1 results for Maniar,+Tapan,+MD

1 results for Maniar,+Tapan,+MD

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Topp, Max S, Dr ; Gökbuget, Nicola, MD ; Stein, Anthony S, MD ; Zugmaier, Gerhard, MD ; O'Brien, Susan, MD ; Bargou, Ralf C, Prof ; Dombret, Hervé, MD ; Fielding, Adele K, PhD ; Heffner, Leonard, MD ; Larson, Richard A, Prof ; Neumann, Svenja, MD ; Foà, Robin, MD ; Litzow, Mark, Prof ; Ribera, Josep-Maria, Prof ; Rambaldi, Alessandro, MD ; Schiller, Gary, MD ; Brüggemann, Monika, MD ; Horst, Heinz A, MD ; Holland, Chris, MS ; Jia, Catherine, PhD ; Maniar, Tapan, MD ; Huber, Birgit, PhD ; Nagorsen, Dirk, MD ; Forman, Stephen J, MD ; Kantarjian, Hagop M, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2015-01, Vol.16 (1), p.57-66
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