4 results for Lacy,+Stuart+E

4 results for Lacy,+Stuart+E

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    Publisher:Sydney : Stamina Clothes, [195-]
    Call Numbers:994.02092/27
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    Publisher:Salisbury : Printed and sold by Jos. Hodson. Sold also by Mess. Linden and Hodson, Southampton; Mrs. Willis, Ringwood; Mrs. Clarke, Cranborne; Mr. Lacy, Warminster; Mr. Spalding, Trowbridge; Mr. Stuart, Bradford; Miss Noyes, Andover; and the Newsmen, [1777?]
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    Publisher:Salisbury : printed and sold by Jos. Hodson. Sold also by Mess. Linden and Hodson, Southampton; Mrs. Willis, Ringwood; Mrs. Clarke, Cranborne; Mr. Lacy, Warminster; Mr. Spalding, Trowbridge; Mr. Stuart, Bradford; Miss Noyes, Andover; and the newsmen, [1777?]
    Edition:The third edition.
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