7 results for Hernandez,+Christie

7 results for Hernandez,+Christie

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    Author / Creator:Tamaki, Nobuharu ; Ahlholm, Noora ; Luukkonen, Panu K ; Porthan, Kimmo ; Sharpton, Suzanne R ; Ajmera, Veeral ; Kono, Yuko ; Dave, Shravan ; Ahmed, Aijaz ; Sundaram, Vinay ; Wilkinson, Michael J ; Patton, Heather ; Gupta, Hersh ; Cervantes, Vanessa ; Hernandez, Christie ; Lopez, Scarlett J ; Loomba, Ria ; Baumgartner, Amanda ; Richards, Lisa ; Arkkila, Perttu Et ; Nemes, Katriina ; Isoniemi, Helena ; Yki-Järvinen, Hannele ; Loomba, Rohit
    Publisher:United States: American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2022-11, Vol.132 (21), p.1-8
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Yang, Alexander H ; Tincopa, Monica A ; Tavaglione, Federica ; Ajmera, Veeral H ; Richards, Lisa M ; Amangurbanova, Maral ; Butcher, Christian ; Hernandez, Christie ; Madamba, Egbert ; Singh, Seema ; Bettencourt, Ricki ; Schnabl, Bernd ; Sirlin, Claude B ; Loomba, Rohit
    Publisher:London: BMJ Publishing Group LTD
    Journal title:Gut, 2024-12, p.gutjnl-2024-332917
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    Author / Creator:Tamaki, Nobuharu ; Ahlholm, Noora ; Luukkonen, Panu K ; Porthan, Kimmo ; Sharpton, Suzanne R ; Ajmera, Veeral ; Kono, Yuko ; Dave, Shravan ; Ahmed, Aijaz ; Sundaram, Vinay ; Wilkinson, Michael J ; Patton, Heather ; Gupta, Hersh ; Cervantes, Vanessa ; Hernandez, Christie ; Lopez, Scarlett J ; Loomba, Ria ; Baumgartner, Amanda ; Richards, Lisa ; Arkkila, Perttu E.T ; Nemes, Katriina ; Isoniemi, Helena ; Yki-Jarvinen, Hannele ; Loomba, Rohit
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2022, Vol.132 (21)
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    Author / Creator:Tamaki, Nobuharu ; Ahlholm, Noora ; Luukkonen, Panu K ; Porthan, Kimmo ; Sharpton, Suzanne R ; Ajmera, Veeral ; Kono, Yuko ; Dave, Shravan ; Ahmed, Aijaz ; Sundaram, Vinay ; Wilkinson, Michael J ; Patton, Heather ; Gupta, Hersh ; Cervantes, Vanessa ; Hernandez, Christie ; Lopez, Scarlett J ; Loomba, Ria ; Baumgartner, Amanda ; Richards, Lisa ; Arkkila, Perttu E.T ; Nemes, Katriina ; Isoniemi, Helena ; Yki-Jarvinen, Hannele ; Loomba, Rohit
    Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2022, Vol.132 (21)
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