2 results for Oren,+Ilana,+MD

2 results for Oren,+Ilana,+MD

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    Author / Creator:Maertens, Johan A, Prof ; Raad, Issam I, Prof ; Marr, Kieren A, Prof ; Patterson, Thomas F, Prof ; Kontoyiannis, Dimitrios P, Prof ; Cornely, Oliver A, Prof ; Bow, Eric J, Prof ; Rahav, Galia, Prof ; Neofytos, Dionysios, MD ; Aoun, Mickael, MD ; Baddley, John W, Prof ; Giladi, Michael, MD ; Heinz, Werner J, MD ; Herbrecht, Raoul, Prof ; Hope, William, Prof ; Karthaus, Meinolf, Prof ; Lee, Dong-Gun, Prof ; Lortholary, Olivier, Prof ; Morrison, Vicki A, Prof ; Oren, Ilana, MD ; Selleslag, Dominik, MD ; Shoham, Shmuel, MD ; Thompson, George R, MD ; Lee, Misun, PhD ; Maher, Rochelle M, MS ; Schmitt-Hoffmann, Anne-Hortense, PhD ; Zeiher, Bernhardt, MD ; Ullmann, Andrew J, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-02, Vol.387 (10020), p.760-769
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    Author / Creator:Marty, Francisco M, MD ; Ostrosky-Zeichner, Luis, MD ; Cornely, Oliver A, Prof ; Mullane, Kathleen M, DO ; Perfect, John R, MD ; Thompson, George R, MD ; Alangaden, George J, MD ; Brown, Janice M, MD ; Fredricks, David N, MD ; Heinz, Werner J, MD ; Herbrecht, Raoul, MD ; Klimko, Nikolai, MD ; Klyasova, Galina, Prof ; Maertens, Johan A, Prof ; Melinkeri, Sameer R, MD ; Oren, Ilana, MD ; Pappas, Peter G, MD ; Ráčil, Zdeněk, MD ; Rahav, Galia, MD ; Santos, Rodrigo, MD ; Schwartz, Stefan, MD ; Vehreschild, J Janne, MD ; Young, Jo-Anne H, MD ; Chetchotisakd, Ploenchan, MD ; Jaruratanasirikul, Sutep, MD ; Kanj, Souha S, MD ; Engelhardt, Marc, MD ; Kaufhold, Achim, MD ; Ito, Masanori, PhD ; Lee, Misun, PhD ; Sasse, Carolyn ; Maher, Rochelle M, MS ; Zeiher, Bernhardt, MD ; Vehreschild, Maria J G T, MD
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2016-07, Vol.16 (7), p.828-837
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