3,983 results for Mycobacterium+tuberculosis+-+genetics

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    The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health.

    Author / Creator:Inc, Gale Research.
    Publisher:Farmington Hills : Cengage Gale, 2019.
    Edition:2nd ed.
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    Author / Creator:Palmero, Domingo ; Ritacco, Viviana ; Ambroggi, Martha ; Marcela, Natiello ; Barrera, Lucía ; Capone, Lilian ; Dambrosi, Alicia ; di Lonardo, Martha ; Isola, Nélida ; Poggi, Susana ; Vescovo, Marisa ; Abbate, Eduardo
    Publisher:United States: U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases
    Journal title:Emerging infectious diseases, 2003-08, Vol.9 (8), p.965-969
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    Author / Creator:Loman, NJ ; Pallen, MJ
    Publisher:England: Future Medicine Ltd
    Journal title:Future microbiology, 2008-04, Vol.3 (2), p.111-113
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    Author / Creator:van Rie, Annelies ; Warren, Robin ; Richardson, Madeleine ; Victor, Thomas C ; Gie, Robert P ; Enarson, Donald A ; Beyers, Nulda ; van Helden, Paul D
    Publisher:Boston, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 1999-10, Vol.341 (16), p.1174-1179
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    Author / Creator:Lewinsohn, David M. ; Leonard, Michael K. ; LoBue, Philip A. ; Cohn, David L. ; Daley, Charles L. ; Desmond, Ed ; Keane, Joseph ; Lewinsohn, Deborah A. ; Loeffler, Ann M. ; Mazurek, Gerald H. ; O'Brien, Richard J. ; Pai, Madhukar ; Richeldi, Luca ; Salfinger, Max ; Shinnick, Thomas M. ; Sterling, Timothy R. ; Warshauer, David M. ; Woods, Gail L.
    Publisher:United States: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:Clinical infectious diseases, 2017-01, Vol.64 (2), p.111-115
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    Author / Creator:Gonzalo-Asensio, Jesús ; Malaga, Wladimir ; Pawlik, Alexandre ; Astarie-Dequeker, Catherine ; Passemar, Charlotte ; Moreau, Flavie ; Laval, Françoise ; Daffé, Mamadou ; Martin, Carlos ; Brosch, Roland ; Guilhot, Christophe
    Publisher:United States: National Academy of Sciences
    Journal title:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 2014-08, Vol.111 (31), p.11491-11496
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    Author / Creator:Lewinsohn, David M ; Leonard, Michael K ; LoBue, Philip A ; Cohn, David L ; Daley, Charles L ; Desmond, Ed ; Keane, Joseph ; Lewinsohn, Deborah A ; Loeffler, Ann M ; Mazurek, Gerald H ; O'Brien, Richard J ; Pai, Madhukar ; Richeldi, Luca ; Salfinger, Max ; Shinnick, Thomas M ; Sterling, Timothy R ; Warshauer, David M ; Woods, Gail L
    Publisher:United States
    Journal title:Clinical infectious diseases, 2017-01, Vol.64 (2), p.e1-e33
