1,590 results for Pregnancy+Complications+-+drug+therapy

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    Author / Creator:Andreoli, L ; Bertsias, G K ; Agmon-Levin, N ; Brown, S ; Cervera, R ; Costedoat-Chalumeau, N ; Doria, A ; Fischer-Betz, R ; Forger, F ; Moraes-Fontes, M F ; Khamashta, M ; King, J ; Lojacono, A ; Marchiori, F ; Meroni, P L ; Mosca, M ; Motta, M ; Ostensen, M ; Pamfil, C ; Raio, L ; Schneider, M ; Svenungsson, E ; Tektonidou, M ; Yavuz, S ; Boumpas, D ; Tincani, A
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Limited
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2017-03, Vol.76 (3), p.476-485
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    Author / Creator:Tomson, Torbjörn ; Battino, Dina ; Craig, John ; Perucca, Emilio ; Sabers, Anne ; Vajda, Frank ; Faravelli, Francesca ; Pantaleoni, Chiara ; Cabral-Lim, Leonor ; Kälviäinen, Reetta ; Khomeriki, Ketevan ; Kiteva-Trencevska, Gordana ; Kochen, Silvia ; Martinez Ferri, Meritxell ; Milovanović, Maja ; Nakken, Karl Otto ; Neufeld, Miri ; Ohtani, Hideyuki ; Schmitz, Bettina ; Tettenborn, Barbara ; Yu, Hsiang-Yu ; Zarubova, Jana ; Albretsen, Claus ; Barzinji, Ismael ; Bohorquez Morera, Natalia ; Brodie, Martin J. ; Brodtkorb, Eylert ; Broglio, Laura ; Bruun Christensen, Elsebeth ; Bušek, Petr ; Cagnetti, Claudia ; Canevini, Maria Paola ; Carius, Astrid ; Castro Vilanova, Maria Dolores ; Cecconi, Michela ; Chang, T-Y ; Christensen, Jakob ; Dennig, Dieter ; Diputado, Brenda ; Ertresvåg, Janne Marit ; Escartin, Toni ; Flügel, Dominique ; Forsom Sondal, Birgitte ; Foschi, Nicoletta ; Franza, Albertina ; Fukushima, Katsuyuki ; Gambardella, Antonio ; Gauffin, Helena ; Gjerstad, Leif ; Gordon, Lisa ; Haggag, Katrine ; Halawa, Imad ; Heikinheimo-Connell, Terttu ; Hendgen, Tim ; Hertz, Zarouhi ; Hildenhagen, Odo ; Hogenesch, Ineke ; Huuse Farmen, Anette ; Inoue, Yushi ; Juhl, Stefan ; Kato, Masaaki ; Kenou Van Rijckevorssel, Germaine ; Kumlien, Eva ; Lasch, Theresa ; Lindsten, Hans ; Listonova, Renata ; Lossius, Rasmus ; Malmgren, Kristina ; Marečková, Iva ; Marino, Daniela ; Miesczanleh, Katarzyna ; Mizobuchi, Masahiro ; Mostacci, Barbara ; Müffelmann, Birgit ; Nilsson, Anders ; Oehl, Bernhard ; Osseforth, Judith ; Paggi, Aldo ; Pedersen, Birthe ; Petrenaite, Vaiva ; Pignatta, Pietro ; Pires, Isabel ; Pistelli, Alessandra ; Riuz Gimenez, Jesús Antonio ; Rocchi, Raffaele ; Rodam, Lone ; Roivainen, Reina ; Rytířová, Gisela ; Samsonsen, Christian ; Saukkonen, Anna Maija ; Sikiric, Alma ; Sopelana Garay, David ; Steinhoff, Bernhard ; Strandberg, Maria ; Tauboll, Erik ; Trivisano, Marina ; Turner, Katherine ; Worm, Mogens ; Zakharia, Elias ; Zambrelli, Elena
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2018-06, Vol.17 (6), p.530-538
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    Author / Creator:Götestam Skorpen, Carina ; Hoeltzenbein, Maria ; Tincani, Angela ; Fischer-Betz, Rebecca ; Elefant, Elisabeth ; Chambers, Christina ; da Silva, Josè ; Nelson-Piercy, Catherine ; Cetin, Irene ; Costedoat-Chalumeau, Nathalie ; Dolhain, Radboud ; Förger, Frauke ; Khamashta, Munther ; Ruiz-Irastorza, Guillermo ; Zink, Angela ; Vencovsky, Jiri ; Cutolo, Maurizio ; Caeyers, Nele ; Zumbühl, Claudia ; Østensen, Monika
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2016-05, Vol.75 (5), p.795-810
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    Author / Creator:Casey, Brian M ; Thom, Elizabeth A ; Peaceman, Alan M ; Varner, Michael W ; Sorokin, Yoram ; Hirtz, Deborah G ; Reddy, Uma M ; Wapner, Ronald J ; Thorp, Jr, John M ; Saade, George ; Tita, Alan T.N ; Rouse, Dwight J ; Sibai, Baha ; Iams, Jay D ; Mercer, Brian M ; Tolosa, Jorge ; Caritis, Steve N ; VanDorsten, J. Peter
