2,834 results for Li,+Xuan

2,834 results for Li,+Xuan

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    Li Jindou, Chen Yongquan xiang sheng jing xuan [sound r...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    李金斗、陈涌泉相声精选 [录音资料].

    Li Jindou, Chen Yongquan xiang sheng jing xuan [sound recording].

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Teng tu dian zi chu ban she, [200-] | [北京] : 腾图电子出版社, [200-]
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00426
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    Jing xuan jian yi jia chang cai 1488 li / Gan zhi rong.

    精选简易家常菜1488例 / 甘智荣主编.

    Jing xuan jian yi jia chang cai 1488 li / Gan zhi rong.

    Publisher:Bei jing : Zhong guo qing gong ye chu ban she, 2009. | 北京 : 中国轻工业出版社, 2009.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:T0106985
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    Government publication - level undetermined | Journals

    石膏夾或懸臂板護理說明 : 患者及看護者須知 / Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick and Kaleidoscope, Hunter Children?s Health Network.

    Shi gao jia huo xuan bi ban hu li shuo ming : huan zhe ji kan hu zhe xu zhi / Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick and Kaleidoscope Hunter Children's Health Network.

    Author / Creator:Children's Hospital at Westmead. author.
    Publisher:Westmead, NSW Children's Hospital at Westmead, 2010.
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    長沙出土古代漆器圖案選集 / 北京歷史博物館編.

    Changsha chu tu gu dai qi qi tu an xuan ji / Beijing li shi bo wu guan bian.

    Author / Creator:Guo li li shi bo wu guan (China) | 國立歷史博物館 (China)
    Publisher:Beijing : Ren min mei shu chu ban she, 1954. | 北京 : 人民美術出版社, 1954.
    Call Numbers:T0102690
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    Aozhou dang dai shi xuan : Ying Han dui zhao / Zhang Re...

    澳洲当代诗选 : 英漢對照 / 張仁蘭, 張少揚譯 ; 李耘衣, 何宜玲等校 ; [貝嶺編].

    Aozhou dang dai shi xuan : Ying Han dui zhao / Zhang Renlan, Zhang Shaoyang yi ; Li Yunyi, Heyiling deng jiao ; [Bei Ling bian].

    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Qing xiang chu ban she, 2009. | 台北市 : 傾向出版社, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/2009
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    故宮名畫選萃續輯 = Masterpieces of Chinese painting in the National Palace Museum supplement / [編纂者國立故宮博物院].

    Gu gong ming hua xuan cui xu ji = Masterpieces of Chinese painting in the National Palace Museum supplement / [bian zuan zhe Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan]

    Author / Creator:Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. | 國立故宮博物院
    Publisher:Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China : Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan, 1973. | Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China : 國立故宮博物院, 1973.
    Call Numbers:NQ759.951/11
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    理翩阑夜薪火把--何与怀博士研究选集(二) Passing the torch: a study of Dr....

    Publisher:[Sydney, New South Wales] : Australian Chinese Literature Network, 2021.
    Edition:First edition.
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di 1 - 10 ji, Su Wenmao x...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 第1-10集, 苏文茂相声作品精选 [sound recording] / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di 1 - 10 ji, Su Wenmao xiang sheng zuo pin jing xuan [sound recording] / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she ; Guangzhou Shi : Guangdong fei yue ying shi zhi pin you xian gong si, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社 ; 广州市 : 广东飞乐影视制品有限公司, [2002].
    Edition:Zhen cang ban. | 珍藏版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01744
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    Bao bei huan you shi jie li xian ji : shi jie tong hua ...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    宝贝环游世界历险记 : 世界童话精选 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有限公司制作.

    Bao bei huan you shi jie li xian ji : shi jie tong hua jing xuan [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si.

    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-] | 北京 : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-]
    Edition:CD ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00146
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    Fei xie / Li Mingshan zhu ; Liu Tongxuan tu.

    飛鞋 / 李明珊 著 ; 劉彤渲 圖.

    Fei xie / Li Mingshan zhu ; Liu Tongxuan tu.

    Author / Creator:Li, Mingshan, author. | 李明珊, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Jiu ge chu ban she you xian gong si, 2017. | 臺北市 : 九歌出版社有限公司, 2017.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00594
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    Another province : new Chinese writing from London = Ti...

