2 results for Miyake,+Nozomi

2 results for Miyake,+Nozomi

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    Author / Creator:Kariyama, Kazuya ; Hiraoka, Atsushi ; Kumada, Takashi ; Yasuda, Satoshi ; Toyoda, Hidenori ; Tsuji, Kunihiko ; Hatanaka, Takeshi ; Kakizaki, Satoru ; Naganuma, Atsushi ; Tada, Toshifumi ; Takaguchi, Koichi ; Itobayashi, Ei ; Ishikawa, Toru ; Shimada, Noritomo ; Tsutsui, Akemi ; Nagano, Takuya ; Imai, Michitaka ; Nakamura, Shinichiro ; Wakuta, Akiko ; Miyake, Nozomi ; Shiota, Shohei ; Nouso, Kazuhiro
    Publisher:Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore
    Journal title:Journal of gastroenterology, 2022-08, Vol.57 (8), p.581-586
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Reveron‐Thornton, Rosyli F. ; Teng, Margaret L. P. ; Lee, Eunice Yewon ; Tran, Andrew ; Vajanaphanich, Sean ; Tan, Eunice X. ; Nerurkar, Sanjna N. ; Ng, Rui Xin ; Teh, Readon ; Tripathy, Debi Prasad ; Ito, Takanori ; Tanaka, Taku ; Miyake, Nozomi ; Zou, Biyao ; Wong, Connie ; Toyoda, Hidenori ; Esquivel, Carlos O. ; Bonham, C. Andrew ; Nguyen, Mindie H. ; Huang, Daniel Q.
    Publisher:United States: Wolters Kluwer Health Medical Research, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    Journal title:Hepatology communications, 2022-07, Vol.6 (7), p.1813-1826
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