2 results for Miyakawa,+Nobukazu

2 results for Miyakawa,+Nobukazu

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    Author / Creator:Kondo, Tatsuya ; Miyakawa, Nobukazu ; Motoshima, Hiroyuki ; Hanatani, Satoko ; Ishii, Norio ; Igata, Motoyuki ; Yoshinaga, Kayo ; Kukidome, Daisuke ; Senokuchi, Takafumi ; Kawashima, Junji ; Furukawa, Noboru ; Matsumura, Takeshi ; Araki, Eiichi
    Publisher:Japan: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Journal title:Journal of diabetes investigation, 2019-03, Vol.10 (2), p.521-530
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Goto, Rieko ; Kondo, Tatsuya ; Ono, Kaoru ; Kitano, Sayaka ; Miyakawa, Nobukazu ; Watanabe, Takuro ; Sakaguchi, Masaji ; Sato, Miki ; Igata, Motoyuki ; Kawashima, Junji ; Motoshima, Hiroyuki ; Matsumura, Takeshi ; Shimoda, Seiya ; Araki, Eiichi
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI
    Journal title:Journal of clinical medicine, 2019-05, Vol.8 (5), p.674
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