3 results for Reiman,+Eric+M,+Prof

3 results for Reiman,+Eric+M,+Prof

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    Author / Creator:Clark, Christopher M, MD ; Pontecorvo, Michael J, Dr ; Beach, Thomas G, MD ; Bedell, Barry J, MD ; Coleman, R Edward, Prof ; Doraiswamy, P Murali, Prof ; Fleisher, Adam S, MD ; Reiman, Eric M, Prof ; Sabbagh, Marwan N, MD ; Sadowsky, Carl H, Prof ; Schneider, Julie A, MD ; Arora, Anupa, MD ; Carpenter, Alan P, PhD ; Flitter, Matthew L, BA ; Joshi, Abhinay D, MS ; Krautkramer, Michael J, BS ; Lu, Ming, MS ; Mintun, Mark A, MD ; Skovronsky, Daniel M, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2012-08, Vol.11 (8), p.669-678
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    Author / Creator:Reiman, Eric M, Prof Dr ; Quiroz, Yakeel T, MA ; Fleisher, Adam S, MD ; Chen, Kewei, PhD ; Velez-Pardo, Carlos, PhD ; Jimenez-Del-Rio, Marlene, PhD ; Fagan, Anne M, PhD ; Shah, Aarti R, MSc ; Alvarez, Sergio, MD ; Arbelaez, Andrés, MD ; Giraldo, Margarita, MD ; Acosta-Baena, Natalia, MD ; Sperling, Reisa A, MD ; Dickerson, Brad, MD ; Stern, Chantal E, DPhil ; Tirado, Victoria, MSc ; Munoz, Claudia, BA ; Reiman, Rebecca A, BA ; Huentelman, Matthew J, PhD ; Alexander, Gene E, Prof ; Langbaum, Jessica BS, PhD ; Kosik, Kenneth S, Prof ; Tariot, Pierre N, MD ; Lopera, Francisco, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2012-12, Vol.11 (12), p.1048-1056
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    Author / Creator:Fleisher, Adam S, Dr ; Chen, Kewei, PhD ; Quiroz, Yakeel T, MA ; Jakimovich, Laura J, RN ; Gomez, Madelyn Gutierrez, BA ; Langois, Carolyn M, BA ; Langbaum, Jessica BS, PhD ; Ayutyanont, Napatkamon, PhD ; Roontiva, Auttawut, MSc ; Thiyyagura, Pradeep, MSc ; Lee, Wendy, MSc ; Mo, Hua, MSc ; Lopez, Liliana, BA ; Moreno, Sonia, MSc ; Acosta-Baena, Natalia, MD ; Giraldo, Margarita, MD ; Garcia, Gloria, MSc ; Reiman, Rebecca A, BA ; Huentelman, Matthew J, PhD ; Kosik, Kenneth S, MD ; Tariot, Pierre N, Prof ; Lopera, Francisco, Prof ; Reiman, Eric M, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Lancet neurology, 2012-12, Vol.11 (12), p.1057-1065
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