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Author / Creator:Mahadeo, Kris Michael, Prof ; Baiocchi, Robert, Prof ; Beitinjaneh, Amer, MD ; Chaganti, Sridhar, MD ; Choquet, Sylvain, Prof ; Dierickx, Daan, Prof ; Dinavahi, Rajani, MD ; Duan, Xinyuan, MS PhD ; Gamelin, Laurence, MD PhD ; Ghobadi, Armin, MD ; Guzman-Becerra, Norma, MS ; Joshi, Manher, MD ; Mehta, Aditi, DO ; Navarro, Willis H, MD ; Nikiforow, Sarah, MD PhD ; O'Reilly, Richard J, Prof ; Reshef, Ran, MD ; Ruiz, Fiona, PhD ; Spindler, Tassja, BS ; Prockop, Susan, MD
Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2024-03, Vol.25 (3), p.376-387
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