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2017-03, Vol.376 (9), p.815-825
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    Author / Creator:Veroniki, Areti Angeliki ; Cogo, Elise ; Rios, Patricia ; Straus, Sharon E ; Finkelstein, Yaron ; Kealey, Ryan ; Reynen, Emily ; Soobiah, Charlene ; Thavorn, Kednapa ; Hutton, Brian ; Hemmelgarn, Brenda R ; Yazdi, Fatemeh ; D'Souza, Jennifer ; MacDonald, Heather ; Tricco, Andrea C
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central
    Journal title:BMC medicine, 2017-05, Vol.15 (1), p.95-20, Article 95
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    Author / Creator:Viale, Luz, MD ; Allotey, John, MSc ; Cheong-See, Fiona, MBBS ; Arroyo-Manzano, David, MSc ; Mccorry, Dougall, MD ; Bagary, Manny, PhD ; Mignini, Luciano, MD ; Khan, Khalid S, Prof ; Zamora, Javier, Prof ; Thangaratinam, Shakila, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2015-11, Vol.386 (10006), p.1845-1852
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    Author / Creator:Chappell, Lucy C ; Bell, Jennifer L ; Smith, Anne ; Linsell, Louise ; Juszczak, Edmund ; Dixon, Peter H ; Chambers, Jenny ; Hunter, Rachael ; Dorling, Jon ; Williamson, Catherine ; Thornton, Jim G ; Ahmed, Irshad ; Arya, Rita ; Beckett, Virginia ; Bhide, Amarnath ; Brown, Heather ; Bugg, George ; Cameron, Helen ; Deole, Nishigandh ; Dey, Madhuchanda ; Dwyer, James ; Fahel, Leila ; Gada, Ruta ; Girling, Joanna ; Haestier, Anna ; Hughes, Sean ; Indusekhar, Radha ; Jones, Bryony ; Khan, Rahila ; Kirkpatrick, Alison ; Knox, Ellen ; Lincoln, Karen ; MacDougall, Malcolm ; Majoko, Franz ; McIntyre, Karen ; Noori, Muna ; Oakley, Wendy ; Preston, Jane ; Ranka, Poornima ; Rashid, Mumtaz ; Salloum, Marwan ; Samyraju, Manjula ; Schram, Catharina ; Sen, Seema ; Stone, Sophia ; Tan, Bee
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2019-09, Vol.394 (10201), p.849-860
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    Author / Creator:Korevaar, Tim I. M. ; Medici, Marco ; Visser, Theo J. ; Peeters, Robin P.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature reviews. Endocrinology, 2017-10, Vol.13 (10), p.610-622
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    Author / Creator:Pennell, Page B ; French, Jacqueline A ; May, Ryan C ; Gerard, Elizabeth ; Kalayjian, Laura ; Penovich, Patricia ; Gedzelman, Evan ; Cavitt, Jennifer ; Hwang, Sean ; Pack, Alison M ; Sam, Maria ; Miller, John W ; Wilson, Steffanie H ; Brown, Carrie ; Birnbaum, Angela K ; Meador, Kimford J
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2020-12, Vol.383 (26), p.2547-2556
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    Author / Creator:Eudy, Amanda M ; Siega-Riz, Anna Maria ; Engel, Stephanie M ; Franceschini, Nora ; Howard, Annie Green ; Clowse, Megan E B ; Petri, Michelle
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Limited
    Journal title:Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2018-06, Vol.77 (6), p.855-860
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    Author / Creator:Maraka, Spyridoula ; Mwangi, Raphael ; McCoy, Rozalina G ; Yao, Xiaoxi ; Sangaralingham, Lindsey R ; Singh Ospina, Naykky M ; O’Keeffe, Derek T ; De Ycaza, Ana E Espinosa ; Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Rene ; Coddington, Charles C ; Stan, Marius N ; Brito, Juan P ; Montori, Victor M
