89 results for Rasheed,+Asif

89 results for Rasheed,+Asif

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    Author / Creator:Imamura, Minako ; Takahashi, Atsushi ; Yamauchi, Toshimasa ; Hara, Kazuo ; Yasuda, Kazuki ; Grarup, Niels ; Zhao, Wei ; Wang, Xu ; Huerta-Chagoya, Alicia ; Hu, Cheng ; Moon, Sanghoon ; Long, Jirong ; Kwak, Soo Heon ; Rasheed, Asif ; Saxena, Richa ; Ma, Ronald C. W. ; Okada, Yukinori ; Iwata, Minoru ; Hosoe, Jun ; Shojima, Nobuhiro ; Iwasaki, Minaka ; Fujita, Hayato ; Suzuki, Ken ; Danesh, John ; Jørgensen, Torben ; Jørgensen, Marit E. ; Witte, Daniel R. ; Brandslund, Ivan ; Christensen, Cramer ; Hansen, Torben ; Mercader, Josep M. ; Flannick, Jason ; Moreno-Macías, Hortensia ; Burtt, Noël P. ; Zhang, Rong ; Kim, Young Jin ; Zheng, Wei ; Singh, Jai Rup ; Tam, Claudia H. T. ; Hirose, Hiroshi ; Maegawa, Hiroshi ; Ito, Chikako ; Kaku, Kohei ; Watada, Hirotaka ; Tanaka, Yasushi ; Tobe, Kazuyuki ; Kawamori, Ryuzo ; Kubo, Michiaki ; Cho, Yoon Shin ; Chan, Juliana C. N. ; Sanghera, Dharambir ; Frossard, Philippe ; Park, Kyong Soo ; Shu, Xiao-Ou ; Kim, Bong-Jo ; Florez, Jose C. ; Tusié-Luna, Teresa ; Jia, Weiping ; Tai, E Shyong ; Pedersen, Oluf ; Saleheen, Danish ; Maeda, Shiro ; Kadowaki, Takashi
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2016-01, Vol.7 (1), p.10531-10531, Article 10531
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    Author / Creator:Kooner, Jaspal S ; Saleheen, Danish ; Sim, Xueling ; Sehmi, Joban ; Zhang, Weihua ; Frossard, Philippe ; Been, Latonya F ; Chia, Kee-Seng ; Dimas, Antigone S ; Hassanali, Neelam ; Jafar, Tazeen ; Jowett, Jeremy B M ; Li, Xinzhong ; Radha, Venkatesan ; Rees, Simon D ; Takeuchi, Fumihiko ; Young, Robin ; Aung, Tin ; Basit, Abdul ; Chidambaram, Manickam ; Das, Debashish ; Grundberg, Elin ; Hedman, Åsa K ; Hydrie, Zafar I ; Islam, Muhammed ; Khor, Chiea-Chuen ; Kowlessur, Sudhir ; Kristensen, Malene M ; Liju, Samuel ; Lim, Wei-Yen ; Matthews, David R ; Liu, Jianjun ; Morris, Andrew P ; Nica, Alexandra C ; Pinidiyapathirage, Janani M ; Prokopenko, Inga ; Rasheed, Asif ; Samuel, Maria ; Shah, Nabi ; Shera, A Samad ; Small, Kerrin S ; Suo, Chen ; Wickremasinghe, Ananda R ; Wong, Tien Yin ; Yang, Mingyu ; Zhang, Fan ; Abecasis, Goncalo R ; Barnett, Anthony H ; Caulfield, Mark ; Deloukas, Panos ; Frayling, Timothy M ; Froguel, Philippe ; Kato, Norihiro ; Katulanda, Prasad ; Kelly, M Ann ; Liang, Junbin ; Mohan, Viswanathan ; Sanghera, Dharambir K ; Scott, James ; Seielstad, Mark ; Zimmet, Paul Z ; Elliott, Paul ; Teo, Yik Ying ; McCarthy, Mark I ; Danesh, John ; Tai, E Shyong ; Chambers, John C
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2011-10, Vol.43 (10), p.984-989
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    Author / Creator:Wall, Jeffrey D. ; Sathirapongsasuti, J. Fah ; Gupta, Ravi ; Rasheed, Asif ; Venkatesan, Radha ; Belsare, Saurabh ; Menon, Ramesh ; Phalke, Sameer ; Mittal, Anuradha ; Fang, John ; Tanneeru, Deepak ; Deshmukh, Manjari ; Bassi, Akshi ; Robinson, Jacqueline ; Chaudhary, Ruchi ; Murugan, Sakthivel ; ul-Asar, Zameer ; Saleem, Imran ; Ishtiaq, Unzila ; Fatima, Areej ; Sheikh, Saqib Shafi ; Hameed, Shahid ; Ishaq, Mohammad ; Rasheed, Syed Zahed ; Memon, Fazal-ur-Rehman ; Jalal, Anjum ; Abbas, Shahid ; Frossard, Philippe ; Fuchsberger, Christian ; Forer, Lukas ; Schoenherr, Sebastian ; Bei, Qixin ; Bhangale, Tushar ; Tom, Jennifer ; Gadde, Santosh Gopi Krishna ; B V, Priya ; Naik, Naveen Kumar ; Wang, Minxian ; Kwok, Pui-Yan ; Khera, Amit V. ; Lakshmi, B. R. ; Butterworth, Adam S. ; Chowdhury, Rajiv ; Danesh, John ; di Angelantonio, Emanuele ; Naheed, Aliya ; Goyal, Vinay ; Kandadai, Rukmini M. ; Kumar, Hrishikesh ; Borgohain, Rupam ; Mukherjee, Adreesh ; Wadia, Pettarusp M. ; Yadav, Ravi ; Desai, Soaham ; Kumar, Niraj ; Biswas, Atanu ; Pal, Pramod Kumar ; Muthane, Uday B. ; Das, Shymal K. ; Ramprasad, Vedam L. ; Kukkle, Prashanth L. ; Seshagiri, Somasekar ; Kathiresan, Sekar ; Ghosh, Arkasubhra ; Mohan, V. ; Saleheen, Danish ; Stawiski, Eric W. ; Peterson, Andrew S.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2023-06, Vol.14 (1), p.3377-3377, Article 3377
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    Author / Creator:Harshfield, Eric L ; Fauman, Eric B ; Stacey, David ; Paul, Dirk S ; Ziemek, Daniel ; Ong, Rachel M Y ; Danesh, John ; Butterworth, Adam S ; Rasheed, Asif ; Sattar, Taniya ; Zameer-Ul-Asar ; Saleem, Imran ; Hina, Zoubia ; Ishtiaq, Unzila ; Qamar, Nadeem ; Mallick, Nadeem Hayat ; Yaqub, Zia ; Saghir, Tahir ; Rizvi, Syed Nadeem Hasan ; Memon, Anis ; Ishaq, Mohammad ; Rasheed, Syed Zahed ; Memon, Fazal-Ur-Rehman ; Jalal, Anjum ; Abbas, Shahid ; Frossard, Philippe ; Saleheen, Danish ; Wood, Angela M ; Griffin, Julian L ; Koulman, Albert
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:BMC medicine, 2021-09, Vol.19 (1), p.232-17, Article 232
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    Author / Creator:Rodriguez-Flores, Juan Lorenzo ; Khalid, Shareef ; Parikshak, Neelroop ; Rasheed, Asif ; Ye, Bin ; Kapoor, Manav ; Backman, Joshua ; Sepehrband, Farshid ; Gioia, Silvio Alessandro Di ; Gelfman, Sahar ; De, Tanima ; Banerjee, Nilanjana ; Sharma, Deepika ; Martinez, Hector ; Castaneda, Sofia ; D’Ambrosio, David ; Zhang, Xingmin A. ; Xun, Pengcheng ; Tsai, Ellen ; Tsai, I-Chun ; Khan, Maleeha Zaman ; Jahanzaib, Muhammad ; Mian, Muhammad Rehan ; Liaqat, Muhammad Bilal ; Mahmood, Khalid ; Salam, Tanvir Us ; Hussain, Muhammad ; Iqbal, Javed ; Aslam, Faizan ; Cantor, Michael N. ; Tzoneva, Gannie ; Overton, John ; Marchini, Jonathan ; Reid, Jeffrey G. ; Baras, Aris ; Verweij, Niek ; Lotta, Luca A. ; Coppola, Giovanni ; Karalis, Katia ; Economides, Aris ; Fazio, Sergio ; Liedtke, Wolfgang ; Danesh, John ; Kamal, Ayeesha ; Frossard, Philippe ; Coleman, Thomas ; Shuldiner, Alan R. ; Saleheen, Danish
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2024-09, Vol.15 (1), p.8029-14, Article 8029
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    Author / Creator:Iqbal, Muhammad Nouman ; Muhammad Omar Rathore ; Javaid Iqbal Niazi ; Asif Rasheed ; Shafkat Hussain
    Publisher:Rawalpindi: Knowledge Bylanes
    Journal title:Pakistan Armed Forces medical journal, 2024-08, Vol.74 (4), p.906-910
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    Author / Creator:Gurtan, Allan ; Dominy, John ; Khalid, Shareef ; Vong, Linh ; Caplan, Shari ; Currie, Treeve ; Richards, Sean ; Lamarche, Lindsey ; Denning, Daniel ; Shpektor, Diana ; Gurinovich, Anastasia ; Rasheed, Asif ; Hameed, Shahid ; Saeed, Subhan ; Saleem, Imran ; Jalal, Anjum ; Abbas, Shahid ; Sultana, Raffat ; Rasheed, Syed Zahed ; Memon, Fazal-Ur-Rehman ; Shah, Nabi ; Ishaq, Mohammad ; Khera, Amit V ; Danesh, John ; Frossard, Philippe ; Saleheen, Danish
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS genetics, 2022-04, Vol.18 (4), p.e1010093
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    Author / Creator:Ahmed, Syed Adeel ; Khan, Habib Ullah ; Khan, Awais Ali ; Hussain, Zahid ; Rasheed, Asif ; Shamim, Babar
