition:Di yi ban.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/2013
    For use in the Library