2 results for Marcotti,+Eugenia

2 results for Marcotti,+Eugenia

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    Author / Creator:Morales, Mariano S. ; Cook, Edward R. ; Barichivich, Jonathan ; Christie, Duncan A. ; Villalba, Ricardo ; LeQuesne, Carlos ; Srur, Ana M. ; Ferrero, M. Eugenia ; González-Reyes, Álvaro ; Couvreux, Fleur ; Matskovsky, Vladimir ; Aravena, Juan C. ; Lara, Antonio ; Mundo, Ignacio A. ; Rojas, Facundo ; Prieto, María R. ; Smerdon, Jason E. ; Bianchi, Lucas O. ; Masiokas, Mariano H. ; Urrutia-Jalabert, Rocio ; Rodriguez-Catón, Milagros ; Muñoz, Ariel A. ; Rojas-Badilla, Moises ; Alvarez, Claudio ; Lopez, Lidio ; Luckman, Brian H. ; Lister, David ; Harris, Ian ; Jones, Philip D. ; Williams, A. Park ; Velazquez, Gonzalo ; Aliste, Diego ; Aguilera-Betti, Isabella ; Marcotti, Eugenia ; Flores, Felipe ; Muñoz, Tomás ; Cuq, Emilio ; Boninsegna, José A.
    Publisher:Washington: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2020-07, Vol.117 (29), p.16816-16823
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    Author / Creator:Srur, Ana M ; Villalba, Ricardo ; Rodríguez-Catón, Milagros ; Amoroso, Mariano M ; Marcotti, Eugenia
    Publisher:Boulder: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado
    Journal title:Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research, 2016-11, Vol.48 (4), p.755-766
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