311 results for Mennes,+Wim

311 results for Mennes,+Wim

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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Oskarsson, Agneta ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Aggett, Peter ; Cupisti, Adamasco ; Fortes, Cristina ; Kuhnle, Gunter ; Lillegaard, Inger Therese ; Scotter, Michael ; Giarola, Alessandra ; Rincon, Ana ; Tard, Alexandra ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2019-06, Vol.17 (6), p.n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Husøy, Trine ; Mennes, Wim ; Agneta Oskarsson, Peter Moldeus ; Rainieri, Sandra ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Gaffet, Eric ; Mast, Jan ; Peters, Ruud ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Fürst, Peter
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2019-07, Vol.17 (7), p.e05760-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Husøy, Trine ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Oskarsson, Agneta ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Degen, Gisela ; Herman, Lieve ; Gott, David ; Leblanc, Jean‐Charles ; Giarola, Alessandra ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Tard, Alexandra ; Castle, Laurence
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2019-12, Vol.17 (12), p.e05921-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Moldeus, Peter ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Cheyns, Karlien ; FitzGerald, Reginald ; Mirat, Manuela ; Mortensen, Alicja ; Ulbrich, Beate ; Woutersen, Ruud ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Ruggeri, Laura ; Smeraldi, Camilla ; Tard, Alexandra ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2023-07, Vol.21 (7), p.e08103-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Dusemund, Birgit ; Mortensen, Alicja ; Turck, Dominique ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Barmaz, Stefania ; Mech, Agnieszka ; Tard, Alexandra ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2024-05, Vol.22 (5), p.e8748-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Cheyns, Karlien ; Mirat, Manuela ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Tard, Alexandra ; Zakidou, Panagiota ; Fürst, Peter
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2024-02, Vol.22 (2), p.e8563-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Wright, Matthew ; Degen, Gisela ; Giarola, Alessandra ; Rincon, Ana M ; Castle, Laurence
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2020-04, Vol.18 (4), p.e06106-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Moldeus, Peter ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Cheyns, Karlien ; Fitzgerald, Reginald ; Mirat, Manuela ; Mortensen, Alicja ; Ulbrich, Beate ; Woutersen, Ruud ; Laganaro, Marcello ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Ruggeri, Laura ; Smeraldi, Camilla ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2023-07, Vol.21 (7), p.e08110-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul J ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Benigni, Romualdo ; Bolognesi, Claudia ; Chipman, Kevin ; Cordelli, Eugenia ; Nørby, Karin ; Svendsen, Camilla ; Carfí, Maria ; Vianello, Giorgia ; Mennes, Wim
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2023-02, Vol.21 (2), p.n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul J ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria José ; Fürst, Peter ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Benigni, Romualdo ; Bolognesi, Claudia ; Chipman, Kevin ; Cordelli, Eugenia ; Carfì, Maria ; Mennes, Wim
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2023-04, Vol.21 (4), p.e07967-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Wright, Matthew ; Dusemund, Birgit ; Mortensen, Alicja ; Turck, Dominique ; Barmaz, Stefania ; Tard, Alexandra ; Vianello, Giorgia ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2020-11, Vol.18 (11), p.n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Wright, Matthew ; Cheyns, Karlien ; Mirat, Manuela ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Fürst, Peter
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2022-06, Vol.20 (6), p.e07353-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Husøy, Trine ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Oskarsson, Agneta ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Boon, Polly ; Crebelli, Riccardo ; Di Domenico, Alessandro ; Filipič, Metka ; Mortensen, Alicja ; Van Loveren, Henk ; Woutersen, Ruud ; Gergelova, Petra ; Giarola, Alessandra ; Lodi, Federica ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2019-10, Vol.17 (10), p.n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Husøy, Trine ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Oskarsson, Agneta ; Shah, Romina ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Lambré, Claude ; Christodoulidou, Anna ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley and Sons Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2019-03, Vol.17 (3), p.e05625-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul J ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Moldeus, Peter ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Benigni, Romualdo ; Bolognesi, Claudia ; Chipman, Kevin ; Cordelli, Eugenia ; Nørby, Karin ; Svendsen, Camilla ; Carfì, Maria ; Mennes, Wim
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2023-02, Vol.21 (2), p.e07777-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Husøy, Trine ; Mennes, Wim ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Dina Hendrika ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Boon, Polly ; Tobback, Paul ; Wright, Matthew ; Horvath, Zsuzsanna ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Moldeus, Peter
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2020-03, Vol.18 (3), p.e06032-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul J. ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Benigni, Romualdo ; Bolognesi, Claudia ; Chipman, Kevin ; Cordelli, Eugenia ; Nørby, Karin ; Svendsen, Camilla ; Carfì, Maria ; Martino, Carla ; Mennes, Wim
    Publisher:United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2022-08, Vol.20 (8), p.e07420-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Mennes, Wim ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Wright, Matthew ; Cheyns, Karlien ; Mirat, Manuela ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Tard, Alexandra ; Fürst, Peter
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2022-05, Vol.20 (5), p.e07294-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Degen, Gisela ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul J ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Husøy, Trine ; Manco, Melania ; Moldeus, Peter ; Passamonti, Sabina ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wright, Matthew ; Benigni, Romualdo ; Bolognesi, Claudia ; Chipman, Kevin ; Cordelli, Eugenia ; Nørby, Karin ; Svendsen, Camilla ; Carfí, Maria ; Vianello, Giorgia ; Mennes, Wim
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2022-07, Vol.20 (7), p.e07355-n/a
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    Author / Creator:Younes, Maged ; Aquilina, Gabriele ; Castle, Laurence ; Engel, Karl‐Heinz ; Fowler, Paul ; Frutos Fernandez, Maria Jose ; Fürst, Peter ; Gürtler, Rainer ; Gundert‐Remy, Ursula ; Husøy, Trine ; Mennes, Wim ; Shah, Romina ; Waalkens‐Berendsen, Ine ; Wölfle, Detlef ; Boon, Polly ; Tobback, Paul ; Wright, Matthew ; Aguilera, Jaime ; Rincon, Ana Maria ; Tard, Alexandra ; Moldeus, Peter
    Publisher:Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:EFSA journal, 2020-03, Vol.18 (3), p.n/a
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