3 results for Proceedings+of+the+Helminthological+Society+of+Washington

3 results for Proceedings+of+the+Helminthological+Society+of+Washington

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    Publisher:Urbana, Ill. : Henry B. Ward, 1914-
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    Publisher:Cambridge, Mass. : Moses King, 1883-New York, N.Y. : [publisher not identified], 1880-Washington, D.C. : American Association for the Advancement of Science.
    Call Numbers:TQ078927 , NQ506/11
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    Publisher:New York, N.Y. : [publisher not identified], 1880-Cambridge, Mass. : Science Company, Moses KingLancaster, Pa. : Science PressLancaster, Pa. : American Association for the Advancement of ScienceWashington, DC : American Association for the Advancement of Science