    Publisher:London : Lambeth Chinese Community Association ; Manchester : SiYu Chinese Times, 1994.
    Call Numbers:N895.1080052/1
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    澳大利亚短篇小说选 / 刘寿康编选.

    Aodaliya duan pian xiao shuo xuan / Liu Shoukang bian xuan.

    Publisher:Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1982. | 北京 : 人民文学出版社, 1982.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:823.0108/153 , 823.0108/153A
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    Ban gong shi feng sheng = Office wars / Avril (Song Lix...

    办公室风声 = Office wars / Avril(宋丽晅)著.

    Ban gong shi feng sheng = Office wars / Avril (Song Lixuan) zhu.

    Author / Creator:Song, Lixuan. | 宋丽晅
    Publisher:Changchun Shi : Shi dai wen yi chu ban she, 2010. | 长春市 : 时代文艺出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
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    Aodaliya shu qing shi xuan / Tang Zhengqiu yi.

    澳大利亚抒情诗选 / 唐正秋译.

    Aodaliya shu qing shi xuan / Tang Zhengqiu yi.

    Publisher:Shijiazhuang shi : Hebei jiao yu chu ban she, 1992. | 石家庄市 : 河北教育出版社, 1992.
    Call Numbers:821.91408/134
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    澳大利亞短篇小說選集 / 胡文仲選注 = A selection of Australian short stories / chosen and annotated by Hu Wenzhong.

    Aodaliya duan pian xiao shuo xuan ji / Hu Wenzhong xuan zhu = A selection of Australian short stories / chosen and annotated by Hu Wenzhong.

    Publisher:Peking : The Commercial Press,, 1983.
    Call Numbers:823.0108/159
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    Aodaliya de hong xin / Yuan Ying, Chen Mingxian xuan bi...

    澳大利亚的红心 / 袁鹰, 陈明仙选编.

    Aodaliya de hong xin / Yuan Ying, Chen Mingxian xuan bian.

    Publisher:Beijing : Hua xia chu ban she, 1997. | 北京 : 华夏出版社, 1997.
    Edition:Beijing di 1 ban. | 北京第1版.
    Call Numbers:994.066/10
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    Hui xuan qu zhi zhan = The battle for Rondo / Aimili Lu...

    迴旋曲之戰 = The battle for Rondo / 艾蜜莉. 羅達著 ; 崔容圃譯.

    Hui xuan qu zhi zhan = The battle for Rondo / Aimili Luoda zhu ; Cui Rongpu yi.

    Author / Creator:Rodda, Emily, 1948- author.
    Publisher:Gaoxiong Shi He xin wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 2012. | 高雄市 核心文化事業有限公司, 2012.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/8412
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    Hui xuan qu de mo fa shi = the wizard of Rondo / Aimili...

    迴旋曲的魔法師 = the wizard of Rondo / 艾蜜莉· 羅達著 ; 崔容圃譯.

    Hui xuan qu de mo fa shi = the wizard of Rondo / Aimili Luoda zhu ; Cui Rongpu yi.

    Author / Creator:Rodda, Emily, 1948-
    Publisher:Gaoxiong Shi : He xin wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 2011. | 高雄市 : 核心文化事業有限公司, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/8413
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    Xiao xiong bu shua ya / (Ruishi) Sifalana Tioulina wen ...

    小熊不刷牙 / (瑞士) 斯伐拉纳·提欧利那 文 图 ; 曾璇 译.

    Xiao xiong bu shua ya / (Ruishi) Sifalana Tioulina wen tu ; Zeng Xuan yi.

    Author / Creator:Tiourina, Svetlana, author.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2014. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2014.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00773
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    Zhong lao nian ren zui ai de ge : xin ge+lao ge da quan...

    中老年人最爱的歌 : 新歌+老歌大全集 / 闫世平, 边丽娜 选编.

    Zhong lao nian ren zui ai de ge : xin ge+lao ge da quan ji / Yan Shiping, Bian Lina xuan bian.

    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Beijing ti yu da xue chu ban she, 2013. | 北京市 : 北京体育大学出版社, 2013.
    Edition:Da yi ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/782.4/ZHO
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