7 results for Lin,+Brian+Y

7 results for Lin,+Brian+Y

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    Author / Creator:Wegrzyn, Jill L ; Liechty, John D ; Stevens, Kristian A ; Wu, Le-Shin ; Loopstra, Carol A ; Vasquez-Gross, Hans A ; Dougherty, William M ; Lin, Brian Y ; Zieve, Jacob J ; Martínez-García, Pedro J ; Holt, Carson ; Yandell, Mark ; Zimin, Aleksey V ; Yorke, James A ; Crepeau, Marc W ; Puiu, Daniela ; Salzberg, Steven L ; Dejong, Pieter J ; Mockaitis, Keithanne ; Main, Doreen ; Langley, Charles H ; Neale, David B
    Publisher:United States: Genetics Society of America
    Journal title:Genetics (Austin), 2014-03, Vol.196 (3), p.891-909
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    Author / Creator:Wegrzyn, Jill L ; Lin, Brian Y ; Zieve, Jacob J ; Dougherty, William M ; Martínez-García, Pedro J ; Koriabine, Maxim ; Holtz-Morris, Ann ; deJong, Pieter ; Crepeau, Marc ; Langley, Charles H ; Puiu, Daniela ; Salzberg, Steven L ; Neale, David B ; Stevens, Kristian A
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PloS one, 2013-09, Vol.8 (9), p.e72439-e72439
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    Author / Creator:Neale, David B ; Wegrzyn, Jill L ; Stevens, Kristian A ; Zimin, Aleksey V ; Puiu, Daniela ; Crepeau, Marc W ; Cardeno, Charis ; Koriabine, Maxim ; Holtz-Morris, Ann E ; Liechty, John D ; Martínez-García, Pedro J ; Vasquez-Gross, Hans A ; Lin, Brian Y ; Zieve, Jacob J ; Dougherty, William M ; Fuentes-Soriano, Sara ; Wu, Le-Shin ; Gilbert, Don ; Marçais, Guillaume ; Roberts, Michael ; Holt, Carson ; Yandell, Mark ; Davis, John M ; Smith, Katherine E ; Dean, Jeffrey F D ; Lorenz, W Walter ; Whetten, Ross W ; Sederoff, Ronald ; Wheeler, Nicholas ; McGuire, Patrick E ; Main, Doreen ; Loopstra, Carol A ; Mockaitis, Keithanne ; deJong, Pieter J ; Yorke, James A ; Salzberg, Steven L ; Langley, Charles H
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Genome Biology (Online Edition), 2014-03, Vol.15 (3), p.R59-R59, Article R59
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    Author / Creator:Chan, Patricia P ; Lin, Brian Y ; Mak, Allysia J ; Lowe, Todd M
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2021-06
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