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    Author / Creator:Allix-Béguec, Caroline ; Arandjelovic, Irena ; Bi, Lijun ; Beckert, Patrick ; Bonnet, Maryline ; Bradley, Phelim ; Cabibbe, Andrea M ; Cancino-Muñoz, Irving ; Caulfield, Mark J ; Chaiprasert, Angkana ; Cirillo, Daniela M ; Clifton, David A ; Comas, Iñaki ; Crook, Derrick W ; De Filippo, Maria R ; de Neeling, Han ; Diel, Roland ; Drobniewski, Francis A ; Faksri, Kiatichai ; Farhat, Maha R ; Fleming, Joy ; Fowler, Philip ; Fowler, Tom A ; Gao, Qian ; Gardy, Jennifer ; Gascoyne-Binzi, Deborah ; Gibertoni-Cruz, Ana-Luiza ; Gil-Brusola, Ana ; Golubchik, Tanya ; Gonzalo, Ximena ; Grandjean, Louis ; He, Guangxue ; Guthrie, Jennifer L ; Hoosdally, Sarah ; Hunt, Martin ; Iqbal, Zamin ; Ismail, Nazir ; Johnston, James ; Khanzada, Faisal M ; Khor, Chiea C ; Kohl, Thomas A ; Kong, Clare ; Lipworth, Sam ; Liu, Qingyun ; Maphalala, Gugu ; Martinez, Elena ; Mathys, Vanessa ; Merker, Matthias ; Miotto, Paolo ; Mistry, Nerges ; Moore, David A J ; Murray, Megan ; Niemann, Stefan ; Omar, Shaheed V ; Ong, Rick T-H ; Peto, Tim E A ; Posey, James E ; Prammananan, Therdsak ; Pym, Alexander ; Rodrigues, Camilla ; Rodrigues, Mabel ; Rodwell, Timothy ; Rossolini, Gian M ; Sánchez Padilla, Elisabeth ; Schito, Marco ; Shen, Xin ; Shendure, Jay ; Sintchenko, Vitali ; Sloutsky, Alex ; Smith, E Grace ; Snyder, Matthew ; Soetaert, Karine ; Starks, Angela M ; Supply, Philip ; Suriyapol, Prapat ; Tahseen, Sabira ; Tang, Patrick ; Teo, Yik-Ying ; Thuong, Thuong N T ; Thwaites, Guy ; Tortoli, Enrico ; van Soolingen, Dick ; Walker, A Sarah ; Walker, Timothy M ; Wilcox, Mark ; Wilson, Daniel J ; Wyllie, David ; Yang, Yang ; Zhang, Hongtai ; Zhao, Yanlin ; Zhu, Baoli
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2018-10, Vol.379 (15), p.1403-1415
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    Author / Creator:Dorman, Susan E ; Schumacher, Samuel G ; Alland, David ; Nabeta, Pamela ; Armstrong, Derek T ; King, Bonnie ; Hall, Sandra L ; Chakravorty, Soumitesh ; Cirillo, Daniela M ; Tukvadze, Nestani ; Bablishvili, Nino ; Stevens, Wendy ; Scott, Lesley ; Rodrigues, Camilla ; Kazi, Mubin I ; Joloba, Moses ; Nakiyingi, Lydia ; Nicol, Mark P ; Ghebrekristos, Yonas ; Anyango, Irene ; Murithi, Wilfred ; Dietze, Reynaldo ; Lyrio Peres, Renata ; Skrahina, Alena ; Auchynka, Vera ; Chopra, Kamal Kishore ; Hanif, Mahmud ; Liu, Xin ; Yuan, Xing ; Boehme, Catharina C ; Ellner, Jerrold J ; Denkinger, Claudia M ; Dorman, Susan E ; Schumacher, Samuel G ; Alland, David ; Nabeta, Pamela ; Armstrong, Derek T ; King, Bonnie ; Hall, Sandra L ; Chakravorty, Soumitesh ; Cirillo, Daniela M ; Tukvadze, Nestani ; Bablishvili, Nino ; Stevens, Wendy ; Scott, Lesley ; Rodrigues, Camilla ; Kazi, Mubin I ; Joloba, Moses ; Nakiyingi, Lydia ; Nicol, Mark P ; Ghebrekristos, Yonas ; Anyango, Irene ; Murithi, Wilfred ; Dietze, Reynaldo ; Peres, Renata Lyrio ; Skrahina, Alena ; Auchynka, Vera ; Chopra, Kamal Kishore ; Hanif, Mahmud ; Liu, Xin ; Yuan, Xing ; Boehme, Catharina C ; Ellner, Jerrold J ; Denkinger, Claudia M ; Manabe, Yukari C ; Hom, David ; Aspindzelashvili, Rusudan ; David, Anura ; Surve, Utkarsha ; Kamulegeya, Louis Henry ; Nabweyambo, Sheila ; Surtie, Shireen ; Hapeela, Nchimunya ; Cain, Kevin P ; Agaya, Janet ; McCarthy, Kimberly D ; Marques-Rodrigues, Patricia ; Schmidt Castellani, Luiz Guilherme ; Almeida, Pedro Sousa ; de Aguiar, Paola Poloni Lobo ; Solodovnikova, Varvara ; Ruan, Xianglin ; Liang, Lili ; Zhang, Guolong ; Zhu, Hong ; Xie, Yingda
