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游泳不是靠泳裤! : 幽默的外婆 智慧的外婆 / 岛田洋七著 ; 秦好史郎绘 ; 黄锐译.
You yong bu shi kao yong ku! : you mo de wai po zhi hui de wai po / Daotian Yangqi zhu ; Qin Haoshilang hui ; Huang Rui yi.
Author / Creator:Shimada, Yōshichi, 1950-, author. | 岛田洋七, 1950-, author
Publisher:Beijing Shi : Xin xing chu ban she, 2018. | 北京市 : 新星出版社, 2018.
Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
Call Numbers:CHI/J/00765
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