1,443 results for Mu,+Wei

1,443 results for Mu,+Wei

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    Shu guang yu mu se = Dawn and dusk / Zhang Wei.

    曙光与暮色 = Dawn and dusk / 张炜.

    Shu guang yu mu se = Dawn and dusk / Zhang Wei.

    Author / Creator:Zhang, Wei, 1956- | 张炜, 1956-
    Publisher:Beijing : Zuo jia chu ban she, 2010. | 北京 : 作家出版社, 2010.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01643
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    Government publication - level undetermined | Journals

    給懷孕婦女及新任母親有關維生素D的資訊 = Vitamin D for pregnant women and new mothers / NSW Health,Western Sydney Local Health District.

    Gei huai yun fu nu ji xin ren mu qin you guan wei sheng su D de zi xun = Vitamin D for pregnant women and new mothers / NSW Health, Western Sydney Local Health District.

    Publisher:Gladesville, NSW NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, [2012]
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    行為變化與癡呆症. 4, 無目的遊走行為 / 澳洲阿爾茲海默氏病協會.

    Xing wei bian hua yu chi dai zheng. 4, wu mu di you zou xing wei / Aozhou A'erzihaimoshi bing xie hui.

    Author / Creator:Alzheimer's Australia author. | 澳洲阿爾茲海默氏病協會 author
    Publisher:[Hawthorn, Victoria] Alzheimer's Australia, 2012.
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    Hewing the mountain to rescue mother / adapted by Wu We...

    Hewing the mountain to rescue mother / adapted by Wu Wei ; translated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan = 劈山救母 / 改编吴蔚 ; 翻译刘光第 ; 绘图李海燕 劈山救母.

    Hewing the mountain to rescue mother / adapted by Wu Wei ; translated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan = Pi shan jiu mu / gai bian Wu Wei ; fan yi Liu Guangdi ; hui tu Li Haiyan.

    Author / Creator:Wu, Wei. | 吴蔚
    Publisher:Beijing : Dolphin Books = Hai tun chu ban she, 2005. | 北京 : Dolphin Books = 海豚出版社, 2005.
    Edition:Di 1 ban = 1st ed. | 第1版 = 1st ed.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00215 , CHI/J/00046
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    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    過得好,因為我值得 : 失敗只是成功的後母 / 吳若權著 ; 安娜錄音.

    Guo de hao, yin wei wo zhi de : shi bai zhi shi cheng gong de hou mu / Wu Ruoquan zhu ; Anna lu yin.

    Author / Creator:Wu, Ruoquan author. | 吳若權
    Publisher:[Taiwan] Haodoo.net.
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    日本目錄規則 / 日本図書館協会目錄委員会編.

    Nihon mokuroku kisoku / Nihon Toshokan Kyōkai Mokuroku Iinkai hen.

    Publisher:Tōkyō : Nihon Toshokan Kyōkai, 1965. | 東京 : 日本図書館協会, 1965.
    Edition:1965-nenban. | 1965年版.
    Call Numbers:T0193365
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    Byakuya no pureryūdo / Ikeda Miyoko saku ; Otani Osamu...

    白夜のプレリュード / 池田美代子作 ; 尾谷おさむ絵.

    Byakuya no pureryūdo / Ikeda Miyoko saku ; Otani Osamu e.

    Author / Creator:Ikeda, Miyoko. | 池田美代子
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kōdansha, 2011. | 東京 : 講談社, 2011.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00599
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    Haruka naru nikirāina / Ikeda Miyoko saku ;Otani Osamu...

    遙かなるニキラアイナ / 池田美代子作 ; 尾谷おさむ絵.

    Haruka naru nikirāina / Ikeda Miyoko saku ;Otani Osamu e.

    Author / Creator:Ikeda, Miyoko. | 池田美代子
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kōdansha, 2014. | 東京 : 講談社, 2014.
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/00370
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    Idai naru, shurarabon / Makime Manabu.