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2018-01, Vol.18 (1), p.76-84
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    Author / Creator:Coll, Francesc ; McNerney, Ruth ; Guerra-Assunção, José Afonso ; Glynn, Judith R. ; Perdigão, João ; Viveiros, Miguel ; Portugal, Isabel ; Pain, Arnab ; Martin, Nigel ; Clark, Taane G.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2014-09, Vol.5 (1), p.4812, Article 4812
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    Author / Creator:Walker, Timothy M, Dr ; Kohl, Thomas A, PhD ; Omar, Shaheed V, MSc ; Hedge, Jessica, PhD ; Del Ojo Elias, Carlos, MSc ; Bradley, Phelim, MPhil ; Iqbal, Zamin, DPhil ; Feuerriegel, Silke, PhD ; Niehaus, Katherine E, MS ; Wilson, Daniel J, DPhil ; Clifton, David A, DPhil ; Kapatai, Georgia, PhD ; Ip, Camilla L C, PhD ; Bowden, Rory, PhD ; Drobniewski, Francis A, PhD ; Allix-Béguec, Caroline, PhD ; Gaudin, Cyril, PhD ; Parkhill, Julian, PhD ; Diel, Roland, PhD ; Supply, Philip, PhD ; Crook, Derrick W, FRCPath ; Smith, E Grace, FRCPath ; Walker, A Sarah, PhD ; Ismail, Nazir, FCPath ; Niemann, Stefan, PhD ; Peto, Tim E A, FRCP
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2015-10, Vol.15 (10), p.1193-1202
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    Author / Creator:Walter, Nicholas D. ; Dolganov, Gregory M. ; Garcia, Benjamin J. ; Worodria, William ; Andama, Alfred ; Musisi, Emmanuel ; Ayakaka, Irene ; Van, Tran T. ; Voskuil, Martin I. ; de Jong, Bouke C. ; Davidson, Rebecca M. ; Fingerlin, Tasha E. ; Kechris, Katerina ; Palmer, Claire ; Nahid, Payam ; Daley, Charles L. ; Geraci, Mark ; Huang, Laurence ; Cattamanchi, Adithya ; Strong, Michael ; Schoolnik, Gary K. ; Davis, John Lucian
    Publisher:United States: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:The Journal of infectious diseases, 2015-09, Vol.212 (6), p.990-998
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    Author / Creator:Zak, Daniel E, PhD ; Penn-Nicholson, Adam, PhD ; Scriba, Thomas J, PhD ; Thompson, Ethan, PhD ; Suliman, Sara, PhD ; Amon, Lynn M, PhD ; Mahomed, Hassan, MD ; Erasmus, Mzwandile, BSc ; Whatney, Wendy, BScHons ; Hussey, Gregory D, Prof ; Abrahams, Deborah, DipMT ; Kafaar, Fazlin, DipNur ; Hawkridge, Tony, FCPHM ; Verver, Suzanne, PhD ; Hughes, E Jane, BScHons ; Ota, Martin, MD ; Sutherland, Jayne, PhD ; Howe, Rawleigh, MD ; Dockrell, Hazel M, Prof ; Boom, W Henry, Prof ; Thiel, Bonnie, MS ; Ottenhoff, Tom H M, Prof ; Mayanja-Kizza, Harriet, Prof ; Crampin, Amelia C, FFPHM ; Downing, Katrina, PhD ; Hatherill, Mark, MD ; Valvo, Joe, BS ; Shankar, Smitha, MS ; Parida, Shreemanta K, MD ; Kaufmann, Stefan H E, Prof ; Walzl, Gerhard, Prof ; Aderem, Alan, PhD ; Hanekom, Willem A, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-06, Vol.387 (10035), p.2312-2322
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    Author / Creator:Gygli, Sebastian M. ; Borrell, Sonia ; Trauner, Andrej ; Gagneux, Sebastien
