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我們的星星 : 讀《哥舒歌》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our stars : a story inspired by the poem "the song of Ge shu" / by Huang, Yu-hsuan.
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我們的星星 : 讀《哥舒歌》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our stars : a story inspired by the poem "the song of Ge shu" / by Huang, Yu-hsuan.
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冬天的山野 : 讀《江雪》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Winter mountain : a story inspired by the poem "Snowy River" /by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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夏天的農場 : 讀《憫農詩》 / 圖・文 黃郁軒 = Summer farm : a story inspired by the poem "Toiling farmers" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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我們的太陽 : 讀《登鸛雀樓》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our sun : a story inspired by the poem "Climbing the stork tower" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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我們的太空 : 讀《夜宿山寺》 / 圖文 黃郁軒 = Our space : a story inspired by the poem "Night lodging at a mountain temple" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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秋天的森林 : 讀 "秋夜寄邱員外" / 圖, 文 黃郁軒 = Autumn forest : a story inspired by the poem "Thinking of Mr. Qiu on an Autumn night" / by Yu-hsuan Huang.
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晃荡 / 杨邪 ; 译者欧阳昱 = Dangling / Yang Xie ; translated by Ouyang Yu.
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因為遇見你 = 君と会えたから / 喜多川泰著 ; 黃郁婷譯.
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黄霑 : 你道简单是声笑 / 王玉著.
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沙漠之旅 : 讀〈涼州詞〉= Desert tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Song of Liangzhou' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).
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夜遊之旅 : 讀〈楓橋夜泊〉= Night tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Moored for the night by Maple bridge' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).
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泛舟之旅 : 讀<早發白帝城> = Boat tour : a story inspired by the poem 'Sailing down early from Baidi City' / 圖·文 黃郁軒 (by Yu-hsuan Huang).
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畫與醫 = Paintings and medicine : 一位腦科醫生的視點 / 黃震遐著.
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新世紀的宣教挑戰 : 基督教與回教 / [黃彼得, 嚴佩嫺].
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青蛙与男孩 = The frog and the boy / by Mao Xiao ; illustrated by Wei Chen & Xiaomin Huang ; translated by Helen Wang.