1 results for Lee,+Ki+Man,+MD,+PhD

1 results for Lee,+Ki+Man,+MD,+PhD

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    Author / Creator:Kim, Je Hyeong, MD, PhD ; Hong, Suk-Kyung, MD, PhD ; Kim, Kyung Chan, MD, PhD ; Lee, Myung-Goo, MD, PhD ; Lee, Ki Man, MD, PhD ; Jung, Sung Soo, MD, PhD ; Choi, Hye Sook, MD, PhD ; Lee, Jin Hwa, MD, PhD ; Jung, Ki-Suk, MD, PhD ; Lee, Sung-Soon, MD, PhD ; Cho, Jae Hwa, MD, PhD ; Koh, Shin Ok, MD, PhD ; Park, Moo Suk, MD, PhD ; Seo, Kwang Won, MD, PhD ; Koh, Younsuck, MD, PhD
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Journal of critical care, 2012-08, Vol.27 (4), p.414.e11-414.e21
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