381 results for Ming,+Guo-li

381 results for Ming,+Guo-li

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    故宮名畫選萃續輯 = Masterpieces of Chinese painting in the National Palace Museum supplement / [編纂者國立故宮博物院].

    Gu gong ming hua xuan cui xu ji = Masterpieces of Chinese painting in the National Palace Museum supplement / [bian zuan zhe Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan]

    Author / Creator:Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. | 國立故宮博物院
    Publisher:Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China : Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan, 1973. | Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China : 國立故宮博物院, 1973.
    Call Numbers:NQ759.951/11
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    Huan gei zi ji mei ji fu, jian dan xiao bao yang, neng ...

    還給自己美肌膚, 簡單小保養, 能做到 : 名醫親授"原因療法", 5絕招重拾鎖水力與免疫屏障, 徹底擺脫暗沉, 堵塞, 過敏, 發炎等惱人皮膚問題 / 菊池新著 ; 蘇暐婷譯.

    Huan gei zi ji mei ji fu, jian dan xiao bao yang, neng zuo dao : ming yi qin shou"yuan yin liao fa" , 5 jue zhao chong shi suo shui li yu mian yi ping zhang, che di bai tuo an chen, du se, guo min, fa...

    Author / Creator:Kikuchi, Arata, author. | 菊池新, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Fang yan wen hua chu ban shi ye you xian gong si, 2019. | 臺北市 : 方言文化出版事業有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/646.7/KIK
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    Meiji, Taishō, Shōwa hon'yaku bungaku mokuroku / Koku...

    明治.大正.昭和翻訳文学目錄 / 国立国会図書館編.

    Meiji, Taishō, Shōwa hon'yaku bungaku mokuroku / Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan hen.

    Author / Creator:Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan (Japan) | 国立国会図書館 (Japan)
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kazama Shobō, Shōwa 34 [1959] | 東京 : 風間書房, 昭和34 [1959]
    Date:Shōwa 34 [1959]
    Call Numbers:T0401332
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    Man you Aodaliya = Roam around Australia / Ye Dingguo, ...

    漫游澳大利亚 = Roam around Australia / 叶丁国, 康建明.

    Man you Aodaliya = Roam around Australia / Ye Dingguo, Kang Jianming.

    Author / Creator:Ye, Dingguo. | 叶丁国
    Publisher:Zhengzhou : Da xiang chu ban she, 1999. | 郑州 : 大象出版社, 1999.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:919.4/132
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Ma Zhiming xiang sheng ji...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 馬志明相声集 [sound recording] / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Ma Zhiming xiang sheng ji [sound recording] / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Author / Creator:Ma, Zhiming. | 馬志明
    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she ; Guangzhou : Guangdong fei le ying shi zhi pin you xian gong si, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社 ; 广州 : 广东飞乐影视制品有限公司, [2002].
    Call Numbers:CHI/01759
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    國立中央博物館名品図鑑 = A hundred treasures of National Museum of Korea / [黃壽永等編著 ; 金大壁撮影]

    Kungnip Chungang Pangmulgwan myŏngp'um togam = A hundred treasures of National Museum of Korea / [Hwang Su-yŏng tŭng p'yŏnjŏ ; Kim Tae-byŏk ch'wallyŏng]

    Author / Creator:Kungnip Chungang Pangmulgwan (Korea). | 國立中央博物館 (Korea)
    Publisher:Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi : Samhwa Ch'ulp'ansa, 1972. | 서울特別市 : 三和出版社, 1972.
    Call Numbers:NQ708.95195/1
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    Bai nian chuan cheng zou chu huo lu : Zhonghua Minguo w...

    百年傳承走出活路 : 中華民國外交史料特展 = A century of resilient tradition : exhibition of the Republic of China's diplomatic archives / [主編沈呂巡, 馮明珠].

    Bai nian chuan cheng zou chu huo lu : Zhonghua Minguo wai jiao shi liao te zhan = A century of resilient tradition : exhibition of the Republic of China's diplomatic archives / [zhu bian Shen Lüxun,...

    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan, Minguo 100 [2011] | 臺北市 : 國立故宮博物院, 民國100 [2011]
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Date:Minguo 100 [2011]
    Call Numbers:GQ 2013/399
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    Author / Creator:Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. | 國立故宮博物院
    Publisher:Kowloon : Cafa Co., 1961-[1969]
    Call Numbers:TF02937 , TF02925 , TF02932 , TF02934 , TF02933 , TF02922 , TF02923 , TF02939 , TF02938 , TF02942 , TF02943 , TF02947 , TF02946 , TF02949 , TF02948 , TF02945 , TF02944 , TF02941 , TF02940 , TF02935 , TF02936 , TF02926 , TF02930 , TF02924 , TF02931 , TF02929 , TF02928 , TF02927
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    Pictures | Photographs

    Call Numbers:PX*D 156/vol. 2
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    Da xiang ye ye song lai de li wu = Grandpa elephant wit...

    大象爺爺送來的禮物 = Grandpa elephant with his colorful balloons / 著作 戴薇 ; 英譯 譚俊德 ; 繪圖 Tulip Game U.S.A. Inc.

    Da xiang ye ye song lai de li wu = Grandpa elephant with his colorful balloons / zhu zuo Dai Wei ; Ying yi Tan Junde ; hui tu Tulip Game U.S.A. Inc.

    Author / Creator:Dai, Wei, author. | 戴薇, author
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Qing gan lan, 2016.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00738 , CHI/J/00555
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    Tai ping hou kui = Taiping houkui tea / [Xiang Jinru, Z...

    太平猴魁 = Taiping houkui tea / [项金如, 郑建新, 李继平编著].

    Tai ping hou kui = Taiping houkui tea / [Xiang Jinru, Zheng Jianxin, Li Jiping bian zhu].

    Author / Creator:Xiang, Jinru, 1950- | 项金如, 1950-
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai wen hua chu ban she, 2010. | 上海 : 上海文化出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/641.3/XIA
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    Jian shang = Profiteering merchant / Huang Xiaoyang zhu...

    奸商 = Profiteering merchant / 黄晓阳著.

    Jian shang = Profiteering merchant / Huang Xiaoyang zhu.

    Author / Creator:Huang, Xiaoyang | 黄晓阳
    Publisher:Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 2010. | 南京 : 江苏人民出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01645
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    Meng de jie xi = The interpretation of dreams / [Ao] Xi...

    梦的解析 = The interpretation of dreams / [奥]西格蒙德·弗洛伊德著 ; 孙名之, 顾凯华, 冯华英译.

    Meng de jie xi = The interpretation of dreams / [Ao] Xigemengde Fuluoyide zhu ; Sun Mingzhi, Gu Kaihua, Feng Huaying yi.

    Author / Creator:Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Guo ji wen hua chu ban she, 2011. | 北京 : 国际文化出版社, 2011.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/150.1/FRE
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    The Jingshan report : [electronic resource] : opening C...

    Publisher:Acton, A.C.T. : ANU Press, 2019
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    Xian dai Zhong wai shi pian pei le lang song. Er, Zhi q...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    现代中外诗篇配乐朗诵. 二, 挚情篇 [sound recording] / 上海音像出版社录音制作中心录制.

    Xian dai Zhong wai shi pian pei le lang song. Er, Zhi qing pian [sound recording] / Shanghai yin xiang chu ban she lu yin zhi zuo zhong xin lu zhi.

    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai yin xiang chu ban she, [2007].
    Call Numbers:CHI/01751
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    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound r...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    王谦祥, 李增瑞相声全集 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化发展有限公司制作.

    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-?] | [北京] : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-?]
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3 版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00385
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