    Publisher:Rawalpindi: Knowledge Bylanes
    Journal title:Pakistan Armed Forces medical journal, 2024-06, Vol.74 (3), p.794-798
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    Author / Creator:Rasheed, Muhammad Asif ; Iqbal, Muhammad Nasir ; Saddick, Salina ; Ali, Iqra ; Khan, Falak Sher ; Kanwal, Sumaira ; Ahmed, Dawood ; Ibrahim, Muhammad ; Afzal, Umara ; Awais, Muhammad
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Life (Basel, Switzerland), 2021-01, Vol.11 (2), p.77
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    Author / Creator:Cole, John W ; Xu, Huichun ; Ryan, Kathleen ; Jaworek, Thomas ; Dueker, Nicole ; McArdle, Patrick ; Gaynor, Brady ; Cheng, Yu-Ching ; O'Connell, Jeffrey ; Bevan, Steve ; Malik, Rainer ; Ahmed, Naveed Uddin ; Amouyel, Philippe ; Anjum, Sheraz ; Bis, Joshua C ; Crosslin, David ; Danesh, John ; Engelter, Stefan T ; Fornage, Myriam ; Frossard, Philippe ; Gieger, Christian ; Giese, Anne-Katrin ; Grond-Ginsbach, Caspar ; Ho, Weang Kee ; Holliday, Elizabeth ; Hopewell, Jemma ; Hussain, M ; Iqbal, W ; Jabeen, S ; Jannes, Jim ; Kamal, Ayeesha ; Kamatani, Yoichiro ; Kanse, Sandip ; Kloss, Manja ; Lathrop, Mark ; Leys, Didier ; Lindgren, Arne ; Longstreth, Jr, W T ; Mahmood, Khalid ; Meisinger, Christa ; Metso, Tiina M ; Mosley, Jr, Thomas ; Müller-Nurasyid, Martina ; Norrving, Bo ; Parati, Eugenio ; Peters, Annette ; Pezzini, Alessandro ; Quereshi, I ; Rasheed, Asif ; Rauf, A ; Salam, T ; Shen, Jess ; Słowik, Agnieszka ; Stanne, Tara ; Strauch, Konstantin ; Tatlisumak, Turgut ; Thijs, Vincent N ; Tiedt, Steffen ; Traylor, Matthew ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Walters, Matthew ; Zhao, Wei ; Boncoraglio, Giorgio ; Debette, Stéphanie ; Jern, Christina ; Levi, Christopher ; Markus, Hugh ; Meschia, James ; Rolfs, Arndt ; Rothwell, Peter ; Saleheen, Danish ; Seshadri, Sudha ; Sharma, Pankaj ; Sudlow, Cathie ; Worrall, Bradford ; Stine, O Colin ; Kittner, Steven J ; Mitchell, Braxton D
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PloS one, 2018-11, Vol.13 (11), p.e0206554
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    Author / Creator:Ejaz, Memoona ; Khan, Habibullah ; Mushtaq, Junaid ; Safdar, Kaleem ; Bangash, Khurshid Ali ; Farooq, Umer ; Tashfeen, Ahmed ; Ahmed, Ali ; Ahmed, Zeeshan ; Rasheed, Asif ; Hashmi, Fasih
    Publisher:Rawalpindi: Knowledge Bylanes
    Journal title:Pakistan Armed Forces medical journal, 2023-04, Vol.73 (2), p.489-93
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    Author / Creator:Mustafa, Areeqa ; Ibrahim, Muhammad ; Rasheed, Muhammad Asif ; Kanwal, Sumaira ; Hussain, Annam ; Sami, Asma ; Ahmed, Raza ; Bo, Zhu
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Scientific reports, 2020-05, Vol.10 (1), p.8150-8150, Article 8150
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    Author / Creator:Ali, Iqra ; Rasheed, Muhammad Asif ; Cavalu, Simona ; Rahim, Kashif ; Ijaz, Sana ; Yahya, Galal ; Goh, Lucky Poh Wah ; Popoviciu, Mihaela Simona
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Biomedicines, 2023-03, Vol.11 (3), p.793
