9 results for Laurensia,+Yurike

9 results for Laurensia,+Yurike

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    Author / Creator:Lim, Jing Quan ; Huang, Dachuan ; Tang, Tiffany ; Tan, Daryl ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Peng, Rou-Jun ; Wong, Esther Kam Yin ; Cheah, Daryl Ming Zhe ; Chia, Burton Kuan Hui ; Iqbal, Jabed ; Grigoropoulos, Nicholas Francis ; Nairismägi, Maarja-Liisa ; Ng, Cedric Chuan Young ; Rajasegaran, Vikneswari ; Hong, Huangming ; Kim, Seok Jin ; Cho, Junhun ; Tse, Eric ; Mow, Benjamin ; Cai, Qi-Chun ; Poon, Li-Mei ; Cai, Qing-qing ; Tan, Jing ; Chan, Jason Yongsheng ; Lim, Johnathan Xiande ; Goh, Yeow Tee ; Phipps, Colin ; Rötzschke, Olaf ; Cheng, Chee Leong ; Ha, Jeslin Chian Hung ; Khoo, Lay Poh ; Loh, Yvonne Su Ming ; Au-Yeung, Rex ; Chan, Thomas Sau-Yan ; Kwong, Yok-Lam ; Hwang, William ; Kim, Won Seog ; Bei, Jin-Xin ; Lin, Tongyu ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Lim, Soon Thye
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Leukemia, 2020-12, Vol.34 (12), p.3413-3419
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    Author / Creator:de Mel, Sanjay ; Rashid, Masturah B. M. ; Zhang, Xi Yun ; Goh, Jasmine ; Lee, Chun Tsu ; Poon, Li Mei ; Chan, Esther H. L. ; Liu, Xin ; Chng, Wee Joo ; Chee, Yen Lin ; Lee, Joanne ; Yuen, Yi Ching ; Lim, Jing Quan ; Chia, Burton K. H. ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Huang, DaChuan ; Pang, Wan Lu ; Cheah, Daryl Ming Zhe ; Wong, Esther Kam Yin ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Tang, Tiffany ; Lim, Soon Thye ; Ng, Siok Bian ; Tan, Soo Yong ; Loi, Hoi-Yin ; Tan, Lip Kun ; Chow, Edward K. ; Jeyasekharan, Anand D.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Blood cancer journal (New York), 2020-01, Vol.10 (1), p.9, Article 9
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    Author / Creator:Peng, Rou-Jun ; Han, Bo-Wei ; Cai, Qing-Qing ; Zuo, Xiao-Yu ; Xia, Tao ; Chen, Jie-Rong ; Feng, Li-Na ; Lim, Jing Quan ; Chen, Shu-Wei ; Zeng, Mu-Sheng ; Guo, Yun-Miao ; Li, Bo ; Xia, Xiao-Jun ; Xia, Yi ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Chia, Burton Kuan Hui ; Huang, Hui-Qiang ; Young, Ken He ; Lim, Soon Thye ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Zeng, Yi-Xin ; Bei, Jin-Xin
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Leukemia, 2019-06, Vol.33 (6), p.1451-1462
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    Author / Creator:Tan, Khee Ming ; Chia, Burton ; Lim, Jing Quan ; Khoo, Lay Poh ; Cheng, Chee Leong ; Tan, Leonard ; Poon, Eileen ; Somasundaram, Nagavalli ; Farid, Mohamad ; Tang, Tiffany Pooi Ling ; Tao, Miriam ; Cheah, Daryl Ming Zhe ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Pang, Jane Wan Lu ; Song, Tammy ; Tan, Jing ; Huang, Dachuan ; Kim, Seok Jin ; Kim, Won Seog ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Lim, Soon Thye ; Chan, Jason Yongsheng
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Scientific reports, 2019-10, Vol.9 (1), p.14961-10, Article 14961
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    Author / Creator:Lim, Jing Quan ; Huang, Dachuan ; Tang, Tiffany ; Tan, Daryl ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Peng, Rou-Jun ; Wong, Esther Kam Yin ; Cheah, Daryl Ming Zhe ; Chia, Burton Kuan Hui ; Iqbal, Jabed ; Grigoropoulos, Nicholas Francis ; Nairismägi, Maarja-Liisa ; Ng, Cedric Chuan Young ; Rajasegaran, Vikneswari ; Hong, Huangming ; Kim, Seok Jin ; Cho, Junhun ; Tse, Eric ; Mow, Benjamin ; Cai, Qi-Chun ; Poon, Li-Mei ; Cai, Qing-qing ; Tan, Jing ; Chan, Jason Yongsheng ; Lim, Johnathan Xiande ; Goh, Yeow Tee ; Phipps, Colin ; Rötzschke, Olaf ; Cheng, Chee Leong ; Ha, Jeslin Chian Hung ; Khoo, Lay Poh ; Loh, Yvonne Su Ming ; Au-Yeung, Rex ; Chan, Thomas Sau-Yan ; Kwong, Yok-Lam ; Hwang, William ; Kim, Won Seog ; Bei, Jin-Xin ; Lin, Tongyu ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Lim, Soon Thye
