3,395 results for Lung+Neoplasms+-+epidemiology

3,395 results for Lung+Neoplasms+-+epidemiology

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    Author / Creator:Siegel, Rebecca L ; Miller, Kimberly D ; Wagle, Nikita Sandeep ; Jemal, Ahmedin
    Publisher:Atlanta: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc
    Journal title:CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 2023-01, Vol.73 (1), p.17
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    Author / Creator:de Koning, Harry J ; van der Aalst, Carlijn M ; de Jong, Pim A ; Scholten, Ernst T ; Nackaerts, Kristiaan ; Heuvelmans, Marjolein A ; Lammers, Jan-Willem J ; Weenink, Carla ; Yousaf-Khan, Uraujh ; Horeweg, Nanda ; van ’t Westeinde, Susan ; Prokop, Mathias ; Mali, Willem P ; Mohamed Hoesein, Firdaus A.A ; van Ooijen, Peter M.A ; Aerts, Joachim G.J.V ; den Bakker, Michael A ; Thunnissen, Erik ; Verschakelen, Johny ; Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn ; Walter, Joan E ; ten Haaf, Kevin ; Groen, Harry J.M ; Oudkerk, Matthijs
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2020-02, Vol.382 (6), p.503-513
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    Author / Creator:Siegel, Rebecca L ; Miller, Kimberly D ; Fuchs, Hannah E ; Jemal, Ahmedin
    Publisher:Atlanta: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc
    Journal title:CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 2022-01, Vol.72 (1), p.7
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    Author / Creator:Howlader, Nadia ; Forjaz, Gonçalo ; Mooradian, Meghan J ; Meza, Rafael ; Kong, Chung Yin ; Cronin, Kathleen A ; Mariotto, Angela B ; Lowy, Douglas R ; Feuer, Eric J
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2020-08, Vol.383 (7), p.640-649
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    Author / Creator:Chen, Wanqing ; Zheng, Rongshou ; Baade, Peter D ; Zhang, Siwei ; Zeng, Hongmei ; Bray, Freddie ; Jemal, Ahmedin ; Yu, Xue Qin ; He, Jie
    Publisher:Atlanta: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc
    Journal title:CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 2016-03, Vol.66 (2), p.115
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    Author / Creator:Oudkerk, Matthijs ; Devaraj, Anand ; Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn ; Henzler, Thomas ; Prosch, Helmut ; Heussel, Claus P ; Bastarrika, Gorka ; Sverzellati, Nicola ; Mascalchi, Mario ; Delorme, Stefan ; Baldwin, David R ; Callister, Matthew E ; Becker, Nikolaus ; Heuvelmans, Marjolein A ; Rzyman, Witold ; Infante, Maurizio V ; Pastorino, Ugo ; Pedersen, Jesper H ; Paci, Eugenio ; Duffy, Stephen W ; de Koning, Harry ; Field, John K
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2017-12, Vol.18 (12), p.e754-e766
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    Author / Creator:Brenner, Darren R., PhD ; Poirier, Abbey, MSc ; Woods, Ryan R., PhD ; Ellison, Larry F., MSc ; Billette, Jean-Michel, PhD ; Demers, Alain A., MSc PhD ; Zhang, Shary Xinyu, MSc ; Yao, Chunhe, PhD ; Finley, Christian, MD MPH ; Fitzgerald, Natalie, MA ; Saint-Jacques, Nathalie, PhD ; Shack, Lorraine, PhD CHE ; Turner, Donna, PhD ; Holmes, Elizabeth, MPH
    Publisher:Canada: CMA Impact Inc
    Journal title:Canadian Medical Association journal (CMAJ), 2022-05, Vol.194 (17), p.E601-E607
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    Author / Creator:Duma, Narjust ; Santana-Davila, Rafael ; Molina, Julian R.
