4,358 results for Qi,+Xin

4,358 results for Qi,+Xin

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    Chinese festivals / Qi Xin.

    Publisher:Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 2008.
    Edition:1st ed.
    Call Numbers:N394.26951/2
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    新刊奇妙全相註釋西廂記 : [5卷] / [王實甫撰].

    Xin kan qi miao quan xiang zhu shi Xi xiang ji : [5 juan] / [Wang Shifu zhuan].

    Author / Creator:Wang, Shifu, 1295-1307. | 王實甫, 1295-1307
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan : Xin hua shu dian zong jing shou, 1955, 1957 printing. | 上海 : 商務印書館 : 新華書店總經售, 1955, 1957 printing.
    Date:1955, 1957 printing.
    Call Numbers:SC/F129
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    Shang zhan wu qi. Xin shi ji Zhongguo zui jia shang zha...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    商战武器. 新世纪中国最佳商战案例解析 [sound recording] / 北京宏达以太文化髮展有 公司制作.

    Shang zhan wu qi. Xin shi ji Zhongguo zui jia shang zhan an li jie xi [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Wan fang shu ju dian zi chu ban she, [200-?]
    Edition:MP3 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/658/SHA
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    殷契摭佚續編 / 李亞農著.

    Yin qi zhi yi xu bian / Li Yanong zhu.

    Author / Creator:Li, Yanong.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo ke xue yuan, 1950.
    Call Numbers:SC/Q0117
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    Xiao qi e Xiku / (fa) Nike'er Sinitexilaer zhuan ; (pu)...

    小企鹅希库 / (法) 妮科尔 斯尼特希拉尔 撰 ; (葡)科拉莉 萨乌朵 绘 ; 鑫杰源 译.

    Xiao qi e Xiku / (fa) Nike'er Sinitexilaer zhuan ; (pu) Kelali Sawuduo hui ; Xin Jieyuan yi.

    Author / Creator:Snitselaar, Nicole, author.
    Publisher:Heifei : Anhui mei shu chu ban she, 2016. | 合肥 : 安徽美术出版社, 2016.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00810
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    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    過得好,因為我值得 : 用心靈的支點舉起全世界.

    Guo de hao, yin wei wo zhi de : yong xin ling de zhi dian ju qi quan shi jie.

    Author / Creator:Wu, Ruoquan author. | 吳若權
    Publisher:[Taiwan] Haodoo.net.
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    Freely accesible: Online.
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    Onmyōji nobunaga / Toki Nobuyoshi.

    陰陽師信長 / 土岐信吉.

    Onmyōji nobunaga / Toki Nobuyoshi.

    Author / Creator:Toki, Nobuyoshi, 1934- | 土岐信吉, 1934-
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Pīeichipīkenkyūjo, 2013. | 東京 : PHP研究所, 2013.
    Edition:Dai 1-han. | 第 1 版.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00986
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    中華民國海關進口稅稅則 : 自民國二十二年五月起施行: 本稅則數量單位及稅則自民國二十三年二月一日起改按新標準度量衡制計算= Customs export tariff of the Republic of China (1933) : showing rates effective from 1st February 1934, after conversion to metric system.

    Zhonghua Minguo hai guan jin kou shui shui ze : zi Minguo er shi er nian wu yue qi shi xing : ben shui ze shu liang dan wei ji shui ze zi Minguo er shi san nian er yue yi ri qi gai an xin biao zhun du...

    Author / Creator:China. Hai guan zong shui wu si shu. | China. 海關總稅務司署
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai zong shui wu si shu tong ji ke, 1933. | 上海 : 上海總稅務司署統計科, 1933.
    Call Numbers:T0210916
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    新女苑. 第七巻 第十一號

    Shinjōen. Dai nanakan, dai jūichigō.

    Publisher:[Japan] : [Publisher not identified], Shōwa 18 [1943].
    Call Numbers:H 2020/2141
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    Siqi mi ma : cai zhuang xin shi dai = The beauty of mak...

    絲棋密碼 : 彩妝新世代 = The beauty of make-up code / [游絲棋著].

    Siqi mi ma : cai zhuang xin shi dai = The beauty of make-up code / [You Siqi zhu].

    Author / Creator:You, Siqi. | 游絲棋
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Lian he wen xue chu ban she you xian gong si, 2010. | 台北市 : 聯合文學出版社有限公司, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/646.7/YOU
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    Otoko no byōki shinjōshiki / Itō Shun'ya.

    オトコの病気新常識 / 伊藤隼也.

    Otoko no byōki shinjōshiki / Itō Shun'ya.

    Author / Creator:Itō, Shun'ya. | 伊藤隼也
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kōdansha, 2011. | 東京 : 講談社, 2011.
    Call Numbers:JPN/613/ITO
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