156 results for Huang,+Chuang

156 results for Huang,+Chuang

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    Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) / ed...

    Author / Creator:NATO Advanced Study Institute on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Medicine, (1990 : Evian-les-Bains, France)
    Publisher:Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1991.
    Call Numbers:N616.0754/11
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    Tasogare ryūseigun. 5, Dōsōkai seidan / Hirogane Ken...

    黄昏流星群. 5, 同窓会星団 / 弘兼憲史 = Like shooting stars in the twilight / written by Kenshi Hirokane.

    Tasogare ryūseigun. 5, Dōsōkai seidan / Hirogane Kenji = Like shooting stars in the twilight / written by Kenshi Hirokane.

    Author / Creator:Hirogane, Kenji, 1947- | 弘兼 憲史, 1947
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Shōgakkan, 1998. | 東京 : 小学館, 1998.
    Edition:Shohan. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00582
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    Da ming huang fei. Sun Ruowei zhuan / Lianjingzhuyi zuo...

    大明皇妃. 孫若微傳 / 蓮靜竹衣 作品.

    Da ming huang fei. Sun Ruowei zhuan / Lianjingzhuyi zuo pin.

    Author / Creator:Lianjingzhuyi, author. | 蓮靜竹衣, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xi dai duo mei ti gu fen you xian gong si, 2018. | 台北市 : 希代多媒體股份有限公司, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02274
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    Date:ca. 1900-1920
    Call Numbers:PX*D 157/vol. 2
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    Xia tian de nong chang : du "Min nong shi" / tu, wen Hu...

    夏天的農場 : 讀《憫農詩》 / 圖・文 黃郁軒 = Summer farm : a story inspired by the poem "Toiling farmers" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Xia tian de nong chang : du "Min nong shi" / tu, wen Huang Yuxuan = Summer farm : a story inspired by the poem "Toiling farmers" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yu-Hsuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong Shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019.
    Edition:Er ban. | 二版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00017
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    Wo men de xing xing : du "Ge shu ge" / tu wen Huang yux...

    我們的星星 : 讀《哥舒歌》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our stars : a story inspired by the poem "the song of Ge shu" / by Huang, Yu-hsuan.

    Wo men de xing xing : du "Ge shu ge" / tu wen Huang yuxuan = Our stars : a story inspired by the poem "the song of Ge shu" / by Huang, Yu-hsuan.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yu-Hsuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong Shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 台中市 : 頂晉文創藝術有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00018
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    Dong tian de shan ye : du "Jiang xue" / tu wen Huang Yu...

    冬天的山野 : 讀《江雪》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Winter mountain : a story inspired by the poem "Snowy River" /by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Dong tian de shan ye : du "Jiang xue" / tu wen Huang Yuxuan = Winter mountain : a story inspired by the poem "Snowy River" /by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yu-Hsuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong Shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 台中市 : 頂晉文創藝術有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Er ban. | 二版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00021
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    Le hu Taiwan : yi ju sheng huo ti an / Huang Jingyu zhu...

    樂戶台灣 : 移居生活提案 / 黃璟瑜著.

    Le hu Taiwan : yi ju sheng huo ti an / Huang Jingyu zhu.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Jingyu, author. | 黃璟瑜, author
    Publisher:Xianggang : Tian chuang chu ban she you xian gong si, 2016. | 香港 : 天窗出版社有限公司, 2016.
    Edition:Di 2 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/325.1/HUA
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    Sha mo zhi lü : du 'Liangzhou ci' = Desert tour : a st...

    沙漠之旅 : 讀〈涼州詞〉= Desert tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Song of Liangzhou' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).

    Sha mo zhi lü : du 'Liangzhou ci' = Desert tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Song of Liangzhou' / tu, wen Huang Yuxuan (by Yu-hsuan Huang).

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yuxuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 臺中市 : 頂晉文創藝術, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00028
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    Wo men de tai yang : du "Deng guan que lou" / tu wen Hu...

    我們的太陽 : 讀《登鸛雀樓》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our sun : a story inspired by the poem "Climbing the stork tower" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Wo men de tai yang : du "Deng guan que lou" / tu wen Huang yuxuan = Our sun : a story inspired by the poem "Climbing the stork tower" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yu-Hsuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong Shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 台中市 : 頂晉文創藝術有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00020
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    Wo men de tai kong : du "Ye su shan si" / tu wen  Huang...

