5 results for Lowy,+Israel,+MD

5 results for Lowy,+Israel,+MD

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    Author / Creator:Migden, Michael R, Prof ; Khushalani, Nikhil I, Prof ; Chang, Anne Lynn S, MD ; Lewis, Karl D, MD ; Schmults, Chrysalyne D, MD ; Hernandez-Aya, Leonel, MD ; Meier, Friedegund, Prof ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Guminski, Alexander, MD ; Hauschild, Axel, Prof ; Wong, Deborah J, MD ; Daniels, Gregory A, Prof ; Berking, Carola, Prof ; Jankovic, Vladimir, MD ; Stankevich, Elizabeth, BS ; Booth, Jocelyn, MBA ; Li, Siyu, PhD ; Weinreich, David M, MD ; Yancopoulos, George D, MD ; Lowy, Israel, MD ; Fury, Matthew G, MD ; Rischin, Danny, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2020-02, Vol.21 (2), p.294-305
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    Author / Creator:Stratigos, Alexander J, Prof ; Sekulic, Aleksandar, Prof ; Peris, Ketty, Prof ; Bechter, Oliver, Prof ; Prey, Sorilla, MD ; Kaatz, Martin, MD ; Lewis, Karl D, Prof ; Basset-Seguin, Nicole, Prof ; Chang, Anne Lynn S, Prof ; Dalle, Stèphane, Prof ; Orland, Almudena Fernandez, MD ; Licitra, Lisa, MD ; Robert, Caroline, MD ; Ulrich, Claas, MD ; Hauschild, Axel, Prof ; Migden, Michael R, Prof ; Dummer, Reinhard, Prof ; Li, Siyu, PhD ; Yoo, Suk-Young, PhD ; Mohan, Kosalai, PhD ; Coates, Ebony, MHA ; Jankovic, Vladimir, MD ; Fiaschi, Nathalie, PhD ; Okoye, Emmanuel, MBBS ; Bassukas, Ioannis D, Prof ; Loquai, Carmen, MD ; De Giorgi, Vincenzo, MD ; Eroglu, Zeynep, MD ; Gutzmer, Ralf, Prof ; Ulrich, Jens, Prof ; Puig, Susana, MD ; Seebach, Frank, MD ; Thurston, Gavin, PhD ; Weinreich, David M, MD ; Yancopoulos, George D, MD ; Lowy, Israel, MD ; Bowler, Timothy, MD ; Fury, Matthew G, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2021-06, Vol.22 (6), p.848-857
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    Author / Creator:Özgüroğlu, Mustafa, Prof ; Kilickap, Saadettin, Prof ; Sezer, Ahmet, Prof ; Gümüş, Mahmut, Prof ; Bondarenko, Igor, Prof ; Gogishvili, Miranda, MD ; Nechaeva, Marina, MD ; Schenker, Michael, Prof ; Cicin, Irfan, Prof ; Ho, Gwo Fuang, Prof ; Kulyaba, Yaroslav, MD ; Zyuhal, Kasimova, MD ; Scheusan, Roxana-Ioana, MD ; Garassino, Marina Chiara, Prof ; He, Xuanyao, PhD ; Kaul, Manika, MD ; Okoye, Emmanuel, MPH ; Li, Yuntong, PhD ; Li, Siyu, PhD ; Pouliot, Jean-Francois, PhD ; Seebach, Frank, MD ; Lowy, Israel, MD ; Gullo, Giuseppe, MD ; Rietschel, Petra, MD
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2023-09, Vol.24 (9), p.989-1001
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    Author / Creator:van den Eertwegh, Alfons JM, MD ; Versluis, Jurjen, MD ; van den Berg, H Pieter, MD ; Santegoets, Saskia JAM, PhD ; van Moorselaar, R Jeroen A, Prof ; van der Sluis, Tim M, MD ; Gall, Helen E, MNAP ; Harding, Thomas C, MD ; Jooss, Karin, PhD ; Lowy, Israel, MD ; Pinedo, Herbert M, Prof ; Scheper, Rik J, Prof ; Stam, Anita GM, BSc ; von Blomberg, B Mary E, PhD ; de Gruijl, Tanja D, PhD ; Hege, Kristen, MD ; Sacks, Natalie, MD ; Gerritsen, Winald R, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2012-05, Vol.13 (5), p.509-517
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    Author / Creator:Gross, Neil D, Prof ; Miller, David M, MD PhD ; Khushalani, Nikhil I, Prof ; Divi, Vasu, MD ; Ruiz, Emily S, MD MPH ; Lipson, Evan J, MD ; Meier, Friedegund, Prof ; Su, Yungpo Bernard, MD ; Swiecicki, Paul L, MD ; Atlas, Jennifer, MD ; Geiger, Jessica L, MD ; Hauschild, Axel, Prof ; Choe, Jennifer H, MD PhD ; Hughes, Brett G M, MD ; Schadendorf, Dirk, Prof ; Patel, Vishal A, MD ; Homsi, Jade, MD ; Taube, Janis M, Prof ; Lim, Annette M, MD PhD ; Ferrarotto, Renata, Prof ; Yoo, Suk-Young, PHD ; Mathias, Melissa, MD ; Han, Hyunsil, PhD ; Seebach, Frank, MD ; Lowy, Israel, MD PhD ; Fury, Matthew G, MD PhD ; Rischin, Danny, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2023-11, Vol.24 (11), p.1196-1205
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