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Leukemia, 2021-04, Vol.35 (4), p.1225-1225
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    Author / Creator:Chan, Jason Yongsheng ; Ng, Alvin Yu Jin ; Cheng, Chee Leong ; Nairismägi, Maarja-Liisa ; Venkatesh, Byrappa ; Cheah, Daryl Ming Zhe ; Li, Shao-Tzu ; Chan, Sock Hoai ; Ngeow, Joanne ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Lim, Jing Quan ; Pang, Jane Wan Lu ; Nagarajan, Sanjanaa ; Song, Tammy ; Chia, Burton ; Tan, Jing ; Huang, Dachuan ; Goh, Yeow Tee ; Poon, Eileen ; Somasundaram, Nagavalli ; Tao, Miriam ; Quek, Richard Hong Hui ; Farid, Mohamad ; Khor, Chiea Chuen ; Bei, Jin-Xin ; Tan, Soo Yong ; Lim, Soon Thye ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Tang, Tiffany
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Blood cancer journal (New York), 2018-11, Vol.8 (11), p.111-5, Article 111
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    Author / Creator:de Mel, Sanjay ; Rashid, Masturah B M ; Zhang, Xi Yun ; Goh, Jasmine ; Lee, Chun Tsu ; Poon, Li Mei ; Chan, Esther H L ; Liu, Xin ; Chng, Wee Joo ; Chee, Yen Lin ; Lee, Joanne ; Yuen, Yi Ching ; Lim, Jing Quan ; Chia, Burton K H ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Huang, DaChuan ; Pang, Wan Lu ; Cheah, Daryl Ming Zhe ; Wong, Esther Kam Yin ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Tang, Tiffany ; Lim, Soon Thye ; Ng, Siok Bian ; Tan, Soo Yong ; Loi, Hoi-Yin ; Tan, Lip Kun ; Chow, Edward K ; Jeyasekharan, Anand D
    Journal title:Blood cancer journal, 2020, Vol.10 (1), p.9-9
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    Author / Creator:Chan, Jason Yongsheng ; Ng, Alvin Yu Jin ; Cheng, Chee Leong ; Nairismägi, Maarja-Liisa ; Venkatesh, Byrappa ; Cheah, Daryl Ming Zhe ; Li, Shao-Tzu ; Chan, Sock Hoai ; Ngeow, Joanne ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Lim, Jing Quan ; Pang, Jane Wan Lu ; Nagarajan, Sanjanaa ; Song, Tammy ; Chia, Burton ; Tan, Jing ; Huang, Dachuan ; Goh, Yeow Tee ; Poon, Eileen ; Somasundaram, Nagavalli ; Tao, Miriam ; Quek, Richard Hong Hui ; Farid, Mohamad ; Khor, Chiea Chuen ; Bei, Jin-Xin ; Tan, Soo Yong ; Lim, Soon Thye ; Ong, Choon Kiat ; Tang, Tiffany
    Journal title:Blood cancer journal, 2018, Vol.8 (11), p.111-111
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    Author / Creator:Jing Quan Lim ; Tang, Tiffany ; Qing-Qing Cai ; Tan, Daryl ; Nairismagi, Maarja-Liisa ; Laurensia, Yurike ; Burton Kuan Hui Chia ; Rou-Jun Peng ; Iqbal, Jabed ; Huang, Dachuan ; Song, Tammy ; Wan Lu Pang ; Daryl Ming Zhe Cheah ; Young Ng, Cedric Chuan ; Vikneswari Rajasegaran ; Hong, Huangming ; Tse, Eric ; Mow, Benjamin ; Qi-Chun, Cai ; Li-Mei, Poon ; Tan, Jing ; Grigoropoulos, Nicholas Francis ; Goh, Yeow Tee ; Phipps, Colin ; Rotzschke, Olaf ; Chee Leong Cheng ; Yuh Shan Lee ; Loh, Yvonne ; Tao, Miriam ; Mohamad Farid ; Au-Yeung, Rex ; Chan, Thomas Sau-Yan ; Siok-Bian Ng ; Yok-Lam Kwong ; Hwang, William ; Wee-Joo Chng ; Tousseyn, Thomas ; Tan, Patrick ; Teh, Bin Tean ; Khor, Chiea Chuen ; Rozen, Steve ; Jin-Xin, Bei ; Lin, Tongyu ; Lim, Soon Thye ; Ong, Choon Kiat
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2018-08
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