    我們的太空 : 讀《夜宿山寺》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our space : a story inspired by the poem "Night lodging at a mountain temple" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Wo men de tai kong : du "Ye su shan si" / tu wen Huang yuxuan = Our space : a story inspired by the poem "Night lodging at a mountain temple" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yu-Hsuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong Shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 台中市 : 頂晉文創藝術有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00025
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    Fan zhou zhi lü : du "Zao fa Baidi Cheng" = Boat tour ...

    泛舟之旅 : 讀<早發白帝城> = Boat tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Sailing down early from Baidi City' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).

    Fan zhou zhi lü : du "Zao fa Baidi Cheng" = Boat tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Sailing down early from Baidi City' / tu, wen Huang Yuxuan (by Yu-hsuan Huang).

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yuxuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 臺中市 : 頂晉文創藝術, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00023
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    Ye you zhi lü : du 'Feng qiao ye po' = Night tour : a ...

    夜遊之旅 : 讀〈楓橋夜泊〉= Night tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Moored for the night by Maple bridge' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).

    Ye you zhi lü : du 'Feng qiao ye po' = Night tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Moored for the night by Maple bridge' / tu, wen Huang Yuxuan (by Yu-hsuan Huang).

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yuxuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 臺中市 : 頂晉文創藝術, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CL/08033 , CHI/J/00024
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    Qiu tian de sen lin : du "Qiu ye ji Qiu yuan wai" / tu,...

    秋天的森林 : 讀 "秋夜寄邱員外" / 圖, 文 黃郁軒 = Autumn forest : a story inspired by the poem "Thinking of Mr. Qiu on an Autumn night" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Qiu tian de sen lin : du "Qiu ye ji Qiu yuan wai" / tu, wen Huang Yuxuan = Autumn forest : a story inspired by the poem "Thinking of Mr. Qiu on an Autumn night" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Yu-Hsuan, author, illustrator. | 黃郁軒, author, illustrator
    Publisher:Taizhong Shi : Ding jin wen chuang yi shu, 2019. | 台中市 : 頂晉文創藝術有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Er ban. | 二版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00022
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    Yi xue jiu hui de man hua ying yu yu fa shu / (han)Jin ...

    一学就会的漫画英语语法书 / (韩)金英勋著;洪梅译.

    Yi xue jiu hui de man hua ying yu yu fa shu / (han)Jin ying xun zhu;Hong mei yi.

    Author / Creator:Jin, Yingxun. | 金英勋
    Publisher:Nanjing : Jiang su feng huang ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 2016. | 南京 : 江苏凤凰科学技术出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:ESL/428.2/JIN
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    Ao-chou i min ch'u t'an / Hsi Ch'ien-huang.

    Author / Creator:Hsi, Chʻien-huang.
    Publisher:Hsiang-kang : Ming ch'uang ch'u pan she, 1988.
    Call Numbers:N305.8951094/2
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    Hali Bote : bei zu zhou de hai zi. Di 1 bu & di 2 bu = ...

    哈利波特 : 被詛咒的孩子. 第 1 部 & 第 2 部 = Harry Potter and the cursed child. Parts one and two / 傑克‧索恩劇本執筆, J. K. 羅林全新原創故事,約翰帝夫尼 ; 林靜華譯.

    Hali Bote : bei zu zhou de hai zi. Di 1 bu & di 2 bu = Harry Potter and the cursed child. Parts one and two / Jieke Suo'en ju ben zhi bi, J. K. Luolin quan xin yuan chuang gu shi, Yuehan Difu'ni ; Jin...

    Author / Creator:Thorne, Jack, creator, author.
    Publisher:Taibei : Huang guan wen hua, 2016.
    Edition:Chu ban ; yuan zhu ju ben te bie pai yan ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/822.9/THO
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    Item 26: Identified Asian portraits, ca. 1900-1920 / ph...
    Pictures | Photographs | Ephemera

    Date:ca. 1900-1920
    Call Numbers:PX*D 156/vol. 1
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