2 results for Koppolu,+Jahnavi

2 results for Koppolu,+Jahnavi

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Varshney, Rajeev K ; Thudi, Mahendar ; Nayak, Spurthi N ; Gaur, Pooran M ; Kashiwagi, Junichi ; Krishnamurthy, Lakshmanan ; Jaganathan, Deepa ; Koppolu, Jahnavi ; Bohra, Abhishek ; Tripathi, Shailesh ; Rathore, Abhishek ; Jukanti, Aravind K ; Jayalakshmi, Veera ; Vemula, Anilkumar ; Singh, S. J ; Yasin, Mohammad ; Sheshshayee, M. S ; Viswanatha, K. P
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
    Journal title:Theoretical and applied genetics, 2014-02, Vol.127 (2), p.445-462
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    ReportsFull Text

    Author / Creator:Varshney, Rajeev K ; Thudi, Mahendar ; Nayak, Spurthi N ; Gaur, Pooran M ; Kashiwagi, Junichi ; Krishnamurthy, Lakshmanan ; Jaganathan, Deepa ; Koppolu, Jahnavi ; Bohra, Abhishek ; Tripathi, Shailesh ; Rathore, Abhishek ; Jukanti, Aravind K ; Jayalakshmi, Veera ; Vemula, Anilkumar ; Singh, S.J ; Yasin, Mohammad ; Sheshshayee, M.S ; Viswanatha, K.P
    Journal title:Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2014, Vol.127 (2), p.445
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