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硏究方法 : 步驟化學習指南 = Research methodology : a step-by-step guide for beginners / Ranjit Kumar著 ; 潘中道, 胡龍騰譯.
Yan jiu fang fa : bu zou hua xue xi zhi nan = Research methodology : a step-by-step guide for beginners / Ranjit Kumar zhu ; Pan Zhongdao, Hu Longteng yi.
Author / Creator:Kumar, Ranjit.
Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xue fu wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 2010. | 台北市 : 學富文化事業有限公司, 2010.
Edition:2 ban. | 2版.
Call Numbers:H 2013/1492
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