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    Author / Creator:Saleheen, Danish ; Zaidi, Moazzam ; Rasheed, Asif ; Ahmad, Usman ; Hakeem, Abdul ; Murtaza, Muhammed ; Kayani, Waleed ; Faruqui, Azhar ; Kundi, Assadullah ; Zaman, Khan Shah ; Yaqoob, Zia ; Cheema, Liaquat Ali ; Samad, Abdus ; Rasheed, Syed Zahed ; Mallick, Nadeem Hayat ; Azhar, Muhammad ; Jooma, Rashid ; Gardezi, Ali Raza ; Memon, Nazir ; Ghaffar, Abdul ; Fazal-ur-Rehman ; Khan, Nadir ; Shah, Nabi ; Shah, Asad Ali ; Samuel, Maria ; Hanif, Farina ; Yameen, Madiha ; Naz, Sobia ; Sultana, Aisha ; Nazir, Aisha ; Raza, Shehzad ; Shazad, Muhammad ; Nasim, Sana ; Javed, Muhammad Ahsan ; Ali, Syed Saadat ; Jafree, Mehmood ; Nisar, Muhammad Imran ; Daood, Muhammad Salman ; Hussain, Altaf ; Sarwar, Nadeem ; Kamal, Ayeesha ; Deloukas, Panos ; Ishaq, Muhammad ; Frossard, Philippe ; Danesh, John
    Publisher:Dordrecht: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands
    Journal title:European journal of epidemiology, 2009-06, Vol.24 (6), p.329-338
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    Author / Creator:Kamal, Ayeesha Kamran ; Itrat, Ahmed ; Murtaza, Muhammed ; Khan, Maria ; Rasheed, Asif ; Ali, Amin ; Akber, Amna ; Akber, Zainab ; Iqbal, Naved ; Shoukat, Sana ; Majeed, Farzin ; Saleheen, Danish
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:BMC neurology, 2009-12, Vol.9 (1), p.58-58, Article 58
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    Author / Creator:Rasheed, Muhammad Asif ; Kanwal, Sumaira ; Jamil, Farrukh ; Ibrahim, Muhammad ; Perveen, Shazia
    Publisher:Pakistan: Knowledge Bylanes
    Journal title:Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2020-12, Vol.70 (12(B)), p.2342-11
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    Author / Creator:Zubair, Muhammad ; Wang, Jia ; Yu, Yanfei ; Rasheed, Muhammad Asif ; Faisal, Muhammad ; Dawood, Ali Sobhy ; Ashraf, Muhammad ; Shao, Guoqing ; Feng, Zhixin ; Xiong, Qiyan
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Veterinary sciences, 2023-09, Vol.10 (9), p.557
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    Author / Creator:Rasheed, Muhammad Asif ; Raza, Sohail ; Alonazi, Wadi B. ; Ashraf, Muhammad Adnan ; Navid, Muhammad Tariq ; Aslam, Irfana ; Iqbal, Muhammad Nasir ; Rahman, Sarfraz Ur ; Riaz, Muhammad Ilyas
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Microorganisms (Basel), 2023-09, Vol.11 (9), p.2282
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    Author / Creator:Shah, Mian Qaiser Ali ; Rasheed, Muhammad Asif ; Sarwar, Shakil ; Naz, Aneeqa ; Sakhi, Zartash Ahmed
    Publisher:Rawalpindi: Knowledge Bylanes
    Journal title:Pakistan Armed Forces medical journal, 2018-08, Vol.68 (4), p.812-817
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    Author / Creator:Vujkovic, Marijana ; Keaton, Jacob M. ; Lynch, Julie A. ; Miller, Donald R. ; Zhou, Jin ; Tcheandjieu, Catherine ; Huffman, Jennifer E. ; Assimes, Themistocles L. ; Lorenz, Kimberly ; Zhu, Xiang ; Hilliard, Austin T. ; Judy, Renae L. ; Huang, Jie ; Lee, Kyung M. ; Klarin, Derek ; Pyarajan, Saiju ; Danesh, John ; Melander, Olle ; Rasheed, Asif ; Mallick, Nadeem H. ; Hameed, Shahid ; Qureshi, Irshad H. ; Afzal, Muhammad Naeem ; Malik, Uzma ; Jalal, Anjum ; Abbas, Shahid ; Sheng, Xin ; Gao, Long ; Kaestner, Klaus H. ; Susztak, Katalin ; Sun, Yan V. ; DuVall, Scott L. ; Cho, Kelly ; Lee, Jennifer S. ; Gaziano, J. Michael ; Phillips, Lawrence S. ; Meigs, James B. ; Reaven, Peter D. ; Wilson, Peter W. ; Edwards, Todd L. ; Rader, Daniel J. ; Damrauer, Scott M. ; O’Donnell, Christopher J. ; Tsao, Philip S. ; Chang, Kyong-Mi ; Voight, Benjamin F. ; Saleheen, Danish
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2020-07, Vol.52 (7), p.680-691
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