2 results for Massaro,+Taís+Nader+Chrysostomo

2 results for Massaro,+Taís+Nader+Chrysostomo

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    Author / Creator:Gushiken, Lucas Fernando Sérgio ; Beserra, Fernando Pereira ; Hussni, Maria Fernanda ; Gonzaga, Murilo Tireli ; Ribeiro, Victor Pena ; de Souza, Patrícia Fernanda ; Campos, Jacqueline Costa Lima ; Massaro, Taís Nader Chrysostomo ; Hussni, Carlos Alberto ; Takahira, Regina Kiomi ; Marcato, Priscyla Daniely ; Bastos, Jairo Kenupp ; Pellizzon, Cláudia Helena
    Publisher:United States: Hindawi
    Journal title:Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2022, Vol.2022, p.9004014-21
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Santana, Jhonne Pedro Pedott ; Marcato, Priscyla Daniely ; Massaro, Tais Nader Chrysostomo ; Godoy, Naiane Lima ; Anibal, Fernanda de Freitas ; Borra, Ricardo Carneiro
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central
    Journal title:Laboratory Animal Research, 2022, 38(2), , pp.79-90
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