    Publisher:England: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:FEMS microbiology reviews, 2017-05, Vol.41 (3), p.354-373
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    Author / Creator:Lange, Christoph ; Dheda, Keertan ; Chesov, Dumitru ; Mandalakas, Anna Maria ; Udwadia, Zarir ; Horsburgh, C Robert
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2019-09, Vol.394 (10202), p.953-966
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    Author / Creator:Moyo, Sizulu ; Ismail, Farzana ; Van der Walt, Martie ; Ismail, Nazir ; Mkhondo, Nkateko ; Dlamini, Sicelo ; Mthiyane, Thuli ; Chikovore, Jeremiah ; Oladimeji, Olanrewaju ; Mametja, David ; Maribe, Phaleng ; Seocharan, Ishen ; Ximiya, Phumlani ; Law, Irwin ; Tadolini, Marina ; Zuma, Khangelani ; Manda, Samuel ; Sismanidis, Charalambos ; Pillay, Yogan ; Mvusi, Lindiwe
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Science ;, The Lancet Pub. Group
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2022-08, Vol.22 (8), p.1172-1180
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    Author / Creator:Comas, Iñaki ; Coscolla, Mireia ; Luo, Tao ; Borrell, Sonia ; Holt, Kathryn E ; Kato-Maeda, Midori ; Parkhill, Julian ; Malla, Bijaya ; Berg, Stefan ; Thwaites, Guy ; Yeboah-Manu, Dorothy ; Bothamley, Graham ; Mei, Jian ; Wei, Lanhai ; Bentley, Stephen ; Harris, Simon R ; Niemann, Stefan ; Diel, Roland ; Aseffa, Abraham ; Gao, Qian ; Young, Douglas ; Gagneux, Sebastien
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2013-10, Vol.45 (10), p.1176-1182
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    Author / Creator:Meehan, Conor J. ; Goig, Galo A. ; Kohl, Thomas A. ; Verboven, Lennert ; Dippenaar, Anzaan ; Ezewudo, Matthew ; Farhat, Maha R. ; Guthrie, Jennifer L. ; Laukens, Kris ; Miotto, Paolo ; Ofori-Anyinam, Boatema ; Dreyer, Viola ; Supply, Philip ; Suresh, Anita ; Utpatel, Christian ; van Soolingen, Dick ; Zhou, Yang ; Ashton, Philip M. ; Brites, Daniela ; Cabibbe, Andrea M. ; de Jong, Bouke C. ; de Vos, Margaretha ; Menardo, Fabrizio ; Gagneux, Sebastien ; Gao, Qian ; Heupink, Tim H. ; Liu, Qingyun ; Loiseau, Chloé ; Rigouts, Leen ; Rodwell, Timothy C. ; Tagliani, Elisa ; Walker, Timothy M. ; Warren, Robin M. ; Zhao, Yanlin ; Zignol, Matteo ; Schito, Marco ; Gardy, Jennifer ; Cirillo, Daniela M. ; Niemann, Stefan ; Comas, Inaki ; Van Rie, Annelies
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature reviews. Microbiology, 2019-09, Vol.17 (9), p.533-545
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    Author / Creator:Gagneux, Sebastien
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature reviews. Microbiology, 2018-04, Vol.16 (4), p.202-213
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    Author / Creator:Yang, Chongguang, PhD ; Luo, Tao, PhD ; Shen, Xin, PhD ; Wu, Jie, MPH ; Gan, Mingyu, MSc ; Xu, Peng, PhD ; Wu, Zheyuan, MSc ; Lin, Senlin, MSc ; Tian, Jiyun, MSc ; Liu, Qingyun, PhD ; Yuan, ZhengAn, MSc ; Mei, Jian, PhD ; DeRiemer, Kathryn, PhD ; Gao, Qian, Dr
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2017-03, Vol.17 (3), p.275-284
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