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group LTD
    Journal title:BMJ (Online), 2017-01, Vol.356 (8090), p.i6865-i6865
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    Author / Creator:Roth, Daniel E ; Morris, Shaun K ; Zlotkin, Stanley ; Gernand, Alison D ; Ahmed, Tahmeed ; Shanta, Shaila S ; Papp, Eszter ; Korsiak, Jill ; Shi, Joy ; Islam, M. Munirul ; Jahan, Ishrat ; Keya, Farhana K ; Willan, Andrew R ; Weksberg, Rosanna ; Mohsin, Minhazul ; Rahman, Qazi S ; Shah, Prakesh S ; Murphy, Kellie E ; Stimec, Jennifer ; Pell, Lisa G ; Qamar, Huma ; Al Mahmud, Abdullah
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2018-08, Vol.379 (6), p.535-546
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    Author / Creator:Syngelaki, Argyro ; Nicolaides, Kypros H ; Balani, Jyoti ; Hyer, Steve ; Akolekar, Ranjit ; Kotecha, Reena ; Pastides, Alice ; Shehata, Hassan
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2016-02, Vol.374 (5), p.434-443
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    Author / Creator:Lefkou, Eleftheria ; Mamopoulos, Apostolos ; Dagklis, Themistoklis ; Vosnakis, Christos ; Rousso, David ; Girardi, Guillermina
    Publisher:United States: American Society for Clinical Investigation
    Journal title:The Journal of clinical investigation, 2016-08, Vol.126 (8), p.2933-2940
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    Author / Creator:Rodger, Marc A, Prof ; Gris, Jean-Christophe, Prof ; de Vries, Johanna I P, Prof ; Martinelli, Ida, MD ; Rey, Évelyne, MD ; Schleussner, Ekkehard, Prof ; Middeldorp, Saskia, Prof ; Kaaja, Risto, Prof ; Langlois, Nicole J, MSc ; Ramsay, Timothy, PhD ; Mallick, Ranjeeta, PhD ; Bates, Shannon M, Prof ; Abheiden, Carolien N H, MD ; Perna, Annalisa, MSc ; Petroff, David, PhD ; de Jong, Paulien, MD ; van Hoorn, Marion E, MD ; Bezemer, P Dick, PhD ; Mayhew, Alain D, MSc
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-11, Vol.388 (10060), p.2629-2641
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    Author / Creator:Hanem, Liv Guro Engen ; Stridsklev, Solhild ; Júlíusson, Pétur B ; Salvesen, Øyvind ; Roelants, Mathieu ; Carlsen, Sven M ; Ødegård, Rønnaug ; Vanky, Eszter
    Publisher:Washington, DC: Endocrine Society
    Journal title:The journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2018-04, Vol.103 (4), p.1612-1621
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    Author / Creator:Nusbaum, Julie S ; Mirza, Ibraheem ; Shum, Justine ; Freilich, Robert W ; Cohen, Rebecca E ; Pillinger, Michael H ; Izmirly, Peter M ; Buyon, Jill P
    Publisher:England: Frontline Medical Communications Inc
    Journal title:Mayo Clinic proceedings, 2020-02, Vol.95 (2), p.384-394
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    Author / Creator:Patorno, Elisabetta ; Huybrechts, Krista F ; Bateman, Brian T ; Cohen, Jacqueline M ; Desai, Rishi J ; Mogun, Helen ; Cohen, Lee S ; Hernandez-Diaz, Sonia
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2017-06, Vol.376 (23), p.2245-2254
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    Author / Creator:Meador, Kimford J, Prof ; Baker, Gus A, PhD ; Browning, Nancy, PhD ; Cohen, Morris J, EdD ; Bromley, Rebecca L, PhD ; Clayton-Smith, Jill, MD ; Kalayjian, Laura A, MD ; Kanner, Andres, MD ; Liporace, Joyce D, MD ; Pennell, Page B, MD ; Privitera, Michael, MD ; Loring, David W, PhD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2013-03, Vol.12 (3), p.244-252
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