    偉大なる, しゅららぼん / 万城目学.

    Idai naru, shurarabon / Makime Manabu.

    Author / Creator:Makime, Manabu, author. | 万城目学, author
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Shūeisha, 2013. | 東京 : 集英社, 2013.
    Call Numbers:JPN/01024
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    Mitsuya Seizaemon zanjitsuroku / Fujisawa Shūhei.

    三屋清左衛門残目録 / 藤沢周平.

    Mitsuya Seizaemon zanjitsuroku / Fujisawa Shūhei.

    Author / Creator:Fujisawa, Shūhei, 1927-1997 author. | 藤沢周平, 1927-1997, author
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Bungei Shunjū, 1992.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00879
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    Yi wei Aozhou zong li kan Zhongguo / Gaofu Huitelamu zh...

    一位澳洲总理看中国 / 高夫 惠特拉姆著.

    Yi wei Aozhou zong li kan Zhongguo / Gaofu Huitelamu zhu.

    Author / Creator:Whitlam, Gough, 1916-2014.
    Publisher:Xianggang : Tian da yan jiu yuan : Tian di tu shu you xian gong si, 2010. | 香港 : 天大研究院 : 天地图书有限公司, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1926
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    Xing zhuang ge = The shape song swingalong / Sidifu San...

    形状歌 = The shape song swingalong / 史蒂夫·桑斯 著 ; 戴维·西姆 绘

    Xing zhuang ge = The shape song swingalong / Sidifu Sangsi zhu ; Daiwei Ximu hui.

    Author / Creator:SteveSongs (Musical group) author
    Publisher:Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2016. | 北京 外语教学与研究出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Xiu ding ban. | 修订版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00532
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    Jing ling shu / [Nawei] Gunvor Rasmussen hui/zhu ; Ning...

    精灵书 / [挪威]龚沃儿·拉斯姆森 绘/著 ; 宁蒙 译.

    Jing ling shu / [Nawei] Gunvor Rasmussen hui/zhu ; Ning Meng yi.

    Author / Creator:Rasmussen, Gunvor, illustrator, author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Wen hua fa zhan chu ban she, 2018. | 北京 : 文化发展出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00678
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    Wei qiang / Nuowa Lei Suma zhu ; Yang Muxi yi = Walls a...

    圍牆 / 諾瓦・雷・蘇瑪著 ; 楊沐希譯 = Walls around us / Nova Ren Suma.

    Wei qiang / Nuowa Lei Suma zhu ; Yang Muxi yi = Walls around us / Nova Ren Suma.

    Author / Creator:Suma, Nova Ren author.
    Publisher:Taizhong Shi : Yi zhong xin you xian gong si, 2018. | 臺中市 : 一中心有限公司, 2018.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02289
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    Shuang lun ma che de mi mi = The mystery of a hansom ca...

    双轮马车的秘密 = The mystery of a hansom cab / 弗格斯・休姆著 ; 赵文伟译.

    Shuang lun ma che de mi mi = The mystery of a hansom cab / Fugesi Xiumu zhu ; Zhao Wenwei yi.

    Author / Creator:Hume, Fergus, 1859-1932.
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Xin xing chu ban she, 2009. | 北京市 : 新星出版社, 2009.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:823.8/296
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    Kaeru no gohōbi : emaki "Chōjū jinbutsu giga" yori /...

    かえるのごほうび : 絵巻「鳥獣人物戯画」より / 木島始 さく ; 梶山俊夫 レイアウト.

    Kaeru no gohōbi : emaki "Chōjū jinbutsu giga" yori / Kijima Hajime saku ; Kajiyama Toshio reiauto.

    Author / Creator:Kijima, Hajime, 1928-2004 author. | 木島始, 1928-2004, author
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Fukuinkan Shoten, 2021. | 東京 : 福音館書店, 2021.
    Edition:Shohan. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:JPN/J/01038
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