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Mayo Clinic proceedings, 2019-08, Vol.94 (8), p.1623-1640
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    Author / Creator:Hamra, Ghassan B ; Guha, Neela ; Cohen, Aaron ; Laden, Francine ; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole ; Samet, Jonathan M ; Vineis, Paolo ; Forastiere, Francesco ; Saldiva, Paulo ; Yorifuji, Takashi ; Loomis, Dana
    Publisher:United States: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
    Journal title:Environmental health perspectives, 2014-09, Vol.122 (9), p.906-906
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    Author / Creator:Jemal, Ahmedin ; Miller, Kimberly D ; Ma, Jiemin ; Siegel, Rebecca L ; Fedewa, Stacey A ; Islami, Farhad ; Devesa, Susan S ; Thun, Michael J
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2018-05, Vol.378 (21), p.1999-2009
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    Author / Creator:Rudin, Charles M. ; Brambilla, Elisabeth ; Faivre-Finn, Corinne ; Sage, Julien
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature reviews. Disease primers, 2021-01, Vol.7 (1), p.3-3, Article 3
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    Author / Creator:Zhou, Maigeng ; Wang, Haidong ; Zeng, Xinying ; Yin, Peng ; Zhu, Jun ; Chen, Wanqing ; Li, Xiaohong ; Wang, Lijun ; Wang, Limin ; Liu, Yunning ; Liu, Jiangmei ; Zhang, Mei ; Qi, Jinlei ; Yu, Shicheng ; Afshin, Ashkan ; Gakidou, Emmanuela ; Glenn, Scott ; Krish, Varsha Sarah ; Miller-Petrie, Molly Katherine ; Mountjoy-Venning, W Cliff ; Mullany, Erin C ; Redford, Sofia Boston ; Liu, Hongyan ; Naghavi, Mohsen ; Hay, Simon I ; Wang, Linhong ; Murray, Christopher J L ; Liang, Xiaofeng
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2019-09, Vol.394 (10204), p.1145-1158
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    Author / Creator:Torre, Lindsey A ; Bray, Freddie ; Siegel, Rebecca L ; Ferlay, Jacques ; Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie ; Jemal, Ahmedin
    Publisher:Atlanta: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc
    Journal title:CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 2015-03, Vol.65 (2), p.87
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    Author / Creator:Zhang, Yanting, PhD ; Vaccarella, Salvatore, PhD ; Morgan, Eileen, PhD ; Li, Mengmeng, PhD ; Etxeberria, Jaione, PhD ; Chokunonga, Eric, BSc ; Manraj, Shyam Shunker, PhD ; Kamate, Bakarou, Prof ; Omonisi, Abidemi, FWACP ; Bray, Freddie, PhD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2023-11, Vol.24 (11), p.1206-1218
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    Author / Creator:Hamra, Ghassan B ; Laden, Francine ; Cohen, Aaron J ; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole ; Brauer, Michael ; Loomis, Dana
    Publisher:United States: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
    Journal title:Environmental health perspectives, 2015-11, Vol.123 (11), p.1107-1112
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    Author / Creator:Ridker, Paul M ; MacFadyen, Jean G ; Thuren, Tom ; Everett, Brendan M ; Libby, Peter ; Glynn, Robert J ; Ridker, Paul ; Lorenzatti, Alberto ; Krum, Henry ; Varigos, John ; Siostrzonek, Peter ; Sinnaeve, Peter ; Fonseca, Francisco ; Nicolau, Jose ; Gotcheva, Nina ; Genest, Jacques ; Yong, Huo ; Urina-Triana, Miguel ; Milicic, Davor ; Cifkova, Renata ; Vettus, Riina ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Anker, Stephan D ; Manolis, Athanasios J ; Wyss, Fernando ; Forster, Tamas ; Sigurdsson, Axel ; Pais, Prem ; Ogawa, Hisao ; Shimokawa, Hiroaki ; Veze, Irina ; Petrauskiene, Birute ; Salvador, Leon ; Kastelein, John ; Cornel, Jan Hein ; Medina, Felix ; Budaj, Andrzej ; Vida-Simiti, Luminita ; Kobalava, Zhanna ; Otasevic, Petar ; Pella, Daniel ; Lainscak, Mitja ; Seung, Ki-Bae ; Dellborg, Mikael ; Donath, Marc ; Hwang, Juey-Jen ; Kultursay, Hakan ; Flather, Marcus ; Ballantyne, Christie ; Bilazarian, Seth ; East, Cara ; Everett, Brendan ; Forgosh, Les ; Glynn, Robert ; Harris, Barry ; Libby, Peter ; Ligueros, Monica ; Thuren, Tom ; Bohula, Erin ; Charmarthi, Bindu ; Cheng, Susan ; Chou, Sherry ; Danik, Jacqueline ; Olenchock, Benjamin ; Pande, Reena ; Perlstein, Todd ; Pradhan, Aruna ; Rost, Natalia ; Singhal, Aneesh ; Taqueti, Viviany ; Wei, Nancy ; Burris, Howard ; Cioffi, Angela ; Dalseg, Anne Marie ; Ghosh, Nilanjan ; Gralow, Julie ; Rugo, Hope ; Limaye, Ajit P ; Cosgrove, Sara ; Lopes, Renato ; Scott, John ; Hilkert, Robert ; Tamesby, Georgia ; Manning, Brian ; Woelcke, Julian ; Manfreda, Sheryl ; Ponce, Tom ; Kam, Jane ; Saini, Ravinder ; Banker, Kehur ; Tawfik, Ronda ; Manne, Shobha ; Jirvankar, Pravin ; Lal, Shankar ; Jose, Jaison ; Collins, Rory ; Bailey, Kent ; Blumenthal, Roger ; Colhoun, Helen ; Gersh, Bernard
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2017-10, Vol.390 (10105), p.1833-1842
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    Author / Creator:Field, J K ; Duffy, S W ; Baldwin, D R ; Whynes, D K ; Devaraj, A ; Brain, K E ; Eisen, T ; Gosney, J ; Green, B A ; Holemans, J A ; Kavanagh, T ; Kerr, K M ; Ledson, M ; Lifford, K J ; McRonald, F E ; Nair, A ; Page, R D ; Parmar, M K B ; Rassl, D M ; Rintoul, R C ; Screaton, N J ; Wald, N J ; Weller, D ; Williamson, P R ; Yadegarfar, G ; Hansell, D M
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group LTD
    Journal title:Thorax, 2016-02, Vol.71 (2), p.161-170
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    Author / Creator:Crosbie, Phil A ; Balata, Haval ; Evison, Matthew ; Atack, Melanie ; Bayliss-Brideaux, Val ; Colligan, Denis ; Duerden, Rebecca ; Eaglesfield, Josephine ; Edwards, Timothy ; Elton, Peter ; Foster, Julie ; Greaves, Melanie ; Hayler, Graham ; Higgins, Coral ; Howells, John ; Irion, Klaus ; Karunaratne, Devinda ; Kelly, Jodie ; King, Zoe ; Manson, Sarah ; Mellor, Stuart ; Miller, Donna ; Myerscough, Amanda ; Newton, Tom ; O’Leary, Michelle ; Pearson, Rachel ; Pickford, Julie ; Sawyer, Richard ; Screaton, Nick J ; Sharman, Anna ; Simmons, Maggi ; Smith, Elaine ; Taylor, Ben ; Taylor, Sarah ; Walsham, Anna ; Watts, Angela ; Whittaker, James ; Yarnell, Laura ; Threlfall, Anthony ; Barber, Phil V ; Tonge, Janet ; Booton, Richard
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Thoracic Society
    Journal title:Thorax, 2019-04, Vol.74 (4), p.405-409
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    Author / Creator:Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole, Dr ; Andersen, Zorana J, PhD ; Beelen, Rob, PhD ; Samoli, Evangelia, PhD ; Stafoggia, Massimo, MSc ; Weinmayr, Gudrun, PhD ; Hoffmann, Barbara, Prof ; Fischer, Paul, MSc ; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J, PhD ; Brunekreef, Bert, Prof ; Xun, Wei W, MPH ; Katsouyanni, Klea, Prof ; Dimakopoulou, Konstantina, MSc ; Sommar, Johan, MSc ; Forsberg, Bertil, Prof ; Modig, Lars, PhD ; Oudin, Anna, PhD ; Oftedal, Bente, PhD ; Schwarze, Per E, PhD ; Nafstad, Per, Prof ; De Faire, Ulf, Prof ; Pedersen, Nancy L, Prof ; Östenson, Claes-Göran, Prof ; Fratiglioni, Laura, PhD ; Penell, Johanna, PhD ; Korek, Michal, MSc ; Pershagen, Göran, Prof ; Eriksen, Kirsten T, PhD ; Sørensen, Mette, PhD ; Tjønneland, Anne, DMSc ; Ellermann, Thomas, PhD ; Eeftens, Marloes, MSc ; Peeters, Petra H, Prof ; Meliefste, Kees, BSc ; Wang, Meng, MSc ; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas, PhD ; Key, Timothy J, Prof ; de Hoogh, Kees, PhD ; Concin, Hans, MD ; Nagel, Gabriele, PhD ; Vilier, Alice, MSc ; Grioni, Sara, BSc ; Krogh, Vittorio, MD ; Tsai, Ming-Yi, PhD ; Ricceri, Fulvio, PhD ; Sacerdote, Carlotta, PhD ; Galassi, Claudia, MD ; Migliore, Enrica, MSc ; Ranzi, Andrea, PhD ; Cesaroni, Giulia, MSc ; Badaloni, Chiara, MSc ; Forastiere, Francesco, PhD ; Tamayo, Ibon, MSc ; Amiano, Pilar, MSc ; Dorronsoro, Miren, MD ; Trichopoulou, Antonia, Prof ; Bamia, Christina, PhD ; Vineis, Paolo, Prof ; Hoek, Gerard, PhD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2013-08, Vol.14 (9), p.813-822
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    Author / Creator:Wong, Martin C. S. ; Lao, Xiang Qian ; Ho, Kin-Fai ; Goggins, William B. ; Tse, Shelly L. A.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Scientific reports, 2017-10, Vol.7 (1), p.14300-9, Article 14300
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