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Author / Creator:Sreeramkumar, Vinatha ; Adrover, José M. ; Ballesteros, Ivan ; Cuartero, Maria Isabel ; Rossaint, Jan ; Bilbao, Izaskun ; Nácher, Maria ; Pitaval, Christophe ; Radovanovic, Irena ; Fukui, Yoshinori ; McEver, Rodger P. ; Filippi, Marie-Dominique ; Lizasoain, Ignacio ; Ruiz-Cabello, Jesús ; Zarbock, Alexander ; Moro, María A. ; Hidalgo, Andrés
Publisher:United States: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Journal title:Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 2014-12, Vol.346 (6214), p.1234-1238
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