1 results for Ishizaki,+Yumiko

1 results for Ishizaki,+Yumiko

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Saruhashi, Masashi ; Ghosh, Totan Kumar ; Arai, Kenta ; Ishizaki, Yumiko ; Hagiwara, Kazuya ; Komatsu, Kenji ; Shiwa, Yuh ; Izumikawa, Keiichi ; Yoshikawa, Harunori ; Umezawa, Taishi ; Sakata, Yoichi ; Takezawa, Daisuke
    Publisher:United States: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2015-11, Vol.112 (46), p.E6388-E6396
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